iPhone app with CoreData - iphone

I am planning to create an iphone app which uses CoreData. There might be enhancements added later as new versions of the app.
My question is;
When using CoreData, what are the factors to keep in mind to ensure if the user upgrades the version, his previous data remains intact ? Like I heard we should keep the.sqlite file name same. What are other factors to keep in mind while releasing Core Data apps?
Thank you.

Data migration concepts are important to understand if you're going to maintain it over time, since you're likely to want to change at least some things eventually.
The ideal is Lightweight Migration, where minor conversion from your old data model to your new one is automatic. As noted in the document, it can take care of itself if your changes are:
Simple addition of a new attribute
A non-optional attribute becoming optional
An optional attribute becoming non-optional, and defining a default value
Renaming an entity or an attribute is also easy and nearly automatic.
Everything beyond that -- new or removed entities, new or removed or changed relationships -- is hairier. It's not incredibly difficult, but it's definitely more work, with more room for failure.
As such, a little speculation about likely potential changes may make it easier and more efficient to provide a little wiggle room in advance. Obviously if you do too much, especially with theoretical-but-currently-unused relationships, you're likely slowing down the current system and potentially for no reason.
Worth consideration.

One thing we have done is to manage two separate core data databases.
First, a "read-only" core data database that gets supplied with app updates (assuming you want to be sending data with the app, if not then don't bother with this part).
Second, a local core data database (data store) that's stored on the phone that is initially populated with the data from the first, and then added to by the user or with updates from a server that you control. This second core data store can stay persistent between updates.
For later modification and updates you have two options. You can add additional features in a new core data store as long as you don't need to get at the new data at the same time as the old data. The other option is to use apple's core data migration stuff which you can read more about here.
Here are also some additional resources for gearing up with core data, there are plenty of more specific core data examples on SO.
Finally, if you plan on significantly adding/modifying your core data store I'd suggest looking into SQLite. That's easier to change with updates (in my experience) than migrating an existing core data store to a new schema, especially if the schema changes often.


Keeping track of changed properties in JPA

Currently, I'm working on a Java EE project with some non-trivial requirements regarding persistence management. Changes to entities by users first need to be applied to some working copy before being validated, after which they are applied to the "live data". Any changes on that live data also need to have some record of them, to allow auditing.
The entities are managed via JPA, and Hibernate will be used as provider. That is a given, so we don't shy away from Hibernate-specific stuff. For the first requirement, two persistence units are used. One maps the entities to the "live data" tables, the other to the "working copy" tables. For the second requirement, we're going to use Hibernate Envers, a good fit for our use-case.
So far so good. Now, when users view the data on the (web-based) front-end, it would be very useful to be able to indicate which fields were changed in the working copy compared to the live data. A different colour would suffice. For this, we need some way of knowing which properties were altered. My question is, what would be a good way to go about this?
Using the JavaBeans API, a PropertyChangeListener could suffice to be notified of any changes in an entity of the working copy and keep a set of them. But the set would also need to be persisted, since the application could be restarted and changes can be long-lived before they're validated and applied to the live data. And applying the changes on the live data to obtain the working copy every time it is needed isn't feasible (hence the two persistence units).
We could also compare the working copy to the live data and find fields that are different. Some introspection and reflection code would suffice, but again that seems rather processing-intensive, not to mention the live data would need to be fetched.
Maybe I'm missing something simple, or someone know of a wonderful JPA/Hibernate feature I can use. Even if I can't avoid making (a) separate database table(s) for storing such information until it is applied to the live data, some best-practices or real-life experience with this scenario could be very useful.
I realize it's a semi-open question but surely other people must have encountered a requirement like this. Any good suggestion is appreciated, and any pointer to a ready-made solution would be a good candidate as accepted answer.
Maybe you can use the Hibernate flush entity event listener. The dirty properties are calculated before the flush. You can store them somewhere in your database.
A sample code of using the dirty properties feature of Hibernate which may give you an idea.

