Sencha Touch Packaging for Apple Devices - iphone

When trying to load my sencha touch 2 test application to devices like iPhone and iPad, i receive the following error messages:
The application was successfully packaged
codesign_allocate: for architecture armv7 object: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/build// malformed object (unknown load command 8)
../build// object file format invalid or unsuitable
Failed to execute system command while signing application with error 256
Failed to package application
I have created the appropriate provision certificates, apple id, .pem file and .p12 file; i have followed the instructions given on sencha's API website
I have also found Youtube videos explaining the process from start to finish and everything seems to work until the last step. I tried to google the error messages but the answers i received were not very explicit with a lot of "maybe"s
I am running Mac OSX version 10.6.8 with xcode version 4.0.2. Any concrete suggestions would be greatly appreciated as i have been on this for 2 days
thank you


App wont compile for device because of watch kit - ValidateEmbeddedBinary Fails

I have a pretty complex project and it includes phone, TV, and Watch apps.
Compiling for simulators is okay but compiling for a device (or archiving) causes ValidateEmbeddedBinary error:
Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x72613c21
Command ValidateEmbeddedBinary failed with a nonzero exit code
I cannot use the legacy build system because of the watch kit app, I tried cleaning, restarting, excluding some frameworks, pod install, re-login to the provisioning system but nothing worked.
What do you think?
Maybe it's because of device architecture? I'm not sure if I've seen arm64 before.
Okay, I fixed the problem for the device; it's not about the watch app, it is about to watch app extension. I removed the watch ap extension.framework from the "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content" section and it can be compiled now.
I m still getting exception after archived the project, in the Organizer App.

Install iOS Apps on device without developer program, iOS 5.1

I'm trying to install my iOS app on to my device running iOS 5.1.
It's not currently jailbreaked but if that's what it takes I'll do that.
When i was running iOS 5.0.1 I followed this thread: How can I deploy an iPhone application from Xcode to a real iPhone device? and created a self-signed certificate, that worked like a charm.
I'm not able to get it working after updating to Xcode 4.3.2 and iOS 5.1
I'v also tried following this thread but with no success: Test iOS app on device without apple developer program or jailbreak
So how do I install my apps from Xcode 4.3.2 to my iPhone 4 running iOS 5.1, without being member in a developer program?
I am now able to get the applications on to the iPhone. But when i try to start them they crash, not even the launch image comes up. I've Jailbroken the device, installed Appsync, edited the SDKSettings.plist and changed the build properties to "Don't code Sign".
This is what the console gives me when i try to start the app, i'm not getting any crash log in Xcode:
May 8 18:25:35 unknown SpringBoard[54] <Warning>: Unable to obtain a task name port right for pid 1017: (os/kern) failure
May 8 18:25:35 unknown[1] <Notice>: (UIKitApplication:com.KerschApps.Test[0x2fa8]) Exited: Killed: 9
May 8 18:25:35 unknown[1] <Warning>: (UIKitApplication:com.KerschApps.Test[0x2fa8]) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2147483647 seconds
May 8 18:25:35 unknown SpringBoard[54] <Warning>: Application 'Test' exited abnormally with signal 9: Killed: 9
May 8 18:25:36 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AMFI: hook..execve() killing pid 1017: no code signature
Why are all my applications crashing in the iPhone when they run fine in the simulator?
Thanks /Tim
I've had exactly the same problem as you, getting apps running on iOS 5.1 with Xcode 4.3.2 and I've just managed to get it working almost perfectly using this method here:
Building Apps for iOS 5.1 with Xcode 4.3.2
It's based on this one from iPhone Dev wiki, but I had to include some alterations - the -gta switch results in a build error, and the instructions aren't exactly explicit. The complete tutorial is in that blog post, but the steps basically are:
Create self-signed certificate with name 'iPhone Developer'
Turn 'Code Signing Identities' in Xcode project Build Settings back on - to use your self-signed certificate 'iPhone Developer'
Change info.plist occurrences as stated
Download ldid, make executable
Create python script, stick it in /usr/bin, change python script references accordingly
Change iPhoneCodeSign.xcspec to use
Create tdmtanf file on device with touch over ssh
Don't put -gta flags in 'Other Code Signing Flags'
I happen to use Unity for debugging so the lack of Xcode debugging with -gta didn't bother me - obviously Objective C developers will need this functionality, so hopefully someone can expand on this if they get it working. I'm currently playing with a dev build of my app on my iPhone on 5.1, and fingers cross you can get the same result.
I don't know if you resolve your problem but I had the same that you had. I'll explain how solve.
Xcode 4.3.2, iPhone with iOS 5.1.x, Mac.
All you need is auto sign your application. All steps that you did are corrects, so when you have your application builded from Xcode you need to sign it.
Create a self certificate in keychain and then go in the folder (by terminal) where xcode compile the application, then write this:
mac$ platform=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform
mac$ allocate=${platform}/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate
mac$ export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=${allocate}
mac$ codesign -fs "Name" Program
where "Name" is the name of the certificate and Program is the name the (you must specify .app). The copy your app in /Applications by ssh or cyberduck or iTunes... Then respring and enjoy!
I was trying to do the same and had failed at a few points, then I found Moustafa Hassan's blog, which had the steps I successfully used.
It works fine testing with Xcode 4.6.3 on OS X 10.8.4 (on my Hackintosh) and iOS 6.1.2 on my iPad
That page contained step by step examples and pictures to do the job. It only takes about 15 minutes.
The only thing I can think of that is not listed on the page is how to access /usr/local/bin on your OS X device. That is easily done by showing hidden files in terminal[1].
[1]: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

