read only column pgadmin4 : Can't copy result [duplicate] - postgresql

I run a single SQL request on PgAdmin 4.6.
select nom, sectionnaf, sum(nombresalaries) as nombre_salaries from activites_des_communes where epci = '200069532' group by nom, sectionnaf
order by nom, nombre_salaries desc;
it displays the accurate columns and results on Data Output.
Data Output allows me to select all the 400 rows displayed with an arrow on the top left corner, but not to copy them into clipboard or do anything else with them. Any click with the mouse has no effect (right click or left click) and I can't figure how it is intented to work.

Data Output allows you to select all the rows displayed with an arrow on the top left corner, Now you need to click on Copy button to copy them into Clipboard.

According to the documentation:
The Query Tool allows you to:
Save the data displayed in the output panel to a CSV file.
You have to use menu items on the main menu of the Query Tool bar for this.


How to select entire column (or row) using keyboard

Using ag-grid (trying on the demonstration page how can I use the keyboard to select an entire column?
You can press (on the demo) Shift and down arrow and go all the way down, but it's not practical for 1000s of rows. And as soon as you press Control, the selected cell does become the most bottom cell, but you loose the selection (as if Shift wasn't pressed).
If I was in Excel, I would select the top cell in a column, press Control+Shift+Down arrow, the whole column is selected, I can now do Control+C to copy.
I have seen this article, that adds a new menu item to do it How to select column data in ag-grid . I know I could assign a shortcut to that action too, but ideally I need a keyboard way using the Control (Command on a mac) key.
There's a not-so-straightforward way of doing this.
Click on the top most cell of the column you want to select
Do a Control + A (or Command + A for macOS) to select all of the grid
Now press Shift+ALT+(Left Arrow and/or Right Arrow keys or Shift+Option+(Left Arrow and/or Right Arrow keys in Mac OS
This should work

For Eclipse Search/File, can I get back the number of files matched?

When I use Search/File in Eclipse, I get the number of occurrences matched. Is there also a way or alternatively a way to get back the number of files which contained 1 or more occurrences which matched the search query?
I could bust out the Mac command line, but I am asking from within this or a similar menu item within the Eclipse application.
The number of files with hits is not displayed directly.
However, there is a workaround how to get the number of files in just two or three small steps:
In the Search view, in the view menu, make sure Show as List is selected (the default is Show as Tree)
Select all (Ctrl+A)
Right-click and choose Show In > Project Explorer (or Package Explorer)
As a result of this, the number of files n is displayed in the status bar as n items selected.

Replace row header with images

I am working on a worksheet which has long header names. I want to display table compactly using icon images instead of using header labels. Say I have a column named "Population Density" in a table. I would like a population icon to show up instead of full label.
Probably the closest you could come with this is using Unicode Emoji in a column alias.
For measure values, right click the header and click "Edit Alias", then paste the unicode emoji into the text box.
For dimensions, right click the pill and click "Edit in Shelf". Move the cursor to the beginning of the line and press Shift+Enter to add a new line above, then press the up arrow. Type // on the new line, paste the selected unicode emoji, and hit Enter.

Cross-reference list is empty in Word 2010

I have been given a Word file (.docx) that has about 35 figures and tables. When I try to add a cross-reference I get an empty list like this:
I made sure that:
1) The figures and tables are actually captions. If I delete anyone of them, the rest get updated as expected.
2) Other cross-references already in the file works. They get updated correctly like in (1)
3) The document doesn't have any 'track changes'. This is apparently a problem for some people, so I did an 'accept all changes'. Doesn't seem to help unfortunately.
4) I tried copy all and paste into a new file.
5) I tried selecting all and F9.
I'm perplexed why this is happening. Anyone can help me find the root cause?
I know that it is probably late, but maybe it will help somebody else.
Select caption below table/picture
Right click and select Toggle field codes - the caption show the code in format like SEQ xxx xxx
Go to Insert -> Reference -> Caption and click on New Label button
Insert the text following after SEQ from point 2. E.g. Fig.
Save the new label.
Go to Insert -> Reference -> Cross Reference - select the inserted value from point 4 in the Reference type dropdown list. Now you should see all the values.
The answer is based on the following link.
In Word 2013, instead of Insert>Reference>Caption, right click on a figure or table and select insert caption. A dialogue box including the option New Label will appear.
In my case, I think this issue arose because of changes in language. The tables are all captioned with the French Tableau, but in insert references, it had Table and a blank list.

Hide row (and remove whitespace placeholder) of tablix in Reporting Services 2008

I have a row in a tablex that I want to hide based on a condition. I can do this with the visibility property and also using CanShrink as well is an option.
I've tried both of these and the best I can do is hide the row (make it invisible), but it keeps the whitespace it takes up - I need to remove the whitespace too so if it is not shown that it doesn't take up paper/viewing space.
I have also made the height of the row very small and put cangrow=true so that that if i populate the field with data based on an expression it will grow to the right size but this is not ideal because there is still 0.03125in of space for the row that is always shown (minimim height) and if it grows it grows to fit the text but not neccessarily the set size I want.
I thought I had done this before in an older version of RS but I can't seem to get it to work correctly in this version (2008).
Any ideas?
Try to set the Hidden property of the Static Row Group under the Details Group, in this case the whole row will disappear instead of the content of the textboxes.
If you are using Report Builder, you need to switch to Advanced Mode (make sure that the Properties and the Grouping windows are displayed, go to the upper right side of the Grouping window and press the black triangle):
Click on the second "Static" item under the "(Details)" group and you can set the Hidden property on the Properties window.
Link to MSDN sample
A simpler way to get to this option for hiding a row is to right-click on the row header and select "Row Visibility". From there you will get a dialog where to can enter an expression.
I was able to make the rows go away by setting the following 2 properties
I played w/ row.HideIfNoRows and it seems to have no effect in accomplishing the desired outcome described by op.
Click on textbox, these one is in the properties of the textbox
(if there are multiple columns, I assume you will have to make this setting for each cell/textbox, in my case, I only had 1 column)
For the next property, you have to go into ADVANCED MODE by clicking the down arrow at the right side of the Row Groups/Column Groups pane.
Click on the Row containing the line you would like to hide.
The Hidden property can be found in properties pane...
This is an alternate way to set Hidden, as opposed to right clicking the Row Header in the actual Tablix.
Hidden= <expression describing when you want the row hidden hidden>
One other note - If you right click the Row Header and choose 'Row Visibility' you get a dialgue. the Row Property dialog has a caption "Show or Hide Based on an expression".
The actual behaviour is It will HIDE the row if the expression evaluates to TRUE.
IMHO - this is misleading, at best ambiguous.
Once you understand the property you are actually setting is called HIDDEN, then this makes sense. Until then, I certainly assumed I was setting a property called Visisble... FWIW....
On the empty row you want to hide, go to the text box properties and go to expressions -> visibility, then show or hide based on an expression and use
=iif(first(Fields!.Value = ""),true,false)
Setting row visibility logic is important, but I've learned that sometimes a blank row will still appear, even though its contents are hidden. To solve this, I had to do the following non-intuitive steps, but I did in fact succeed in completely suppressing unwanted white space.
In the cell in the tablix region, use the Insert > Rectangle menu option.
In the rectangle, use the Insert > Textbox menu option. Resize as needed.
In the textbox, right-click and enter a placeholder.
Set the value of the placeholder expression to whatever you need.