Android SDK tools rev 19: Issue with external jar files - classpath

I know this question was asked a couple of times on stackoverflow - but I still face some problems trying to add an additional jar file to an existing android project - using android sdk tools rev. 19.
I use eclipse Version: 3.6.2
The project compiled and the artefacts worked with android sdk tools rev. 14/any android >2.2 (>= API 8)
The project does compile with sdk tools rev. 19/any android >2.2 BUT the artifacts do not contain the jars defined within the classpath - so I keep getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exceptions
I tried to add "jar.libs.dir=lib" to my - since lib contains all the jars without any positive effect.
I also tried to create a new dummy project adding jars as I always did (all jars added to a lib folder within the project, right click on the jar > add to build path)
I tried to add the jars using import
Thank you for your help.

Rename your "lib" folder to "libs".


Java failed to bootstrap path, eclipse, jdk-13

I’m trying to update my JavaFX project to be compatible with JRE 13 (until now it was set up to use JRE 1.8). I’m developing with Eclipse 2020-03, using a Mac.
The first big issue I’ve had to deal with is the migration from the included JavaFX libraries in JDK 1.8 to having to import JavaFX (14) as an external package for JDK 13.
The second issue is migration from using the classpath to using the modulepath. I’m new to the module path, so what I say about it may not make sense, but my current setup now is this:
<list of other .jar files>
JRE System Library [Java SE 13 [13.0.2]]
JavaFX 14
<list of .jar files I downloaded, including javafx-swt, javafx.base, javafx.controls, javafx.fxml,,, javafx.swing, javafx.web>
<I created a User Library from the above listed .jar’s>
Finally, all the compiler errors are now gone (I had to recompile some of the external .jar files I downloaded so there weren’t any split packages), but when I build and run the application class nothing happens.
Checking the Mac system console, the below output seems to reference why the app is not starting, but I checked he JDK path and the referenced java executable does exist.[1] ( Failed to bootstrap path: path = /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-13.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java, error = 2: No such file or directory
What is happening here? If you need more info about my project config, comment and I can add details.

Convert Facebook Android SDK .aar file to Java Library Project

I'm trying to convert facebook android sdk .aar file to Java Library Project (and use it in Unreal Engine 4 as OnlineSubsystem).
What i've done (according to this answer - AAR in Eclipse ANT project):
Download facebook-android-sdk-4.10.1, unzip it, rename facebook-android-sdk-4.10.1.aar to
Create in Eclipse new android java library project.
Add classes.jar (from facebook-android-sdk-4.10.1.aar) to libs of Eclipse project.
Replace res folder of eclipse project with res folder of .aar file.
Create new android application and add facebook library project to android application project.
Copy all from facebook .aar's AndroidManifest.xml to android application project.
When I'm trying to build application I always get these errors:
res\layout\com_facebook_device_auth_dialog_fragment.xml:22: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'cardBackgroundColor' in package 'com.facebook'
res\layout\com_facebook_device_auth_dialog_fragment.xml:22: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'cardElevation' in package 'com.facebook'
The CardView declaration (with errors) look like this:
< xmlns:android=""
When I delete these two attributes everything works fine, but I want to know how to build my project without deleting anything.
Unreal Engine uses ant build system for building android application so, please, do not offer me to use gradle.
I realized that I should add cardview java library project from android sdk (android-sdk\extras\android\support\v7\cardview) to my facebook java library project.
Thanks everyone.

I couldn't build Jhipster sample app

I'm trying to run Jhipster sample app in my Eclipse kepler . I've downloaded the project from here and I've imported it as existing maven project but it couldn't be build . I got this exception :
The type java.util.Optional cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
and many "Undefined CSS file" errors
how can I run this project in my Eclipse ?
Normally you should create your application using the yeoman generator. Install yeoman and execute yo jhipster from your command line.
a)For the java exception basically you need to remove the old version of java from your build path and add support for java 8.
You need to follow these steps
1) Right-click on project » Properties » Java Build Path
2) Select Libraries tab
3) Find the JRE System Library and remove it
4) Click Add Library... button at right side » Add the JRE System Library(Workspace default JRE)
Do not forget to set the Java jdk compiler compliance level to 1.8 (Preference -> Java -> compiler )
b) The jhipster site mentions about the configuration settings(css,javascript and html etc)for eclipse to avoid errors in eclipe.