iphone: how to build an IPA file from self-made app? [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
I programmed a small app for iOS, and I used Mac OS X 10.6.6, Xcode 3.2.5 and iOS SDK 4.2, all running in a Virtual Box machine 4.0.
now I want the app to run on my iphone and to distribute it to some beta testers. because I'm not a registered apple developer and I don't want to pay $99 to apple, I need to find some other way.
the first thing I found on the net is the tutorial of alex whittemore:
I followed the instructions by creating a self sign root certificate,binary patching the Xcode program and adding some scripts to the build process. afterwards, I switched to from "debug" to "release" mode and from "simulator" to "device". the build-process ends with a warning-message:
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19011)
but I still have a folder in the Release-iphoneos-folder, which I can transfer via ssh or scp in the /Applications/-folder of my jailbroken iphone. afterwards I call "uicache" on the iphone and the app is shown in springboard. I can also start the app and everything works fine.
now is the problem, that I want an IPA file of my app. as I read on the net, an IPA file is nothing more than the folder in a folder called "Payload", zipped together with two files called iTunesArtwork and iTunesMetadata.plist. I created the iTunesArtworks file out of an 512x512 jpeg image and the plist file from some preset I found on the net. afterwards, the file has to be renamed to appname.ipa. I did this process manually and transfered the IPA file via scp to the download-folder of my installous-app on my iphone. then I started installous and tried to install my app - there comes the error message:
installation failed: invalid ipa
I did a search on the net for this error message and found something about updating my Appsync and Installous-installation. I updated both programs from the, but this didn't help.
so I thought, that I did something wrong during the IPA-creation-process. I did some research and found out, that it is possible to drag and drop the to itunes, which automatically makes an IPA file of it. then you can find the IPA file in some folder of iTunes. I copied this file to the download folder of installous on my iphone and tried to install this file again, but the same error message is shown.
my question:
how can I make a valid IPA file for installous, if I have a self-signed app? does installous check the signature?
maybe someone has a hint for me...
I found a solution for my problem.
because I wanted more information on the installous-error-message, I installed "syslog toggle" and "syslogd to /var/log/syslog" via cydia on my iphone to log detailed information to /var/log/syslog. then I tried to install the IPA file again and I got a message in the syslog from the installd daemon, that the IPA file has a minimum-iOS-version requirement of 4.2, while my iphone is running under iOS 4.0.
*installd[163]: 00503000 verify_bundle_metadata: The system version is lower than the minimum OS version*
interessingly there was no problem to install the app as system application by copying the via ssh to /Applications/, but with the wrong minimum-iOS-version-parameter build in. so I rebuild my app with the right minimum-iOS-version for my iphone.
I tried to install again, but again I got an error message about an invalid IPA. this time the installd daemon tells me in the syslog of my iphone, that it couldn't install an system application:
*installd[193]: 00503000 preflight_application_install: Can't install System or Internal apps*
this problem was easy to solve, because I still had the app installed as system application in /Applications/. I just needed to delete the /Applications/ folder and call "uicache" twice with the user "mobile" via ssh. then I startet installous again and tried to install my IPA file - et voila: IT WORKED!!
maybe I was able to help someone with a similar problem. it seems to be a good idea to install the syslog-apps via cydia to have a closer look for the error messages of installous, if some generic error message like "invalid ipa" appears.
ps: I was really irritated, that my question was closed by the moderator! just because someone thinks, that my question is "not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet." it's soooo stupid to close questions! now you see: I got a solution and I posted it here.. maybe it will help someone in the future! you shouldn't make the same fault as wikipedia by over-controlling the user content.

Error uploading application to AppStore - error 19011

I'm trying to upload an updated iPhone version. I compile with the distribution provisional and get the error - "Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19011)".
I'm trying to make the same process for my previous version and it works fine. So I guess it's not the provisional. The bundle id I using in my new application is similar to the previous. I changed the projects structures and added features.
There is another issue which might be related: the application runs well on device but when I'm trying to create an archive I get an error of not find .h files though they are in the path.
I will appreciate if you can assist.
Apple's App Store is experiencing downtime lately:

iPhone Configuration Utility for Windows Error

We are getting an error when deploying an iPhone application to iOS 4 using the Windows configuration Utility, 3.0. The application loads great using the configuration utility on a mac, fails on windows.
We have confirmed that the provision is copied onto the device, it's just the app.
The error is:
Could not install application on
device. Error: A signed resource has
been added, modified, or deleted.
Several posts talked about special chars used on macs not working on the PC, we have been careful to only use allowed chars in the name of the app.
Any advice on this would be great, and yes, we suggested they buy a ton of macs already. :)
Had the same error. Finally manage to get around by installing my application using the windows version of iTunes . Forget the iphone configuration utility for installing apps. It's too buggy :(