mongo - how to query a nested json - mongodb

I am a complete mongo newbie. I am using mongo hub for mac. I need to query the for following json -
{ "_id" : ObjectId( "abcd" ),
"className" : "com.myUser",
"reg" : 12345,
"test" : [
{ "className" : "",
"testid" : "pqrs" } ] }
and find records where testid is pqrs. How would I go about doing that?

You can type {'test.testid': 'pqrs'} in the query field of Mongo Hub.

Looks like test is an array. If you are expecting multiple values in array you can do -
"test": {
"$elemMatch": {
"testid": "pqrs",


Access document directly by ID

I'm used to working with firebase where I can access a document directly by fetching data from the db like so.
I can't seem to find any documentation regarding doing something similar in mongodb. Do I have to use a find query to grab data from a mongodb or have I missed something? Thanks
I'm thinking
const collection = db.collection('collectionName');
collection.findOne({_id: ObjectId('documentID'); });
Since mongo consolse is an interactive javascript shell, One way would be to create a method similar to this:
function collectionNameGet(idToFind) {
return db.collection.find({_id: idToFind });
In the mongo shell you can directly get it as below:
db.st4.find({"_id" : "1234"})
Result set:
{ "_id" : "1234", "raw" : { "meas" : { "meas1" : { "data" : "blabla" }, "mesa2" : { "data" : "foo" } } } }
Or by default mongo id as:
db.st1.find({"_id" : ObjectId("5c578d57ce9ba4a066ca2fa4")})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c578d57ce9ba4a066ca2fa4"), "name" : "Just a name", "users" : [ "user1", "user2" ] }
For display the result in pretty format
db.st1.find({"_id" : ObjectId("5c578d57ce9ba4a066ca2fa4")}).pretty()
Result set:
"_id" : ObjectId("5c578d57ce9ba4a066ca2fa4"),
"name" : "Just a name",
"users" : [
Here st4 is my collection name in the database test, so once you are on mongo shell do the below steps before above query:
use test
db.st1.insert({"name" : "Just a name", "users" : [ "user1", "user2" ] })
and then you can query by default _id generated mongo, you can simply make a query to get the recently added documents in the collection st1 as below:
Hope this will help you out to do some basic query on mongo shell

MongoDB query returning no results

I'm new to mongo and am trying to do a very simple query in this collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("gdrgrdgrdgdr"),
"administrators" : {
"-HGFsfes" : {
"name" : "Jose",
"phone" : NumberLong(124324)
"-HGFsfqs" : {
"name" : "Peter",
"phone" : "+43242342"
"countries" : {
"-dgfgrdg : {
"lang" : "en",
"name" : "Canada"
"-grdgrdg" : {
"lang" : "en",
"name" : "USA"
How do I make a query that returns the results of administrators with name like "%Jos%" for example.
What I did until now is this: db.getCollection('coll').find({ "": /Jos/});
And variations of this. But every thing I tried returns zero results.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Your mistake is that administrators is not an array, but an object with fields that are themselves objects with name field. Right query will be
{ "": /Jos/}
Unfortunatelly this way you're only querying -HGFsfes name field, not other administrator name field.
To achieve what you want, the only thing to do is to replace administrators object by an array, so your document will look like this :
"administrators" : [
"id" : "-HGFsfes",
"name" : "Jose",
"phone" : 124324
"id" : "-HGFsfqs",
"name" : "Peter",
"phone" : "+43242342"
countries : ...
This way your query will work.
BUT it will return documents where at least one entry in administrators array has the matching name field. To return only administrator matching element, and not whole document, check this question and my answer for unwind/match/group aggregation pipeline.
You need to use query like this:
So if your collection name is coll, then it would be:
db.coll.find({"": /Jos/});
Look this for like query in mongo.
Also, try with regex pattern like this:
db.coll.find({"": {"$regex":"Jos", "$options":"i"}}});
It will give you only one result because your data is not an array as below in screenshot:
If you want multiple results, then you need to restructure your data.
Ok, think i've found a better solution for you, with aggregation framework.
Run the following query on your current collection, will return you all administrators with name "LIKE" jos (case insensitive with i option) :
$project: {
administrators:{ $objectToArray: "$administrators"}
$unwind: {
path : "$administrators"
$replaceRoot: {
$match: {
"k" : "-HGFsfes",
"v" : {
"name" : "Jose",
"phone" : NumberLong(124324)
"k" and "v" are coming from "$objectToArray" operator, you can add a $project stage to rename them (or discard if k value doesn't matter)
Not sure for Robomongo testing but in Studio 3T, formerly Robomongo, you can either copy/paste this query in Intellishell console, or copy/import in aggregation tab, (small icon 'paste from the clipboard').
Hope it helps.

