Reachability hangs application - iphone

Currently i am following thread to check wheather my internet is active or not in my application, but as it is taking time to give the response ,so this will freeze my UI.
So is there any way to implement it without freezing UI(like NSOperation).

If the internet is indeed down, it takes time. It is limitation of Apple's API. We have to live with it or put a timer to cancel the operation after 30 secs or so. But if a genuine response especially via GPRS takes more than 30 secs, you will be canceling that too if you put timer condition.

Alternatively, you could check for internet status asynchronously and display an ActivityIndicator or similar in the main thread. This means that you create a new thread which will run parallel with your main thread (in your case, the GUI that are freezing).


How NSOperation handle network connection loss while downloading huge data?

In my app created NSOperationQueue of NSOperation to download multiple images in background.I wanted to know what will happen if network connection is lost while downloading data.Whether all those are operations which are still in queue are marked as finished and removed from queue or will remain in queue and again start downloading process when network is established again or something else?
Can anyone explain how NSOperationQueue works in such scenario?
Thanks in advance!
The current NSOperation will continue with whatever logic is left when it receives the failure signal, and then terminate as normal, causing the NSOperationQueue to begin running the next NSOperation. If the internet still isn't back, it'll fail as well, and will just keep moving through the queue whether the network re-connects or not, failing all the connections unless the network reconnects.
There's probably quite a few different ways to handle this, because there's a lot to consider. For instance, you could put some logic in your code to mark an NSOperation as unsuccessful if it fails due to a network drop-out, and re-add failed NSOperations back into the queue. However, what if the network stays down for ages? Would your implementation be okay to keep trying to download images forever, or should you only let it re-try a particular file download a few times before giving up until the next time that feature is used?
You could also use a series of network reachability checks, such as before an NSOperation is added to the queue, before the NSOperation itself launches the NSURLConnection, etc. Should it fail you could have the NSOperation wait around until the network is re-connected and continue. (It's not ideal to do that, but because you're running it on a background thread it won't freeze the app's interface for the user at least).
If you wanted to, you could even implement the functionality you asked about in your question. That is, upon a network drop-out, cancelling all remaining operations in the NSOperationQueue, informing the user they'll have to re-try when the net comes back on. Then the next time the feature is called, re-add all those remaining NSOperations.

App stops responding to user input whilst task is ongoing. Any way to prevent this?

When it gets to a certain line of code in Flite, it takes about 2 minutes to get through that line, converting what's written into text-to-speech to be played back.
During this process, the app stops responding to any user input, dealing with it once it's finished with the code from Flite. Obviously this is an inconvenience. Is there any way to prevent it?
You should do any long processing in a background thread, not in the UI run loop, using something like NSOperationQueue, plus a completion callback to inform the UI when the processing is done.

Can I use a continuous background thread to update the iPhone UI without using NSTimer?

Let's say that if I read from, I get a random number. In my iPhone app, I want to be able to continuously read from that address and display the new number on the screen after each request is finished. Let's also assume that I want this process to start as soon as the view loads. Lastly, as a side-note, I'm using ASIHTTPRequest to simplify the web requests.
Approach 1: In my viewDidLoad method I could synchronously read from the URL in a loop (execution will not continue until I get a response from the HTTP request). Pros: the requests are serial and I have full control to respond to each one. Cons: the UI never gets updated because I never exit the function and give control back to the run time loop. Clearly, this is not a good solution.
Approach 2: In my viewDidLoad method I create a timer which calls a fetchURL function once per second. Pros: each request is in a separate thread, and the UI updates after each request is finished. Cons: the requests are in separate threads, and cannot be controlled well. For example, if there is a connection timeout on the first request, I want to be able to display an error popup, and not have any further requests happen until settings are changed. However, with this approach, if it takes 3 seconds to timeout, two additional requests will have already been started in that time. If I just slow down the timer, then data comes in too slowly when the connection is working well.
It seems like there should be some approach which would merge the benefits of the first two approaches I mentioned. I would like a way that I could decide whether on not to send the next request based on the result of the previous request.
Approach 3: I considered using a timer which fires more quickly (say every .25 seconds), but have the timer's function check a flag to see what to do next. So, if the previous request has finished, it sends a new request (unless there was an error). Otherwise, if the previous request has not finished, the timer's function returns without sending a new request. By firing this timer more quickly, you would get better response time, but the flag would let me get the synchronization I wanted.
It seems like Approach 3 would do what I want, but it also seems a little forced. Does anyone have a suggestion for a better approach to this, or is something like Approach 3 the best way to do it?
You could do this using GCD with less code and using fewer resources. This is how you could do it:
In viewDidLoad call a block asynchronously (using dispatch_async) that does the following:
Load the data with a synchronous call and handle timeouts if it failed.
If successful, inform the main thread to update the UI.
Queue a new block to run after a delay that does the same thing (using dispatch_after).
To call back to the main thread from another thread I can think of these methods:
If you want to update a custom view, you can set setNeedsDisplay from your block
Otherwise, you could queue a block on what's called "main queue", which is a queue running on the main thread. You get this queue by calling dispatch_get_main_queue. and then treat it like any other queue (for example you can add your block by calling dispatch_async).
If you don't want to use blocks you can use the NSObject's performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: method.
See GCD Reference for more details.
That said, you should never keep performing small requests so frequently (unless for specific tasks like fetching game data or something). It will severely reduce battery life by keeping antenna from sleeping.
I believe an NSOperation is what you need. Use the number 1 solution above, but place the code in your NSOperation's main method. Something like this:
The .h file
#interface MyRandomNumberFetcher : NSOperation {
The .m file
#implementation MyRandomNumberFetcher
- (void) main {
// This is where you start the web service calls.
I'd also recommend adding a reference to the UI controller so your operation queue class can call it back when it's appropriate.
Here's another suggestion. Create an NSOperationQueue that will run your requests on a different thread. If you find you need to refresh the UI call performSelectorOnMainThread. When the request completes create another request and add it to the queue. Set the queue to run only one action at a time.
This way you'll never have two requests running at the same time.

