Please configure a GWT SDK? - eclipse

I have just installed the Google App Engine Plugin for eclipse and want to create a new project. But i only get:
Why cannot I create a new project?
greetings and thx in advance

Plugin is not same as the SDK. Plugin just makes it easy to work with GWT projects.
The actual GWT compiler and libraries are present in the SDK which needs to be downloaded separately.
Once you download and extract the SDK, You have to configure its location in Eclipse's Preferences. Go to Window > Preferences > Google > Web Toolkit and add the SDK there.

I had the same problem.
If you do not want to use GWT just uncheck the "Use Google Web Toolkit" checkbox on that same dialog. You do not need this turned on in order to create a New Web Application Project.
I personally think it was confusing that the checkbox for GWT is turned on by default, even if you don't have one installed.
The SDK that you installed with your eclipse plugin should be sufficient.


keplerr can't get Web development tools

I installed I need to work with Dynamic web project but i can't create one. How can i add it? Isn't it possible to add the functionality from the market place?
Standard functionality (i.e. Eclipse projects, functionality available in other bundles) can be installed via Help > Install New Software..., select the appropriate update site ("Kepler").

No option for Dynamic web project in eclipse

I need to create a dynamic web project in Eclipse but the option doesn't appear anymore.
I installed Google Web Apps engine(JAVA) and its SDK along with GWT, ever since the option for dynamic project has disappeared.
Also the option to generate web client from WSDL files is no longer there.
I've tried re-installing the web app toolkit for eclipse but still it's not working.
Any pointers to get back these options would be great
Maybe Eclipse WTP plugin has been accidently removed. Have you tried re-installing WTP using this location ? If I were you I would have reinstall Eclipse from strach or even better try Spring ToolSuite which integrates with Google Plugin for Eclipse seamlessly (usign Extenstions tab on STS Dashboard)

Compile a GWT project with Eclipse

I'm trying to compile the StackWatcher example, but after selecting "GWT Compile project.." an dialog is opened, but it is said:
StockWatcher is not a GWT project.
The "Compile" button is also enable.
I clicked on Project/Browser.. but it shows an empty window.
Any idea?
Right-click on your project, Google > Web Toolkit Settings... > check Use GWT.
Same for AppEngine, if you're using it.
If you have the Google plugin installed correctly, right click on your project in the package explorer. There should be a Google Web Toolkit menu entry which allows you to convert your project into a GWT one.
Once the project has been converted you should be able to compile and debug your project as normal.
In the project properties, you probably didn't enable the Google Web Toolkit feature.

gwtext.jar's version generated by gwt plugin of Eclipse

Currently I am using GWT 2.3.0 sdk and installed the google web toolkit plugin for eclipse.
I created a web application project with the plugin and want to use GWT-Ext.
Then, right click on the module ( and choose "Google Web Toolkit" and choose "Configure for using GWT-Ext".
Then, a gwtext.jar is automatically generated in the project.
My question is, how can I verify the version of the automatic generated gwtext.jar and all the license issues with it?
As I got you, you want to check the gwt version.
So follow this step.
Right click on the project->Properties->Google->Web Tool Kit.
After selecting Web ToolKit you can see the version which is in used and you can also configure the another version by clicking on the configure version.
Hope this will help you.

Attach Javadoc to Eclipse for Java ME

I have just begun developing using J2ME using Eclipse Pulsar and I am trying to work out how you go about giving eclipse the associated javadoc for all of the CDLCs. I am using the Symbian S60 5th edition SDK if that makes any difference.
Thanks in advance.
On the Windows>Preferences>Java ME>Device Management dialog choose the device that you are using and push the edit button. This should open a new dialog. You can edit the javadoc locations on the libraries tab.