mongoDB: Querying for documents that may have some specifics options

I'm quite new to mongodb and there is one thing I can't solve right now:
Let's pretend, you have the following document structure:
"_id": ObjectId("some object id"),
name: "valueName",
options: [
{idOption: "optionId", name: "optionName"},
{idOption: "optionId", name: "optionName"}
And each document can have multiples options that are already classified.
I'm trying to get all the documents in the collection that have, at least one, of the multiples options that I pass for the query.
I was trying with the operator $elemMatch something like this:
db.collectioName.find({"": { $elemMatch: {"optName1","optName2"}}})
but it never show me the matches documents.
Can someone help and show me, what I'm doing wrong?
Given a collection which contains the following documents:
"_id" : ObjectId("5a023b8d027b5bd06add627a"),
"name" : "valueName",
"options" : [
"idOption" : "optionId",
"name" : "optName1"
"idOption" : "optionId",
"name" : "optName2"
"_id" : ObjectId("5a023b9e027b5bd06add627d"),
"name" : "valueName",
"options" : [
"idOption" : "optionId",
"name" : "optName3"
"idOption" : "optionId",
"name" : "optName4"
This query ...
db.collection.find({"options": { $elemMatch: {"name": {"$in": ["optName1"]}}}})
.. will return the first document only.
While, this query ...
db.collection.find({"options": { $elemMatch: {"name": {"$in": ["optName1", "optName3"]}}}})
...will return both documents.
The second example (I think) meeets this requirement:
I'm trying to get all the documents in the collection that have, at least one, of the multiples options that I pass for the query.

Using embedded documents in spring data aggregation

I have a MongoDB document like this example doc:
"_id" : "A",
"articleNumber" : "0123456",
"shopDependentProperties" :
"shop" : "DE",
"foo" : "foo",
"bar" : "bar"
and want to pull out the properties of shopDependentProperties, to have the following result
"_id" : "A",
"articleNumber" : "0123456",
"foo" : "foo",
"bar" : "bar"
In MongoDB Shell i can solve it this way:
_id : "$_id",
articleNumber : "$articleNumber",
But: In Spring Data MongoDB i can't extract the embedded document contents.
I tried many combinations, nothing worked. For example:
ProjectionOperation projection = Aggregation.project("_id");
will ignore the stuff and just print out
{ "$project" : { "_id" : 1}}
Any suggestions?
Haven't tested this, but as of
you specify included / excluded fields like this:
_id : "$_id",
articleNumber : 1,
"": 1,
"": 1
Further down they explain, how to include embedded documents in the projection result.
I know how to do it in MongoDB, the problem was about doing the same thing in Spring Data.
But it works the same way, why didn't I try that before?
ProjectionOperation projection = Aggregation.project(
"$" );

MongoDB converting an array to dictionary

I insert:
and it is stored as:
"loc": {
"0": -124.9973,
"1": 49.68829
This occurs from mongo command line or via PHP or through RockMongo forms.
Is this the expected behavior?
When I do an insert from the mongo shell I DO NOT get that behavior
dmReplSet:PRIMARY> db.aug29.insert( { "loc" : [ -124.9973, 49.68829 ] } );
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
dmReplSet:PRIMARY> db.aug29.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("54010c47de66cda372635186"), "loc" : [ -124.9973, 49.68829 ] }
dmReplSet:PRIMARY> db.aug29.find().pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("54010c47de66cda372635186"),
"loc" : [
How exactly are you doing your insert? Is it through some OR mapping?
On the other hand, if you are trying to do geospacial stuff in MongoDB you probably should read up on it and be aware it has been evolving and is MongoDB version specific ( and ).