Thrift: the import javax.annotation cannot be resolved

I use Eclipse Mars (M1) as my IDE. Today, I generated my service's Java code using Apache Thrift 0.9.2 (latest stable version) for an Android project. This version (unlke version 0.9.1) uses the "Generated" annotation from javax.annotation package, for adding some extractable documentation. It adds a line like the following line before each generated class:
#Generated(value = "Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.9.2)", date = "2014-11-30")
But surprisingly, Eclipse complains about the package javax.annotation. It throws the error "the import javax.annotation cannot be resolved". My project's Java compiler compliance level is 1.6, and its minimum Android API version is API 8 (Android 2.2). How can I fix this error?
Unfortunately most of packages under javax.* are not included in Android's JDK, therefore you need to add those that you need, manually. Here the reason for not including these packages is explained.
Unluckily, there are several versions of javax.annotation package available for download, some of which don't contain the "Generated" annotation class (javax.annotation.generated). Fortunately this jar file does include that specific annotation class. So if you don't use any build system like Gradle, Ant, or Maven, all you have to do is to include the .jar file in a directory in your project (e.g. lib/) and then add this jar library to your buildpath. If you use Ant, then follow the first link.
I had the same problem and I fixed it by adding this dependency to my build.gradle file
compile group: 'javax.annotation', name: 'javax.annotation-api', version: '1.3.2'

Getting "Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define" error when trying to run main project which is using other library project

I am trying use androidVNC open source project as a Library Project in my MainProject. androidVNC has also used ZoomerWithKeys library project. I want start a activity of androidVNC library project in my MainProject by clicking on a Button.
I have done all the basic things like to define all the activity of library project in Manifest of main Project.
The problem is that i am getting following error when trying to running my MainProject -
Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/antlersoft/android/zoomer/R$drawable;
[2013-05-16 15:44:03 - OtherProj] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/antlersoft/android/zoomer/R$drawable;
Thanks in advance.
I resolve this by doing following steps:
Go to bin folder of you app and see which libraries are duplicated(in mine I had 2 supportv4****)
Hold your mouse on them and see where they compile from, keep in mind that you should keep the most important one, so if you are using appcompat and facebookSDK, you should keep that library which comes from appcompat
Go to the properties of the project of the other library (e.g facebookSDK) -> Java build path -> Libraries and delete the dependency in which the buggy lib come from(in mine, supportV4 nested in Android Private Libraries, so I delete it),
Also do it from a file manager, go to our project folder/libs and delete that buggy library if it's not cleaned by default
In that window, after deleting, choose Add Jars... and select the library of the other project(in mine, I choose SupportV4 from appcompat)
Clean you workspace, restart Eclipse
The problem should have gone, these steps work more than fine for me
1).did you added your lib project to the main project?? Make sure..
2).also add the project to your lib project by doing this process--
In the lib project-->>right click on project-->>java build path-->>on the project tab-->>add your main project.
Now build your project..hopefully it will help you.
3). Go to the project properties..edit this(can give some space) and then save..clean project...then build..
I tackled with this kind error in Android Studio.
In my case my main project was using two my own lib. But beside this those two libs were using the same library as external included
compile files('lib/external-lib.jar')
I solved it by doing following in my both own libs.
1)Removing old compile files('lib/external-lib.jar' ) from build.gradle and deleting old external_lib.jar from lib folder.
2)Adding library from jcenter() two my own libs
compile 'external.lib:1.9.2'
Then rebuild and run main project
Then problem has disappeared.