GWT: RichTextArea getHTML loses "outer" tags - gwt

Please bear with me as I am a newbie in gwt and front end stuff.
I have a html string:
String s=
"<html><head><title>Hello World</title></head><body><b>Hello World</b></body></html>";
(I am using spaces in the tags to prevent the text from displaying "htmlized".)
//and gwt RichTextArea control->richTextArea
//So far so good as the document String displays as desired.
//Now comes the problem...
String transformed = richTextArea.getHTML();
The rich text area strips the outer and returns the inner html only. i.e. The body, html and the head tags are stripped.
Q How do I get the html string returned with only the modifications which occur in the rich text area showing.. i.e. The original "outer" tags do not get lost.
Hope I am adequately clear.

You don't have to set them in setHTML <b>hello world<b/> is enough.
Also if you set the outer tags you can't get them, as they don't add anything in the formatting of the text.


SImpler way to render text as html

I maybe overlooking a function. In order to render text such as <div>test</div as html inside another tag, I would need several lines of code to name the outside tag, then set .innerHtml, then return the outside tag. Is there a shorter way? There are also confusing conversions with .render with this method.
val content = span(color := "blue").render
content.innerHtml = "<div>test</test>" // html is escaped
outsideTag.innerHtml = content.outerHtml
Assuming you're using Scalatags here, you may be looking for the raw() function...
I don't know scala.js that well, but as far as I understand it, a div tag is added to a span tag.
You should only add inline tags to other inline tags. So it's not a good idea to add a div to a span.
I think imho you can write:
outsideTag.innerHtml="<div color='blue'>test</div>";

silverstripe backend linebreaks in content do not show up in frontend

I have a textareaField in Silverstripe Backend in Edit Page View... The text to insert contains linebreaks. If I save the Page the text shows correctly with linebreaks in the textareaField. The linebreaks are for sure saved correctly to the database. But how do I display the text correctly in the frontend? It´s always outputted without linebreaks in a single line.
I tried already $Text.RAW, $Text.XML,... nothing works.
Thanks for the help,
Kind regards,
Assuming that you are using 3.0 this is a bug. You can see it here
A work around is to write your own function calling nl2br on your text field.
Here is an example:
public function NiceDescription () {
return (nl2br (Convert::raw2xml ($this->Description), true));
You can replace "Description" with the name of your text property.
Then in your template file if you need to display the description field you will call the function:
to visually render the newlines in html, you need to convert them to <BR> tags.

HTML Tags in GWT internationalization

I'm using the internationalization of GWT to manage the different languages of my application. I have a text where some words are in bold. Therefore I did the same thing as described here.
#DefaultMessage("Welcome back, {startBold,<b>}{0}{endBold,</b>}")
String testMessage(String name);
However, when I run the application, I get "Welcome back, < b>Peter< /b>" (the HTML is written out and not interpreted. I intentionally put a space between < b so that this text editor does not interpret the html tag).
Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Many thanks in advance!
Code fragment which gets the language string:
Label label = new Label();
label.setText(new HTML(trans.testMessage(name)).getHTML());
Instead of using a Label use the HTML widget.
HTML text = new HTML();
Hope that helps.

GWT label with line breaks

GWT Label widgets iterprets everything as text, not as html tags - that's good, but I would like it to interpret \n as a <br /> how do i do that.
I would make subclass, but I cant find what to override to achieve this behaviour
(I could use HTML widget, but it would interpret all tags - and all I need is an line brak)
Use an HTML widget and set its value using a SafeHtml constructed with SafeHtmlBuilder.appendEscapedLines:
HTML label = new HTML(new SafeHtmlBuilder().appendEscapedLines("foo<bar\nbaz>quux").toSafeHtml());
(alternatively, you can split("\n", -1) your text, call SafeHtml.htmlEscape on each part and join them back with a <br>, that's what appendEscapedLines does)
Another option is to use CSS, which may be sufficient in some cases where this problem emerges.
Add the CSS attribute white-space: pre or pre-wrap in the area where you display the text. It will ensure that line breaks are respected when rendering the document.
This approach has the potential to reduce some complexity, e.g. the processing of input where \n is replaced with <br/>.
You can use class to achieve this or simply write,
Label label = new HTML("// html code you wnat to write");
The problem to display multi-line text with HTML in XML files is that we are not allowed to use character < in the content. For example the below code cannot be compiled:
<g:HTML HTML="Line 1<br />Line2<br />Line 3" />
In my case, I declare that text as a i18n string then use in html
<ui:with field='ln' type='com.mycompany.i18n.LocalizableStrings'/>

How to use unescape() function inside JavaScript?

I have a JSP page in which I have JavaScript function that will be called when a link is clicked. Now, when the value reaches the JavaScript function, the apostrophe is encoded.
Before # there is &, which originally should be:
I have used the unescape() decode function, but nothing seems to work. In the end, I had to delete the characters and add the apostrophe. Does anyone know a fix for this? Is it that JSP doesn't support encoding for &? When I was writing the same encode value in this page, it changed the symbol to the apostrophe, which is what I wanted in my code.
Built-in Javascript function such as unescape(), decodeURIComponent() has nothing to do with the string you are working on, because the one you are looking to decode are HTML entites.
There are no HTML entites decoder available in Javascript, but since you are working with a browser, if the string is considered safe, you may do the following (in JQuery, for example)
var str = $('<p />').html(str).text();
It bascially insert the string as HTML to a <p> element and then extract the text within.
Edit: I just realize the JSP output you posted is not real HTML entities; To process the example given you should use the following, add & before every #1234; and make it Ӓ:
var str = $('<p />').html(str.replace(/\#(\d+)\;/g '&#$1;')).text();