iOS Core Data: Confused about Core Data and database

I am really confused on what the Core Data actually is. Or I guess my question is, when dealing with a database, would you use Core Data? Like if I wanted access values from a database would I be using Core Data to access those values? How would I approach this problem?
Thank you so much for the help.
Core Data is an framework that does the work of "object persistence". In other words, it's code you can use that takes care of saving a collection of objects to disk and loading them again later. It does a lot of work to allow you to store lots of data and load only the objects you need at a time, and unload ones when memory is tight.
Core Data can use a database to accomplish this, but that's it's business, not yours. When you use Core Data, it is a black box. You tell it to save the data and then step out of the way.
If you want to interact with an existing database, such as a MySQL database on a web server, that's a completely different matter. You might use Core Data to store local copies of objects on your device, but in that case Core Data won't care that the objects are copies from some other database. It doesn't care.
It is a convenient, native means of storing data in your iOS applications. Don't think of it as sqlite although you can view the files it creates with various sqlite tools. Instead think of it as a tool for manipulating an object graph of information important to your app.
I've used it in two main ways. First to store a bunch of static data that is important to an app, in one case that was a large amount of location data for an indoor mapping application. What arrived as a massive CSV file of waypoints was converted to core data. Core Data was incredibly useful for this because it allowed preparing a sqlite file which was shipped with the application containing all the infomation. Updates from a web service arrive as more CSV that is added to the Core Data to keep information current. At runtime the location information object (the waypoint a user is at) is retrieved with a predicate (i.e. the point they tapped on) and that object, through its Core Data relationships, indicates where it is possible to go from that point. Core Data provided the information necessary to perform A* routing through the indoor map.
Second it is great when you have a bunch of objects arriving as JSON and you want to be able to store and access those objects later. Let's say you have a typical app where you have a User and some information about the User, let's call it Thing. Users have Things. When you want to know something about a User you retrieve the Core Data record using a predicate - typically "name" or similar - and you get all the information you stored about the User back. Again you can make use of relationships to explore the user's connections and make displaying information easy. Perhaps the User has many Things, then you can say "user.things" and you get a NSSet of NSManagedObjects representing those Things.
You use it like a database. Its utility is that it is easy to access from anywhere in your iOS code, it is easy to store and easy to retrieve information also. Faulting lets you retrieve one object and navigate to any object connected through relationships by following the relationships. Because you define the attributes and relationships yourself in the data model editor it is easily customized for what you need to store. To me it is one of the most used and most useful parts of iOS.
When you want to automate display of information from Core Data you can use a NSFetchedResultsController to initiate a fetch and to respond through delegate methods to changes to the underlying data. If you set up a UITableView to use a NSFetchedResultsController as data source, you can have the table automatically update whenever the objects displayed in the cells changed. Very useful for apps where you periodically update information and want what is displayed to be kept current.
When your object model changes it is possible to maintain all of your existing information and migrate it to the new model. Core Data manages automatic (lightweight migration) when it can, or if you have made more radical changes you can supply rules to handle the migration.
The limitation of Core Data is that it is not great for storing binaries. If you have images that you need to store, far better to store a path to the location of the image than trying to store the actual data.
Yes, if you want a local database on your device, Core Data is the appropriate technology. It probably makes sense to start your research with the Core Data Programming Guide.
You can alternatively use SQLite (which Core Data uses in the backend), but Core Data offers some material advantages and is the preferred database interface for iOS. If you decide to pursue SQLite for any reason, though, I'd suggest you contemplate using the FMDB Objective-C SQLite wrapper.
But Core Data is generally the way to go.

Core data migration with custom NSEntityMigrationPolicy - efficiency?

My iPhone app's core data model is changing and I have a custom mapping model and an NSEntityMigrationPolicy for one of my objects. However, I am worried that some of my users will have thousands of objects in their core data base, are there any best practices for either making the migration as efficient as possible, or conveying to the user what's going on when they load the new update which will try to migrate their data?
You need to warn the user that the app needs to update the data store and you should probably provide a "working" dialog so it doesn't look like the app has hung.
However, the migration is very efficient because it's really just changing the mapping on the store. It doesn't have to actual instantiate all the existing managed objects, it just changes the field names in the store. That can get complex itself in rare cases but most of the time it's barely noticeable.

