Convert Facebook Android SDK .aar file to Java Library Project - facebook

I'm trying to convert facebook android sdk .aar file to Java Library Project (and use it in Unreal Engine 4 as OnlineSubsystem).
What i've done (according to this answer - AAR in Eclipse ANT project):
Download facebook-android-sdk-4.10.1, unzip it, rename facebook-android-sdk-4.10.1.aar to
Create in Eclipse new android java library project.
Add classes.jar (from facebook-android-sdk-4.10.1.aar) to libs of Eclipse project.
Replace res folder of eclipse project with res folder of .aar file.
Create new android application and add facebook library project to android application project.
Copy all from facebook .aar's AndroidManifest.xml to android application project.
When I'm trying to build application I always get these errors:
res\layout\com_facebook_device_auth_dialog_fragment.xml:22: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'cardBackgroundColor' in package 'com.facebook'
res\layout\com_facebook_device_auth_dialog_fragment.xml:22: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'cardElevation' in package 'com.facebook'
The CardView declaration (with errors) look like this:
< xmlns:android=""
When I delete these two attributes everything works fine, but I want to know how to build my project without deleting anything.
Unreal Engine uses ant build system for building android application so, please, do not offer me to use gradle.

I realized that I should add cardview java library project from android sdk (android-sdk\extras\android\support\v7\cardview) to my facebook java library project.
Thanks everyone.


Flutter plugin that uses .aar modules builds and runs fine in the example app but fails to build in a different app

I've written a Flutter plugin to use an SDK that requires the inclusion of some .aar modules. It builds and runs perfectly in the example app for the plugin, but when I import the plugin in a different app and try to build it, the build immediately fails with a message saying that one of the .aar modules could not be found in the plugin. This makes no sense because the module is definitely there - the platform channels to use the SDK would fail in the example app if the module wasn't there.
Why would the example app build and run without any problems but a different app won't? The only thing I can think of is that I import the plugin from path in my pubspec but it seems unlikely to me that this is the culprit.
Any advice or assistance here would be appreciated. TIA!
I got it!!!!
The answer is as found here: How to add .aar dependency in library module?
The way this adapts to a Flutter plugin is as follows:
Add a libs folder at the root of the android project in the plugin. Add the .aar files there.
In the plugin's build.gradle file, update rootProject.allProjects to look as follows:
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
dirs project(':your_plugin_name_here').file('libs')
Still in the same build.gradle, add your .aar file(s) as dependencies as follows:
implementation(name:'aar_name_here', ext:'aar')
In the Flutter app that you want to use the plugin for, open the app-level build.gradle file and add the plugin itself as a dependency, like so:
android {
dependencies {
implementation project(':your_flutter_plugin');
In the settings.gradle file for the app that us using the plugin, change
include ':app'
include ':app', ':your_flutter_plugin'
And this should do it!!

Compiling greenDAO source

When I do a fresh git clone of the greenDAO repo, import the project with Android Studio, and try to compile, references to all the Android objects throw Unresolved Symbol/Method errors. Similarly, the Android specific import statements are also unresolved.
I've gotten as far as realizing that the build.gradle files don't call apply plugin: 'android', but instead lists dependencies like:
dependencies {
provided ''
provided ''
provided ''
provided ''
provided ''
I've used the SDK manager to make sure I have all the files for API v4.1 installed. I also know how to use greenDAO by using the Maven repos and/or importing JARs. My problem is specific to building from source.
Update 1: As stated, when using provided, none of the Android files are found.
I don't have enough reputation to post images, but you can find a screenshot here.

How can I build BaseGameUtils with Gradle

I had a project that was working fine until I imported the BaseGameUtils library project for use with my project.
Is it possible to continue to use Gradle to build my project? I tried the Google Play Game Services in LibGDX instructions. Even though they are for IntelliJ - I would think the instructions would work for Eclipse but they don't.
The error I get is
A problem occurred configuring project ':android'.
Configuration with name 'default' not found.
This is from adding the line compile project(":BaseGameUtils") in my :android dependencies in build.gradle.
You don't need add this project to Gradle. Just import BaseGameUtils to Eclipse, then set it as a library
Right button on BaseGameUtils > properties > Android > check "Is a library" > click ok
Then go to your Android project (not the core project)
Properties > Android > Add library > select BaseGameUtils
Try to follow LibGDX Google Play Game Services Tutorial.

Getting "Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define" error when trying to run main project which is using other library project

I am trying use androidVNC open source project as a Library Project in my MainProject. androidVNC has also used ZoomerWithKeys library project. I want start a activity of androidVNC library project in my MainProject by clicking on a Button.
I have done all the basic things like to define all the activity of library project in Manifest of main Project.
The problem is that i am getting following error when trying to running my MainProject -
Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/antlersoft/android/zoomer/R$drawable;
[2013-05-16 15:44:03 - OtherProj] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/antlersoft/android/zoomer/R$drawable;
Thanks in advance.
I resolve this by doing following steps:
Go to bin folder of you app and see which libraries are duplicated(in mine I had 2 supportv4****)
Hold your mouse on them and see where they compile from, keep in mind that you should keep the most important one, so if you are using appcompat and facebookSDK, you should keep that library which comes from appcompat
Go to the properties of the project of the other library (e.g facebookSDK) -> Java build path -> Libraries and delete the dependency in which the buggy lib come from(in mine, supportV4 nested in Android Private Libraries, so I delete it),
Also do it from a file manager, go to our project folder/libs and delete that buggy library if it's not cleaned by default
In that window, after deleting, choose Add Jars... and select the library of the other project(in mine, I choose SupportV4 from appcompat)
Clean you workspace, restart Eclipse
The problem should have gone, these steps work more than fine for me
1).did you added your lib project to the main project?? Make sure..
2).also add the project to your lib project by doing this process--
In the lib project-->>right click on project-->>java build path-->>on the project tab-->>add your main project.
Now build your project..hopefully it will help you.
3). Go to the project properties..edit this(can give some space) and then save..clean project...then build..
I tackled with this kind error in Android Studio.
In my case my main project was using two my own lib. But beside this those two libs were using the same library as external included
compile files('lib/external-lib.jar')
I solved it by doing following in my both own libs.
1)Removing old compile files('lib/external-lib.jar' ) from build.gradle and deleting old external_lib.jar from lib folder.
2)Adding library from jcenter() two my own libs
compile 'external.lib:1.9.2'
Then rebuild and run main project
Then problem has disappeared.

Android SDK tools rev 19: Issue with external jar files

I know this question was asked a couple of times on stackoverflow - but I still face some problems trying to add an additional jar file to an existing android project - using android sdk tools rev. 19.
I use eclipse Version: 3.6.2
The project compiled and the artefacts worked with android sdk tools rev. 14/any android >2.2 (>= API 8)
The project does compile with sdk tools rev. 19/any android >2.2 BUT the artifacts do not contain the jars defined within the classpath - so I keep getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exceptions
I tried to add "jar.libs.dir=lib" to my - since lib contains all the jars without any positive effect.
I also tried to create a new dummy project adding jars as I always did (all jars added to a lib folder within the project, right click on the jar > add to build path)
I tried to add the jars using import
Thank you for your help.
Rename your "lib" folder to "libs".