Memory leak when declaring NSString from ABRecordCopyValue - iphone

I am using the following line of code...
NSString *clientFirstName = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty);
The 'analyse' feature on Xcode is saying that this giving rise to a potential memory leak. I am not releasing clientFirstName at all as I have neither alloc or retain'd it.
However, I am conscious that ABRecordCopyValue may not be returning an object as say a command like [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:someArray] would which might mean I am indeed creating a new object that I control and must release.
Keen to hear thoughts...

Any sort of copy returns an object with a retainCount of 1, so you need to release it via CFRelease().
See the doc:
You are responsible for releasing this object.

Refer to this link. It has same as yours:
NSString potential leak
Refer to answer of KennyTM:
ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex is a "Copy" function, which follows
the "Create
You need to call CFRelease to release it after finish using it.
NSString *contactEmail = (NSString *)ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex(emailInfo, 0);
if (contactEmail != nil)
CFRelease((CFTypeRef) contactEmail);
Release your object clientFirstName using CFRelease.
Add the code below:
if(clientFirstName != nil)
CFRelease((CFTypeRef) clientFirstName);
NOTE: Do not forget to check if clientFirstName is not nil. It is better to have a practice of checking that object is not nil before executing any function on it as it saves us from potential crashes though not in this case, but in many cases
Also as #Dondragmer says in one of the comments below:
I think even
[clientFirstName release];
should solve the problem.
Let me know if you need more help.
Hope this helps you.

I don't fully understand how ObjectiveC reference counting works, but a small update in code fixed the Analyze warning:
NSString *firstName = (__bridge NSString*) ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty);
NSString *firstName = (__bridge_transfer NSString*) ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty);


retainCount shows MaxInt

After trying to print retainCount of object I get 2147483647. Why do I get such a result? It should be 1, shouldn't?
NSString *myStr = [NSString new];
NSUInteger retCount = [myStr retainCount];
NSLog(#"refCount = %u", retCount);
2011-09-08 17:59:18.759 Test[51972:207] refCount = 2147483647
I use XCode Version 4.1. Tried compilers GCC 4.2 and LLVM GCC 4.2 - the same result.
Garbage Collection option was set to unsupported.
NSString is somewhat special when it comes to memory management. String literals (something like #"foo") are effectively singletons, every string with the same content is the same object because it can't be modified anyway. As [NSString new] always creates an empty string that cannot be modified, you'll always get the same instance which cannot be released (thus the high retainCount).
Try this snippet:
NSString *string1 = [NSString new];
NSString *string2 = [NSString new];
NSLog(#"Memory address of string1: %p", string1);
NSLog(#"Memory address of string2: %p", string2);
You'll see that both strings have the same memory address and are therefore the same object.
This doesn't directly answer your question, but retainCount is not really all that useful and should not be used for testing. See this SO post for details.
When to use -retainCount?
While NSString's are an odd case (there are others in the framework) you might also run across this in other clases - it's one of the ways of creating a singleton object.
A singleton only exists once in the app and it's pretty important that it never gets released! Therefore, it will overwrite some methods of NSObject including (but not limited to):
- (id)release {
// Ignore the release!
return self;
- (NSUInteger)retainCount {
// We are never going to be released
return UINT_MAX;
This object can never be released and tells the framework that it's a singleton by having a ludicrously high retain count.
Checkout this link for more information about singleton objects.
I've seen this a couple of times regarding NSStrings, the retainCount returns the maximum count instead of the actual one when you try to look at retainCounts of strings in this manner.
Try this;
NSString *myStr = [[NSString alloc] init];
NSUInteger retCount = [myStr retainCount];
NSLog(#"refCount = %u", retCount);
Edit: Restored NSUInteger

