iOS - what is the right way to deal with a data model change? - iphone

I already have an app in the app store. I want to do an upgrade. My local data store has changed, with an extra table, and with a few fields added in the existing table. I want to retain the data in the old tables. How would I go about doing that? Could someone point me to tutorials that handle that kind of change?

Assuming you're using SQLite: Use a new database with a different name for your update. On startup, check for the table with the old name, copy the data you want, and delete it when you're done.
CoreData has it's own update data which may or may not work for you. You should look into how to change the data model.

Check out Apple's docs on migrating a core data instance. They make it super easy for 90% of the cases. The basic idea, is you break you xdatamodel into versions, so it has a path for migration
Here's a tutorial that might help you Core Data Migration


Core Data Update in the AppStore

I am just about to update one application from me. This app uses Core Data for saving the data, which the user puts in.
Now I want to fix some bugs, which aren't associated with Core Data at all.
What do I have to do that the User gets his data after downloading the Update?
I don't think about Lightweight Migration, because I haven't changed anything.
Do I have to add a new Model Versioning File? - I don't know.
You don't have to to anything. If the model and the data is not updated as part of the update, and you are storing the user's data in the documents directory, then a new version of your app will just carry on using the existing data.
If you haven't changed your Core Data schema at all, then you don't have to do anything. It'll still read the old data files with no problem.

core data, NSManagedObject changed between app versions

I have an app at the App-Store right now that uses Core-Data with persistent store to save the data as SQL-Lite-store-type, locally on the device.
Actually the Model is very simple, I have only one NSManagedObject in it, called "Product".
In the next version I want to edit "Product" properties in the following way: add a new property and remove 5 properties. (Without the app crashing because of the inconsistency...)
Plus, on the first launch of the application after the user upgrade I want to delete the old stored-DB, because it won't be relevant to the application any more.
I read "Core Data Model Versioning and Data Migration Programming Guide", but still not sure what is the best practice in this case. (Should I use "Lightweight Migration"?)
Please help me...
Using the Lightweight Migration is the simplest choice here. If all you are doing is adding properties, lightweight migration lets you avoid dealing with the inconsistency errors.

Preserving core data after app update

I am using core data to store favorites chosen by the user. I would like to know that if I send an app update, how can I keep the data of the favorites preserved after the app is updated by the user?
I have read that you could use versioning, but I'm not sure if this the correct method.
Any help will be appreciated! Thanks
If your app maintains the same bundle identifier and you don't copy over the core data store file, you keep it.
If you changed your Core Data model, then you do need to worry about versioning. Depending on changes you may need to write rules for migrating data in the old store to the new format. As you have probably experienced, if you change data structure and do not migrate (or wipe existing data), you crash.

iPhone app with CoreData

I am planning to create an iphone app which uses CoreData. There might be enhancements added later as new versions of the app.
My question is;
When using CoreData, what are the factors to keep in mind to ensure if the user upgrades the version, his previous data remains intact ? Like I heard we should keep the.sqlite file name same. What are other factors to keep in mind while releasing Core Data apps?
Thank you.
Data migration concepts are important to understand if you're going to maintain it over time, since you're likely to want to change at least some things eventually.
The ideal is Lightweight Migration, where minor conversion from your old data model to your new one is automatic. As noted in the document, it can take care of itself if your changes are:
Simple addition of a new attribute
A non-optional attribute becoming optional
An optional attribute becoming non-optional, and defining a default value
Renaming an entity or an attribute is also easy and nearly automatic.
Everything beyond that -- new or removed entities, new or removed or changed relationships -- is hairier. It's not incredibly difficult, but it's definitely more work, with more room for failure.
As such, a little speculation about likely potential changes may make it easier and more efficient to provide a little wiggle room in advance. Obviously if you do too much, especially with theoretical-but-currently-unused relationships, you're likely slowing down the current system and potentially for no reason.
Worth consideration.
One thing we have done is to manage two separate core data databases.
First, a "read-only" core data database that gets supplied with app updates (assuming you want to be sending data with the app, if not then don't bother with this part).
Second, a local core data database (data store) that's stored on the phone that is initially populated with the data from the first, and then added to by the user or with updates from a server that you control. This second core data store can stay persistent between updates.
For later modification and updates you have two options. You can add additional features in a new core data store as long as you don't need to get at the new data at the same time as the old data. The other option is to use apple's core data migration stuff which you can read more about here.
Here are also some additional resources for gearing up with core data, there are plenty of more specific core data examples on SO.
Finally, if you plan on significantly adding/modifying your core data store I'd suggest looking into SQLite. That's easier to change with updates (in my experience) than migrating an existing core data store to a new schema, especially if the schema changes often.

iphone data migration and application design

I'm working on an application that has a read-only database shipped with it.
The user will run the application and be able to select a series of "favourites" from the database which will appear in there "favourites" tab bar section. I.e. storing the primary keys.
With each update to the application the read only data will potentially contain more entries or have things like spelling mistakes fixed etc.
I'm using Core Data but I'm unsure whether to use it for storing the users "favourites" as-well. As - to my way of thinking - this might cause headaches for migration. Is this the case?
Should I consider storing the "favourites" in a plist perhaps and perform some sort of query to retrieve the records? Any recommendations?
Also what internal pieces of an iphone application are kept (or can be kept) during an update?
Phew I think that's it.
Thanks for any answers you might have.
I'm using Core Data but I'm unsure
whether to use it for storing the
users "favourites" as-well. As - to my
way of thinking - this might cause
headaches for migration. Is this the
If you're going to port the app to another platform, then Core Data is not the way to go. And since we are talking about a static database, I'd keep it simple - read it once, do what you need with it and close it and forget about it. Not like a real database where you're doing multiple GETs and some amount of additions, modifications and deletions.
Should I consider storing the
"favourites" in a plist perhaps and
perform some sort of query to retrieve
the records? Any recommendations?
Your database could be a plist too. After the user selects their favourites, you can easily store them in yet another plist. This one goes in the Documents or Prefs folder.
When you release a new app, you should probably compare the favourites with the new entries to correct any typos or other changes, if applicable.
Also what internal pieces of an iphone
application are kept (or can be kept)
during an update?
I believe that your app is replaced but your Documents and Preferences folders are kept intact.