How can I display count of imagefield images in views? - facebook

I want to display the number of images uploaded to an imagefield, in a views field or views tpl.php. How can I do this? My imagefield is called boatimages. I tried this but it comes out as 0, not the correct number: < ? php print count($fields->field_boatimages) ?>

Ack. I do not think count() works like that.
Why not just do this using Views? Take a look at Arguments > Settings and you'll see 'display record count' which seems like all you would need for this.

My suggestion is install the devel module and use the function dpm to print the variable if you wanna know the structure (print_r() may work too). If count isn't working it's because, you are probably using it with the wrong data.
OR, you could just query the database for the field. I'm gonna provide you instructions for drupal 7 but drupal 6 should be similar.
Check the table field_data_field_boatimages. See how there's a list of your images related with a single entity_id
Then execute this query
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `field_data_field_boatimages` WHERE entity_id = ###
Where ### is the entity_id you want to know. You can get it by looking for arg(1) if arg(0) == node in your page.
Now you just have to use php power to print thar result
$query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `field_data_field_boatimages` WHERE entity_id = :eid
$result = db_query($query, array(':eid', $nid))->fetchField();
echo $result;
Drupal 6 would be very similar. Just a little difference in the table names and the query syntax. For example using db_result instead of fetchField()
Anyway good luck!


Error in Opening Report from Form

I have a Form which will help me to filter out the records I want for my Report. The button will open the Report On Click.
This is the code in the button:
Private Sub Open_OEE_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "OEE_Report", acViewReport, , , acWindowNormal
End Sub
I keep getting the error:
I also have placed the query in my report under the Record Source as:
SELECT * FROM 3_OEE WHERE ((([3_OEE].RecordID)=Forms![3_OEE_Report]!cboRecordID) And (([3_OEE].Date_Recorded)=DateValue(Forms![3_OEE_Report]!Date_Recorded)) And (([3_OEE].MC_No)=Forms![3_OEE_Report]!cboMCNo) And (([3_OEE].Product)=Forms![3_OEE_Report]!cboProduct));
I want to search based on one criteria (text box or combo box) and not all four at once.
Am I missing out something?
MS-Access does tend to go a bit overboard with the brackets. Make the report's Record Source a bit easier to read by trimming out the unnecessary ones. You also need to get your date criterion in the right format - Access always uses US formatting in SQL queries and needs # signs around the date:
WHERE [3_OEE].RecordID = Forms![3_OEE_Report]!cboRecordID
And [3_OEE].Date_Recorded = Format(Forms![3_OEE_Report]!Date_Recorded, "\#mm/dd/yyyy\#")
And [3_OEE].MC_No = Forms![3_OEE_Report]!cboMCNo
And [3_OEE].Product = Forms![3_OEE_Report]!cboProduct;
I would also suggest creating a named query for this and setting the report's Record Source to the named query. You can then test the query in isolation without having to run the report (but make sure the Form is open and the relevant controls are populated).
I asked for help from another source.
Answer to Question

Retrieving two records with the same name

I have to get two different names pulled from this query, the Account Name and the Opportunity Name. Both are called "Name" under each object.
I am able to use a query to retrieve both of them, but I am unable to decipher between the two in order to actually echo/print or use them.
My Query is:
$query = "SELECT Name,Opportunity.Account.Name from Opportunity ";
$response = $mySforceConnection->query($query);
foreach ($response->records as $record) {
echo $record->Name ."<br/>\n";
//echo $record->Opportunity.Account.Name ."<br/>\n";
echo "<br/>\n"; }
The only Name that is displayed is the opportunity Name (when trying different methods, I know the code above will only echo that)
I have made two seperate queries one from account and one from opportunity to ensure both are infact different things, and they are.
I have attempted to echo two "Name" records, both are just the opportunity name it doesn't recognize the account name.
And obviously what is commented out above as "Opportunity.Account.Name" isn't echoing the result, i am recieving an error instead.
I know using an alias is not supported in salesforce so that obviously didn't and won't work, by that I mean trying to do this:
Select Name as OppName
I am unable to find a different way to echo the records, I have done a lot of googling on the subject. Any help would be appreciated or a point in the right direction.
In my schema there is no Name field in the Opportunity object. There is Account Name and it is a lookup on Account Name in the Account object. You can view the schema builder by going to Setup > Schema Builder (it is under App Setup).
To be honest, I don't know why this worked. I'm new to SOAP and Salesforce, so I was just trying different things to get it working. But if anyone else has this problem, this is how I fixed it.
I displayed the account name by using this to echo it:
echo $record->Account->Name ;
The query is still the same as in the question.