iphone/ipad memory leak from NSString assigned to itself

I have two leaks shown by the instruments tool. I have looked around on google but I haven't seen exactly my problem on there.
Problem #1:
self.wallText = [[text stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];
I have tried various configurations of the above line but all leak. I need to do both those trimming operations. 'text' is declared with either #"" or stringWithFormat.
My other issue is with the following line:
NSString * value = [elements objectAtIndex:i+1];
if ([value length] >= 2 && [[value substringToIndex:2] isEqualToString:#"S_"]){
value = [value substringFromIndex:2]; // LEAK HERE
I need to get all of the string except for the first 2 characters so I don't know how I could release it first or something... if that is indeed what I should be doing.
I could get away wtih leaks before with previous projects but this one is very memory intensive and I need all the memory I can get!
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated
Did you declare #property (retain) for wallText, did you do [wallText release] in dealloc method?
Double check above things and you will not have leaks any more
For Updated Part:
It is really strange that you have a memory leak there. Because at first, your value points to an autoreleased object then it points to another autoreleased object which I think is fine.
have u use alloc for value. value = [value substringFromIndex:2]; .here now value is referencing to new autorelease string. so u can not release previous object.

NSString *string = #"someString" vs NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat#"%#", string]

If I have a method
- (void) myMethod:(NSString *)string {
[Object anothermethodWithString:string];
and I call
[Object myMethod:#"this is a string with no alloc statement"]
Do I need to do something like
- (void) myMethod:(NSString *)string {
NSString *string2 = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#", string];
[Object anothermethodWithString:string2];
[string2 release];
instead of the way I had myMethod before? I have misbehaving code that seems to be caused by a string being auto-released while a second method within another method is being called (like in the example). The second way I have myMethod fixed all of my problems.
So is a "non-alloc" string an auto-released string? I asked this question as a follow up to another question (which was completely unrelated and is why I am creating this post), and a few sources said that I don't need to reallocate the string. I am confused, because the behavior of my code tells me otherwise.
Dave's got it right. You only need to worry about calling release on objects that you new, alloc, retain, or copy.
The above rule works very well, but if you're curious and want to get into a lot of detail, I suggest reading the Memory management Programming Guide from Apple's docs. It's free and goes from basic concepts into a lot of details.
If you use : NSString *str = #"". It is kind of a constant, you don't need to do any memory management.
If you call from a method : NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:#""], the str is already autoreleased.
If you manually alloc, init. You need to call release, or autorelease yourself.
The general memory convention is : if you do something with new, alloc, retain, or copy, you need to release it yourself, any other cases, the object is autoreleased, don't release it

NSString potential leak

When I build and analyze my project on XCode, I obtain a 'warning' on the following line:
NSString *contactEmail = (NSString *)ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex(emailInfo, 0);
The message is: Potential leak on object allocated on line ... and stored into contactEmail.
Is there any error on that line?
I get the same 'warning' with this line of code:
ABMultiValueRef emailInfo = ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonEmailProperty);
But here, I can't do this:
[emailInfo release];
I'm developing for iPhone.
ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex is a "Copy" function, which follows the "Create Rule". You need to call CFRelease to release it after finish using it.
NSString *contactEmail = (NSString *)ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex(emailInfo, 0);
if (contactEmail != nil)
CFRelease((CFTypeRef) contactEmail);
The cast is somewhat pointless.
The line might leak, unless you release or autorelease it somewhere.
Edit: For brevity:
NSString *contactEmail = [(NSString *)ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex(emailInfo, 0) autorelease];
(The cast might still be pointless, I'm unsure as to how the compiler would handle trying sending a message directly to a CFTypeRef.)

Why am I having trouble with a deep copy in Objective C?