iphone app photo upload to server from app threads

I have an app that needs to upload a least 5 photos to a server using API call available with the server. For that I am planning to use threads which will take care of photo upload and the main process can go on with the navigation of views etc. What I cant decide is whether it is OK to spawn five separate threads in iphone or use a single thread that will do the upload. In the later cases obviously it will become quite slow.
Basically an HTTP POST request will be made to the server with the NSMutableURLRequest object using NSCOnnection.
More threads mean more complexity and sync issues, but I can try to write code as neat as possible if it means better performance than a single thread which is simple but is a real stopper if performance is considered.
Anybody with any experience in this kinda app. ??
I would suggest using one extra thread and queuing the uploads, one after the other. You'll end up clogging the network interfaces if you try 5 uploads concurrently. Remember that the iPhone will often be on a 3G or even EDGE connection, not always WiFi, so photo uploads can be really slow, and even slower if there are 5 at once.
You could probably benefit from using NSOperation and NSOperationQueue to nicely handle the ugly threading for you. Wrap up an upload process into an NSOperation, and then queue 5 of them for each image. Should work quite nicely.
Jasarien thanks for the bit on NSOperation and NSOperationQueue. It did simplyify in great measure. But right now I hve run into a major issue.
I spawn an extra thread from the main thread. This thread queues up each of the picture upload operation. So this thread queues up 5 picture opload operations in a queue. This is absolutely fine when working with Mac PC. Now when I push the app to the device, only one pic upload is successful and the rest fails. Most of the cases of failure are due to server time out error. So basically I am wondering, whether NSOperationQueue ensure only one operation at a time or not ? I mean if the first pic upload is in progress and say the next operation is already added in the queue. Would it create an extra thread for the second operation too while the first one is running ? I think as the name suggests, it must wait in the queue until the previous one is done. Not sure how to go abt doing it. I am uploading pic which are taken with iphone camera.

Send Network Message When iPhone Application is Closed

My iPhone application supports a proprietary network protocol using the CocoaAsyncSocket library. I need to be able to send a network message out when my iPhone application is closed. The code that sends the message is getting called from the app delegate, but the application shuts down before the message actually goes out. Is there a way to keep the application alive long enough for the message to go out?
The docs from Apple don't specifically state this, but the sense I get from looking around the Web and from personal experience is that you have about 4 to 5 seconds after the user hits the Home button to shut your app before your application actually terminates. The iPhone OS is controlling this so you can't block the termination to allow your program to finish first. Basically when your time is up, your program is killed.
There may be another solution, though. First I'd confirm that your code is really taking more than 5 seconds to run. Perhaps you can have it run in response to a button tap, and time how long it runs. If it is more than 5 seconds, you probably are running into this time out issue.
You might then find a way to trigger a message to be sent from a server that is always running. You should have enough time to trigger a remote action, which in turn could then take as long as it needs to run.
Or perhaps you could save the vital information to the iPhone file system on exit, and send that message the next time someone starts the application, which should theoretically give you enough time.
Hope this helps!
I assume you're already calling it from your AppDelegate's:
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
But as you've discovered there's no guarantee it'll be called or will be allowed to finish. There are a few options that may or may not work depending on what you're trying to do:
If you need the server to perform some sort of cleaning operation triggered by when the client app is gone then you could try watching for TCP socket closure on the server and treating that as the triggering event. But if you explicitly need to send data back with the closure this may not work.
If the data you're sending back is not time-sensitive then you can do like most of the analytics libraries do and cache the data (along with a uuid) on the client then try to send it on app closure. If it goes through, you can clear the cache (or do it the next time the app is run). If it doesn't, it's saved and you can send out when the app is run next. On the server, you would use the uuid to avoid duplicate requests.
If the material is time-sensitive then your best bet is to implement heartbeat and send periodic updated values to the server. Then when the client app dies the server times out the heartbeat and can use the last received value as the final closing point of data.
In either case, if an explicit closure event is required by your custom protocol then you may want to reconsider using it in a real-life mobile environment where things have to be much more fluid and tolerant of failure.
As others have noted, there's no way to be absolutely certain that you'll be able to send this, but there are approaches to help.
As Ken notes, you do in practice get a few seconds between "willTerminate" and forced termination, so there generally is time to do what you need.
A problem you're almost certainly running into is with CocoaAsyncSocket. When you get the "willTerminate" message, you're on the last run loop of the main thread. So if you block the main thread, and CocoaAsyncSocket is running on the main thread, it'll never get processed. As I recall, CocoaAsyncSocket won't actually send all the data until the next event loop.
One approach, therefore, is to keep pumping the event loop yourself:
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
// ...Send your message with CocoaAsyncSocket...
while (! ...test to see if it sent...)
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
I've also looked at putting this work onto a background thread and letting the main thread terminate, in theory letting us go back to Springboard while continuing to run for a few seconds. It's not immediately clear to me whether this will work properly using NSThread (which are detached). Using POSIX threads (which are joinable by default) may work, but probably circumvents any advantages of the background thread. Anyway, it's something to look at if useful. In my apps, we've used the "post next time we launch" approach, since that always works (even if you crash).