Blocking version of delay in Celery? - celery

I know this defeats the whole purpose of using Celery, but is there a function that will block until the result has returned?
So instead of MyTask.delay(some_arg="foo") where I have to go around and fetch the result could I call actual_result = MyTask.dont_delay(some_arg="foo") that will block and just return the result?

AsyncResult.get blocks until task is ready, and returns its result:
result = MyTask.delay(some_arg="foo")

MyTask.apply will do what you're asking.


How to trigger handle_info due to timeout in erlang?

I am using a gen_server behaviour and trying to understand how can handle_info/2 be triggered from a timeout occurring in a handle_call for example:
What i want to do:
I was expecting that if I launch the server and would not use gen_server:call/2 for 5 seconds (in my case) then handle_info would be called, which would in turn issue the stop thus calling terminate.
I see it does not happen this way, in fact handle_info is not called at all.
In examples such as this i see the timeout is set in the return of init/1.What I can deduce is that it handle_info gets triggered only if I initialize the server and issue nothing (nor cast nor call for N seconds).If so why I can provide Timeout in the return of both handle_cast/2 and handle_call/3 ?
I was trying to get the following functionality:
If no call is issued in X seconds trigger handle_info/2
If no cast is issued in Y seconds trigger handle_info/2
I thought this timeouts can be set in the return of handle_call and handle_cast:
{reply,Reply,State,X} //for call
{noreply,State,Y} //for cast
If not, when are those timeouts triggered since they are returns?
To initiate timeout handling from gen_server:handle_call/3 callback, this callback has to be called in the first place. Your Return={reply,State,State,5000}, is not executed at all.
Instead, if you want to “launch the server and would not use gen_server:call/2 for 5 seconds then handle_info/2 would be called”, you might return {ok,State,Timeout} tuple from gen_server:init/1 callback.
You cannot set the different timeouts for different calls and casts. As stated by Alexey Romanov in comments,
Having different timeouts for different types of messages just isn’t something any gen_* behavior does and would have to be simulated by maintaining them inside state.
If one returns {reply,State,Timeout} tuple from any handle_call/3/handle_cast/2, the timeout will be triggered if the mailbox of this process is empty after Timeout.
i suggest you read source code:gen_server.erl
% gen_server.erl
% line 400
loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
Msg = receive
Input ->
after Time ->
decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, false).
it helps you to understand the parameter Timeout

Wait for a *specific* (single) XCTestExpectation with a completion handler?

Has anyone managed to wait for a specific, single, XCTestExpectation with completion handler (XCWaitCompletionHandler or equivalent) similar to that of (waitForExpectations:timeout:handler)[].
I want to wait for just one specific expectation, but I would like to know if it timed out. The XCWaitCompletionHandler gives me that information. But there are no properties on the expectation itself flagging whether it timed out or not.
(yes this is a rather advanced use case...)
Create an XCTWaiter and use wait(for:timeout:), which returns a XCTWaiter.Result, which you can then assert is/is not .timedOut if you wish, or otherwise act on the result. By using XCTWaiter, you can have an expectation time out without the test automatically failing.
let result = XCTWaiter().wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 5)
if result == .timedOut { ... }

How to make Protractor's browser.wait() more verbose?

In Protractor tests I call many times browser.wait method for example to wait once the particular element will appear on the screen or it will be clickable.
In many cases tests passes on my local machine, but does not on other.
I receive very generic information about the timeout which doesn't help me a lot to debug / find a source of issue.
Is it possible to make a browser.wait more verbose, for example:
if at least defaultTimeoutInterval will elapse when waiting for particular element, will it be possible to console.log information about the element that it tried to wait for,
take a screenshot when the timeout error occurs,
provide full call stack when timeout appears in browser.wait
If the main issue is that you don't know for which element the wait timed out, I would suggest writing a helper function for wait and use it instead of wait, something like:
wait = function(variable, variableName,waitingTime){
console.log('Waiting for ' + variableName);
Because protractor stops executing test after first fail, if wait timed out, console won't print success message after failing to load a certain element.
For screenshots I suggest trying out protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter, it generates an easily readable html report with screenshots and debug information on failed tests (for example, in which code line the failure occured).
Look into using protractor's Expected Condition, you can specify what to wait for and how long to wait for it.
For screenshots there are npm modules out there that can take a screenshot when a test fails. This might help.
browser.wait returns a promise, so catch the error and print/throw something meaningful like:
await browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(css), waitingTime).catch((error) =>
throw new CustomError(`Could not find ${css} ${error.message}`)

How to handle protractor test to run in a sequential order

This is my Block which contain an element.element(by.model("$"));
This is not present on Dom. It give me error that element is not on page but still execute all lines of code written after it. I want this to handle in sequential way if above passes then go to next only. How can I handle these types of problem in Protractor.
it("Test BenchMark",function(){
browser.getTitle().then(function (name) {
element(by.linkText("Manage Benchmarks")).click();
//element(by.xpath("//main[#class='ng-scope']//a[text()='Create Benchmark']")).click();
console.log("dropdown clicked")
The behavior which you are expecting will not be handled by Protractor, it will be by testing framework(ex: Jasmine). But
"Jasmine doesn't support failing early, in a single spec. The idea is to give
you all of the failures in case that helps figure out what is really wrong
in your spec"
You can use browser.wait() combined with Expected Conditions.
browser.wait() blocks control flow execution until a promise is resolved, and Expected Conditions all evaluate to a promise.
So in your case, you could use either presenceOf() and/or visibilityOf().
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var el = element(by.model("$"));
var present = EC.presenceOf(el); // wait for it to be added to DOM
var visible = EC.visibilityOf(el); // wait for it to be visible on page
browser.wait(EC.and(present, visible), 10000); // wait maximum of 10 seconds
// rest of code

MATLAB Restart function instead of return(cancel)

I've been looking over, but I don't think it exists.
There is return to essentially force close your function, which is nice, but in my current script, I want if it does something incorrectly, to instead return to the start of the sub function that it exists in.
Are there any functions that exist already to do that, or will I have to make a system in order to let myself do that?
Instead of using return, error out of the function when something is "done incorrectly", then use try/catch in a while-loop:
while 1
break; % if myFunction() was successful, this will exit the while loop
% do some sort of processing here, then go back to the while loop
The catch portion of the try/catch block will execute only if myFunction() had an error. return implies the function succeeded (whether or not it gave correct output is a different issue entirely).
Alternatively, you could put your function in a while-loop as suggested by #natan. Return some sort of error code, then check for that error code in the while condition.
Just use an while 1 loop to wrap around the whole function and continue when you want to restart the function.
Here is how I would do it if you are not looking for error handling, but just outcome handling
finishedSuccesfully = false
while ~finishedSuccesfully
output = myFunction();
finishedSuccesfully = evaluateoutput(output);