Change GADBannerView size without requesting a new ad - iphone

I want to show AdMob ads in an iPhone application in both screen orientations. The ad size should to be 320x50 in portrait mode and 480x32 in landscape.
I've tried to change the bannerView frame and adSize properties, they both work well and the banner size is changed as needed, but the problem is that on each rotation the adViewDidReceiveAd method is called and the new ad is requested. So I wonder if there is a way to avoid reloading the ad when the screen is rotated and the ad size is changed?

If I understand this properly, you want to make one ad request that pulls in a 320x50 ad creative as well as a 480x32 ad creative? You'd need two different creatives because reusing the same ad in both orientations would probably make the ad look stretched.
Don't think this is something that you can do with the AdMob SDK right now unfortunately. Don't think there's a workaround you can use here as well as this would require a server-side change.


On iPhone, do text only banner ads make as much money?

My app is in landscape and I am using kGADAdSizeSmartBannerLandscape to create banners across the screen. I am using AdMob Mediation with AdMob and iAd only.
The thing is, these size ads (480x32)or(960x64) are text only for the iphone. Does anyone have any experience of these size and type of ads. Can I expect a reduced fill rate?
The alternative is to use the standard portrait banner size which means the ad will not stretch across the whole screen and will be much fatter.
The best practice is to use the ad size that best fits your application.
AdMob Text ads can be manipulated to fit the full width size. Images can't change their resolution, but since 480x32 is a popular format for iPhone, there may also be AdMob image inventory for this size at some point.

Is it possible to display full screen ad directly in iPhone?

I want to know that is it possible to display full screen ad directly in iPhone?as i don't want to display small banner ad and wants direct full screen ad.
and if yes then how?
For that what to use i mean how can i show it with iAd or AdWhirl or AdMob or other?
yes you can by using rich media iads but they are supported only on iPad & ios 4.3.Check the documentation.

iAds mess up my screen drawing?

I have a universal iPhone/iPad app that I'm in the process of completing. This is a music listening app that connects to and allows you to listen to music off of a user composed music site.
Since the user base for this app will be very small I've decided to put iAds in to try and get a little recovery on the programming costs.
The app is xib-less meaning that I create all components and draw every view manually. I have all of the code in place to place the iAd on screen and off screen for its various states. My app supports all rotations of all devices and my screens correctly reposition all components for every possible orientation.
After digging deep in the documentation I found that Apple always displays tapped on iAds in portrait mode. If my device is in portrait mode (upright) then there is no problem. However if I'm in landscape or upside down (yes it makes sense for this app), then the iAd displays in portrait but when closed my app is a mess.
The best way I can describe it is that each of my display items has a frame which I manually set to position it where I want it for each orientation. This works perfectly until the user taps on an iAd. The modal iAd dialog comes up then after it is closed even if I force a reposition of my components nothing draws correctly.
I've checked the view frame coordinates before and after the ad and I see some minor shifting. But what is so strange is that my components even when forced to their frame locations I desire are just a mess.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to the screen movie incase
embedding doesn't work:

Can I use 320X50 banner size for iAd on iPad?

It seems if I use iPad, the banner size is set as 768X66 by default. Can I use a smaller size like 320X50?
It's not the "default", it's the only supported size for the iPad in portrait orientations. See here.
If you're asking if you can simply display a smaller ad banner, the answer is no.
It's possible that your 320x50 banner will be scaled up to 768x66, but I don't have any actual evidence of that being the case. Either way, you will likely run into problems with getting your app approved for the App Store if you don't meet the explicitly stated requirements—Apple is picky about these things.
Why are you averse to creating a larger side banner?
Also consider that you really should support landscape mode on the iPad, which would require a banner sized 1024x66, according to the above link. Even if your 320x50 banner is scaled, it's going to look terrible scaled to that size.

How do I change the size of my ad banner from 320px wide to 480px wide?

1- my app is only runs on landscape mode, so i set the size of my AdBannerVioew to 480x32 but when i load the app, and i see the "test ad" it doesn't cover the width of the screen, and it's only 320px wide, is it because it's not an actual ad, and it's just for test?
2- I don't want to show the ad all the timer, every 3 minutes i want to show the ad for about 15 seconds and then hide it, would apple approve this?
Have you tried the AdBannerView to 480x32 programatically?
myAdBannerView.currentContentSizeIdentifier = ADBannerContentSizeIdentifier480x32;
Apple would probably approve of you showing your ad only for a little bit, but your revenue will vary if you're hiding and showing the ad. Here's the official documentation.