security for a simple php search form

I have a table that lists movies and I have incorporated a simple search function.
I have one text field in a form where a title or keyword can be entered and then the form is submitted.
php/mysql code that does the work is:
$find = $_POST['find'];
$find = mysql_real_escape_string($find);
$find = htmlspecialchars($find);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_buyerguide WHERE rel_date BETWEEN NOW() AND DATE_ADD(now(), INTERVAL 2 MONTH) AND title LIKE '%".$find."%' ORDER BY title";
where 'find' is the name of the text input in the search form.
This works well enough for the search functionality for the required purpose.
My question to all is:
Is the mysql_real_escape_string and htmlspecialchars enough to make my search form secure?
I have read all of the questions that I can find on stackoverflow about this, but I would really like someone in the know to just say to me "yes, that is all you need", or "no, you also need to take into account ...".
Thanks in Advance.
Cheers Al.
Remember the adage: Filter In, Escape Out.
You're not outputting the term there, so why are you escaping it for HTML purposes with htmlspecialchars()?
Instead, ONLY escape it for the database (you should be using prepared statements, but that's another point). So you should not be using htmlspecialchars there.
Instead, when you go to output the variable onto the HTML page, that's when you should escape it for HTML (again, using htmlspecialchars).
Right now, you're mixing database and html escaping, which is going to lead to neither being effective...
Yes it is enough to make it could always throw strip_tags() in there as well....
Although I would just do it in one line...instead of using three
$find = htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['find']));
But to really make it secure and up to date, you should stop using mysql_* functions as they are deprecated, and will be removed in any future relases of PHP....
You should instead switch to either mysqli_* or PDO, and implement prepared statements which handles security for you. PDO
$db = new PDO('mysql:server=localhost;dbname=test', 'username', 'password');
$find = $_POST['find'];
$query = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM tbl_buyerguide WHERE rel_date BETWEEN NOW() AND DATE_ADD(now(), INTERVAL 2 MONTH) AND title LIKE :like ORDER BY title');
$query->bindValue(':like', '%' . $find . '%');

T-SQL SELECT Statment to Exclude Text Between ( And ) Without Update or Variables

I'm wondering if this is possible, I have a messy set of first name data to work with, and it's shared by other applications so I don't want to run any update statements. But the data will sometime include an AKA such as:
Robert (AKA Bob)
And I am trying to get a clean data where it just says "Robert".
One way I thought of is to use a temp table then CHARINDEX for ( and ) then REPLACE what's between ( and ). This seems like a long winded way to do this.
Is there a smarter way?
EDIT: More examples of the data hell. Sometimes the parenthesis comes in the front or mixed up such as:
(Bill) William
Richard (Dick) Jr.
FirstName = case when charindex('(AKA', FirstName) = 0
then FirstName
else substring(FirstName, 1, charindex('(AKA', FirstName)) end
If the noisy string pattern is unpredictable, better to use SQL CLR TVF(table value function), utilize C# code regex. Taking an xml as input parameter, which includes data you need to process, return a table with data processed.
Pieter got the ball rolling for me! Thank you for getting me started on the right track!
CASE WHEN FirstName like '%)%'
ELSE FirstName END

Sphinx SetSortMode EXPR

I am trying to sort using Sphinx (PHP) to show in order of price but when I do it will show £10 before £1.75 so I need to use ABS like in mySQL.
I have tried this:
$s->SetSortMode (SPH_SORT_EXPR, "ABS(display_price) ASC" );
It doesnt seem to work though.
Can anybody help?
Check, if display_price attribute treated as a decimal in search index
Probably you have
sql_attr_string = display_price
instead of
sql_attr_float = display_price
sql_attr_bigint = display_price
SPH_SORT_EXPR is ALWAYS descending order. the ASC/DESC are for use with EXTENDED mode only.
To 'invert' it to become acsending, can build it into the expression.
$s->SetSortMode (SPH_SORT_EXPR, "1000000-CEIL(ABS(display_price*100.0))" );