get cursor on textfield - iphone

I need to get the cursor in textfiled but on the textfileddidbeginEditing i have to open the picker view for selection , so for that reason i need to resignFirtsresponder to the textfield ,inorder that picker view is visible .But by doing this the cursor gets disabled as i open the picker (and the keyboard gets hide by resignFirst responder).I want to show the cursor as because when user cliks on partilcuar textfield so by that cursor he can track on which textfield he is making the selection.
Hope i am clear with my question.

if you want the picker instead of keyboard, set the text fields inputView as the picker... so when you tap the text field the picker will pop up like keyboard and the textfield will show the cursor too.. no need to dismiss the keyboard and then show the picker..

If I understand your problem right, this is just an usability problem. I think you can solve this if you just add some other mechanism for showing the user which textfield is in editing-mode.
For example add an text-color to the TextField. If the user disable the UIPickerView set the text-color back to the normal state.


Hide option menu when UITextField text is selected

Simply how do we prevent this pop up menu when UITextField text is selected.
Desired functionality:
user can tap either field and edit text.
When field is tapped and textField is empty, i have text generated then textfield.selectAll(self). This is the point that the menu pops up.
How to disable UITextField editing but still accept touch? answers do not resolve this issue nor allow user to still use the textField.
Found the response:
When using textField.selectAll(), passing the textField's delegate makes the pop up menu appear.
For no popup menu use textField.selectAll(nil)

How can I make a keyboard not appear when selecting a text field?

I'm using a list picker to change the information in the text field so I don't want the keyboard to pop up at all. Is there any way to make it so the keyboard doesn't pop up.
textField.isUserInteractionEnabled = false

Swift iOS Scrolling View When Keyboard Is Visible

In my view I have two text fields and one text view. The text fields aren't hidden by the keyboard but the text view is. No problem. I can scroll it. The issue I'm having is that if the keyboard is already visible the keyboardWillBeShown event doesn't occur. My text view is visible enough to be tapped on when the keyboard is up but I want the entire field to scroll into view. Since keyboardWillBeShown won't fire (since the keyboard is already shown) how can I scroll the field?
I figured it out. Just had to add the scrolling code to the begin editing event.

how to get the cursor in UITextView without keyboard?

I am developing a program in which I have UITextView in that I need a cursor without the key board.In this cursor is show only with the keyboard if I hide the keyboard cursor will also get hide.How can I get the cursor without the key board ?
The cursor is displayed as long as you UITextView is being edited.
Thus, you can change its inputView view to some other view if you need to, and it will be displayed instead of the keyboard.
With this method you can add your custom inputView, a UIPickerView for example, or as you say you want you can add a minimalist hidden UIView.
If you want to restrict UITextField content, you still need to implement UITextFieldDelegate, as the user can still paste content to your text field!

How do I hide the textfield cursor on the iPhone?

How do I hide the textfield cursor on the iPhone?
Do you mean this...
[currentlySelectedTextField resignFirstResponder];
This will cause a text field to lose focus and the keyboard to hide again.
If you want to hide the blinking cursor line... I don't think you can do that easily.