"Play Game" tab on Facebook fanpage - facebook

I have a fanpage and a game app. The fanpage was created before the game, so I already have some likes, which I'd like to preserve. I need to add some tab or button which takes the user to my app (www.apps.facebook.com/myapp). There are no options about that on the fanpage's admin panel.

Welcome to SO!
You have to build an HTML/PHP page with the button linking to your game page.
Also have in mind that you can use the same application (your game) with the Timeline App by serving the content from a different directory. You can setup this in the facebook developer app.
Some helpful resources:
Page Tab Tutorial
Javascript SDK


link an app with an already created page?

I just created an app on facebook in order to publish the content of my website in a fan page, but I created the fan page before the app, now I don't know how to link my new app to my prev page; I just have the option of create a new page.
Hi Fran kinldy follow the below steps to link your apps with Fb page.
Fill canvas url and other details in the app settings.
Make the app to live & copy the app id and change the below URL.
www.facebook.com/add.php?api_key=your appid&pages=1
Then check your FB Page.Your apps will be linked.

Go to app button

I have created a Facebook app. The app is running on my hosted server through Facebook. I have a community sit and a blog site. How do I get the blue “Go to APP” button for my Facebook pages to drive users to the app? I cannot find the information in Facebook help files. Sorry if this is a novice question.
You can create a Facebook page for your app. It will have the blue “Go to APP” button that takes the user to your app.
To create a page for your app, click on the “Create Facebook Page” button in Edit App > Advanced > Contact info tab
In that case, as of February 1st, 2012, "App" pages are no longer available (read Removing App Profile Pages).
Please see this link for completed roadmap changes:

Facebook new page for iphone app with download button

I have a number of facebook pages devoted to my published iOS apps and I would of course like users to be able to download the apps from them. Previously I managed the issue by having the apple page in the frame, but in the new Facebook page all those kind of features are all but disappeared and the button that once lead to the page takes instead to an empty Facebook page, as you may see at:
What should I do instead to allow the link to the app page in the AppStore when pressing the AppStore button?
Thanks, Fabrizio
You can use this iframe app from woobox:

How can I disable my App Profile Page

I am using Facebook Connect on an external website. I don't want to show an App Profile Page on Facebook for this app. The main reason is because I have a Fan Page of the same name on Facebook and I am trying to get "Likes" for the Fan Page.
But when you search for the Fan Page by name both the App Profile Page and the Fan Page show up in the search results. And there would be nothing of use to show on the App Profile Page since all I am using it for is Facebook Connect.
Is there a setting in the app setting to not show the profile page? Or better yet, to use the Fan Page as the app profile page?
There currently doesn't exist a way to disable your App Profile Page or associate your app to a Facebook Page. We are planning to enable this soon after f8.
Yeah, I hated this… so I tossed up a super simple redirect app. Toss this up as your default tab for the application and put the link to the page.
Also let me know if there's an error. :)
You can migrate app pages to regular fan pages now (go to your app page for instructions). App pages will be disabled by February.
Removing App Profile Pages By February 1, 2012, we are removing App
Profile Pages. You can migrate Likes and the Vanity URL of this Page
to an existing Facebook Page with the same name and of Product/App
Click here to migrate to an existing Facebook Page
Unfortunately not. We ended up asking all of our fans to move over to become fans of our application page and then deleted our fan page. The only thing you can do is set your app in sandbox mode but then obviously nobody except developers can access it.

Facebook, FBML: Is it possible to integrate application developed in php sdk with the Fans Page?

Is it possible to integrate application developed in php sdk with the Fans Page (Show application in Fans page)?
Please let me know the eg. how to achieve this?
Applications can be added as a tab on Fan Pages, you can't "integrate" it into the page.
The "Facebook Integration" tab of your app config has a section to define this. You'll need to specify a URL beneath your app domain that contains the content to load. This tab must be FBML-compliant (though FB plans to migrate these to iFrames).
IMPORTANT: Facebook has eliminated Tabs on user profiles. They are now for Facebook Pages only.