I'm assuming my understanding of how to perform a deep copy isn't just there yet. The same with some sub-optimal memory handling that I'm performing down below. This code below probably depicts a shallow copy, and I believe that's where my problem might be. I have some cookie-cutter code for an example that looks like the following:
NSArray *user = [[xmlParser createArrayWithDictionaries:dataAsXML
withXPath:kUserXPath] retain];
if([user count] > 0) { = [[user valueForKey:#"name"] copy];
// Crash happens if I leave the next line un-commented.
// But then we have a memory leak.
[user release];
[xmlParser release];
Unfortunately when I comment out [user release], the code works, but we have an obvious memory leak. The method createArrayWithDictionaries:withXPath: was refactored last night when the SO community helped me understand better memory management. Here's what it looks like:
- (NSArray *)createArrayWithDictionaries:(NSString *)xmlDocument
withXPath:(NSString *)XPathStr {
NSError *theError = nil;
NSMutableArray *dictionaries = [NSMutableArray array];
CXMLDocument *theXMLDocument = [CXMLDocument alloc];
theXMLDocument = [theXMLDocument initWithXMLString:xmlDocument
NSArray *nodes = [theXMLDocument nodesForXPath:XPathStr error:&theError];
for (CXMLElement *xmlElement in nodes) {
NSArray *attributes = [xmlElement attributes];
NSMutableDictionary *attributeDictionary;
attributeDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (CXMLNode *attribute in attributes) {
[attributeDictionary setObject:[attribute stringValue]
forKey:[attribute name]];
[dictionaries addObject:attributeDictionary];
[theXMLDocument release];
return dictionaries;
I'm guessing there's a couple of issues that might be going on here:
Auto release on my dictionaries array is happening, thus my app crashing.
I'm not performing a deep copy, only a shallow copy. Thus when the user array is released, is done for.
With NSZombieEnabled, I see the following:
*** -[CFString respondsToSelector:]:
message sent to deallocated instance 0x1ae9a0
Also, the final call where the backtrace shows this is crashing contains the following code in a separate module from the other two methods:
User *u = self.user;
NSString *uri = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/user/%#/%#",
[self groupName], u.userId, kLocationsUri];
Between all the auto releasing/copies/retain happening between the client code and createArrayWithDictionaries:withXPath, I'm a bit confused as to the real problem here. Thanks again for helping me understand.
OK, you don't need to retain the return value from createArrayWithDictionaries: since you're not keeping it around. The return value is autoreleased. I'd strongly recommend reading up on how autoreleasing works. You only retain things that you intend to keep around in your object.
Also, user is an NSArray. If you call [user valueForKey:#"name"], you'll get another NSArray of values representing the values of the name key for each of the objects in users. Furthermore, how is the name property on your object defined? If you declared it as copy or retain (I believe retain is the default if you don't specify it yourself), you don't need to copy or retain the value. Indeed, the accessor should always be responsible for doing the memory management, not the caller. If you wrote your own accessor (i.e. you didn't use the #synthesize keyword), you need to make sure you do the memory management there.
I'm guessing what you meant to write was something more like this:
NSArray *user = [xmlParser createArrayWithDictionaries:dataAsXML withXPath:kUserXPath];
if ([user count] > 0) = [[user objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:#"name"];
[xmlParser release];
I think your troubles are stemming from a misunderstanding of how memory management works in Objective-C.
Hope this helps.
Auto release on my dictionaries array is happening, thus my app crashing.
If the caller intends to keep the array around somewhere, it needs to retain it. Otherwise, it will crash when it tries to access the (now-deceased) object.
If the caller is going to store it in a property, it must use the self.dictionaries = […] syntax, not dictionaries = […]. The former is a property access, which calls the setter method; the latter is a direct instance variable assignment.
Coming back to your actual question, that of a deep copy: You need to get the sub-elements of every element and put them in each element's dictionary.
Basically, you need a recursive method (or a queue, but that's harder—file under premature optimization until you've proven you need it) that takes an element and returns a dictionary, and then you need to call this method on each of your element's child elements, and collect the results into an array and put that into the dictionary you're creating.
I would recommend making this recursive method an instance method of the element. Something like:
- (NSDictionary *) dictionaryRepresentation {
NSMutableDictionary *attributeDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (CXMLNode *attribute in attributes) {
[attributeDictionary setObject:[attribute stringValue] forKey:[attribute name]];
NSArray *childElements = [self childElements];
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
attributeDictionary, #"attributes",
[childElements valueForKey:#"dictionaryRepresentation"], #"childElements",
Then you replace the loop in createArrayWithDictionaries:withXPath: with a similar valueForKey: message. I'll leave you to fill it in.
valueForKey: is Key-Value Coding's principal method. In both places, we're making use of NSArray's handy implementation of it.
(If the use of valueForKey: still doesn't make sense to you, you should read the KVC Programming Guide. KVC is vitally important in modern Cocoa, so you do need to read this sooner or later.)