Selenium IDE Fancy Select not working - selenium-ide

I'm trying to select from a fancy select drop down menu, but for some reason i can't get the value to change. I've tried recording clicks, using the xpath with the click command, and now I'm trying to use the select command. None seem to work. Has anyone else encountered this/have any ideas about how to change the value of a fancy select?

If you have a select step defined, select (or selectAndWait) would be the Command, xpath=(your xpath) would be the Target, and the item you wish to select from the option list would be the Value. The Value can also be the index of the item in the list, where the topmost entry can be referenced by placing a index=0 as the Value:
select | xpath=[YourSelectElementXPATH] | ValueFromTheList
select | xpath=[YourSelectElementXPATH] | index=1
If you are able to include your step or the URL to the page in question, more specific assistance can be provided.


read only column pgadmin4 : Can't copy result [duplicate]

I run a single SQL request on PgAdmin 4.6.
select nom, sectionnaf, sum(nombresalaries) as nombre_salaries from activites_des_communes where epci = '200069532' group by nom, sectionnaf
order by nom, nombre_salaries desc;
it displays the accurate columns and results on Data Output.
Data Output allows me to select all the 400 rows displayed with an arrow on the top left corner, but not to copy them into clipboard or do anything else with them. Any click with the mouse has no effect (right click or left click) and I can't figure how it is intented to work.
Data Output allows you to select all the rows displayed with an arrow on the top left corner, Now you need to click on Copy button to copy them into Clipboard.
According to the documentation:
The Query Tool allows you to:
Save the data displayed in the output panel to a CSV file.
You have to use menu items on the main menu of the Query Tool bar for this.

Cross-reference list is empty in Word 2010

I have been given a Word file (.docx) that has about 35 figures and tables. When I try to add a cross-reference I get an empty list like this:
I made sure that:
1) The figures and tables are actually captions. If I delete anyone of them, the rest get updated as expected.
2) Other cross-references already in the file works. They get updated correctly like in (1)
3) The document doesn't have any 'track changes'. This is apparently a problem for some people, so I did an 'accept all changes'. Doesn't seem to help unfortunately.
4) I tried copy all and paste into a new file.
5) I tried selecting all and F9.
I'm perplexed why this is happening. Anyone can help me find the root cause?
I know that it is probably late, but maybe it will help somebody else.
Select caption below table/picture
Right click and select Toggle field codes - the caption show the code in format like SEQ xxx xxx
Go to Insert -> Reference -> Caption and click on New Label button
Insert the text following after SEQ from point 2. E.g. Fig.
Save the new label.
Go to Insert -> Reference -> Cross Reference - select the inserted value from point 4 in the Reference type dropdown list. Now you should see all the values.
The answer is based on the following link.
In Word 2013, instead of Insert>Reference>Caption, right click on a figure or table and select insert caption. A dialogue box including the option New Label will appear.
In my case, I think this issue arose because of changes in language. The tables are all captioned with the French Tableau, but in insert references, it had Table and a blank list.

Verifying options of Drop Down Menu in Selenium IDE

I am currently using Selenium IDE to test a website with a simple drop down menu that has options like "Trial" and "Invoice" and "Portal". I do not want to select the options, but just to make sure they are available. How would I do this in Selenium IDE?
I have tried commands like verifyselectedvalue, verifyselectedoptions and verifytext, and verifyvalue, but they seem to give me a positive no matter what I enter in as value, even "sdhjgfhsg."
I have checked previous posts on this topic, there are many close, but not quite what I am looking for.
Much thanks,
Additional hint:
To test if an option is selected
just use "verify selected label" in Selenium IDE
verify selected label | id=abc | 23:59
I did a test using a website has css menu drop down and I found the answer.
Record your script clicking on the css menu (each one) to get the element and after, change the command "click" to "verifyText". After that, set the field value (Selenium IDE) the text that you can verify (e.g.: Trial, Invoice and Portal).
I did this:
1st field: Command
2nd field: Target
3rd field: Value
> verifyText | css=li.has-sub > ul > li > a > span | Trial
> verifyText | //div[#id='cssmenu']/ul/li[2]/ul/li[2]/a/span | Invoice
> verifyText | css=li.last > a > span | Portal

Replace field names

I'm trying to use find and replace to change the value of a Field Name.
Find and replace 1_ with 2_
When I do this and click edit field, then the value is still 1_FirstName and 1_LastName yet it shows 2_FirstName and 2_LastName.
If these are MERGEFIELD fields, roughly speaking, what gets replaced depends on what is visible when you do the Find/Replace. There's the underlying code, e.g.
{ MERGEFIELD 1_FirstName }
and the "chevron" version , e.g. <<1_FirstName>> (except with real chevrons rather than doubled-up < and >)
If you're seeing the chevron version and do the find/replace, the chevron version will change, but nothing useful has changed. If you select the field codes and F9 to update them, the "chevron name" will revert.
If you're seeing the { MERGEFIELD } version and do the find/replace, the field codes will be changed correctly , but the chevron display won't change until you select and update the fields (or perhaps move 1 record backwards/forwards in the preview or some such - OTTOMH I can't remember).
FOUND IT! Select the mergefields, turn on 'TOGGLE FIELD CODES', run the find/replace, switch back 'TOGGLE FIELD CODES' and click 'UPDATE FIELDS'. Works like a charm baby! :)

Can't select a drop down in Selenium IDE

I'm trying to automate selecting a dropdown in selenium ide, but I haven't been able to get it to work.
Basically, I record a click on the menu item, which reveals the drop down, but whenever I use the click command on one of the options, it closes the menu without ever selecting the new option. I've also tried the select command but I keep getting "specified element is not a select"
any ideas?
Selenium should be returning a single action when interacting with HTML select elements.
For example, if I had the following select element
<select name="numbers">
<option value="One">1</option>
<option value="Two">2</option>
<option value="Three">3</option>
And selected "2", selenium should return a single action.
| Command | Target | Value |
| select | name=numbers | label=Two |
If the IDE is not recording the event, you may be running into another issue such as the element being defined as hidden. Without additional details though, it's really hard to say.
Right click on the page and view source. The drop down options should be listed. Also the target name. You can then manually create the command. Don't do the first Item in the list. Pick like the third one first and test.
Once you have a single one working cut and paste it into notepad. Get the listing from the View Source and copy the line replacing the value. Copy and paste back in to Selenium on the Source tab.