Tips for converting an iPhone 2.x app to 3.0 with Core Data

I have an app developed for iPhone OS 2.x. For the obvious reasons, the model classes in that app were written without Core Data.
Now that 3.x is available, I'd like to know what are some of my options for taking my existing model classes and rebuilding them with Core Data. I do many things with my models besides the obvious, such as serializing them and storing them into an sqlite3 database so that my application can work when there isn't any network connectivity. I would expect Core Data to be able to help me with that as well.
Also, with the incorporation of Core Data in your application, is there any reason at all to still use sqlite3? Would you still use it for things such as providing for offline content, keeping around statistics that might not necessarily make sense to create a model out of? Or is there ways of incorporating all of that into Core Data as well?
The primary benefits I've found from using Core Data in my iPhone applications are:
Keeping referential integrity
Managed model migration on schema changes
providing an object relational mapping
Vastly simplified insertion and join and query process - joins for instance are typically just done through "dotted" syntax
Multiple store overlaying (although look for my stackoverflow question about this to see if it actually works on sqllite, still awaiting response...)
Structured predicate construction - you can create your predicates as objects instead of inline embedded sql statements
Reflective data store - you can introspect the data store at run time in a structured and statically analyzable way
That said, if your app already has been designed to work against a sqllite database, you really need to ask yourself if you're ready to convert your application over.
You will need to do at least these things:
Remodel your entire database schema in Core Data managed object models
Rewrite all of your database queries and management to use Core Data
Rewrite all of your models to either be backed by Core Data generated managed objects, or extending them
Import all of your existing data by hand into your Core Data database
Be prepared for potentially writing a lot more code! Although Core Data provides a good object framework for dealing with data store querying and management, it also does so at the expense of verbosity.
To continue the previous point, when you do even relatively minor changes to your schema, you're going to be prepared to spend a relatively significant amount of time providing a schema mapping and applying it correctly to your existing schemas.
Give you already have solved almost all of these issues already, the benefit you would get form porting an existing application to Core Data is elegance and keeping up with latest technology. You will have to provide a not insignificant amount of effort to get that, and given the benefits probably aren't stupendous, you might find it not really worth your while.
To answer your second question, I can't really think of any reason for using sqllite directly if you are using Core Data to be honest. I'm not certain that outer joins are terribly simple in Core Data for instance. However, you don't typically use Core Data in that manner - you would use it procedurally to craft the same effect as the outer join in SQL.
For statistics and stuff I would still use Core Data because it provides some fantastic aggregation functionality.
Note there is nothing preventing you from taking the opposite approach: adopt Core Data for extended functionality until you become comfortable enough with it, then begin porting your main applications existing code to use Core Data.
The other answer is very good, but I disagree on the benefits being mainly elegance and keeping up with technology... the real reason to move to Core Data is actually performance and memory related, in the Core Data manages caching very intelligently and you'd have to do a lot of work to replicate that. That to me is the sole reason to even consider it, as it is very verbose as noted and you also have to work around all data objects needing to use NSNumber to hold primitive values (which I find particularly annoying).
For something like your setup, the approach I'd probably take for migration is to have each model class hold on to managed objects that are actually the storage classes - then your whole code would not have to change, just some things in the model objects and possibly management classes you might have built to handle creation or population of the model objects. That even hides the NSNumber wrapped primitive issue.
If you are strongly considering working with Core Data, you may want to take a look at this book that covers the iPhone specific Core Data as well (including NSFetchedResultsController):
You can buy an e-book only unlocked PDF version which is not too expensive...

Core Data vs. SQLite for SQL experienced developers

We're beginning development of an in-house app in the iPhone Enterprise developer program. Since it's close to OS 3.0, we're reconsidering our original design of using SQLite and using Core Data instead. Here's some more info:
There is a legacy desktop application that this is replacing. We will reuse the existing back end.
We currently have a SQLite database generated as a proof of concept. This is basically a cut down version of the existing back end database.
We will be loading data from a remote site and storing it locally, where it will persist and need to be . We only update it if it has changed, which will be every month or two. We will most likely use XML or JSON to transfer the data.
There are two developers on this project and we both have strong SQL skills but neither one has used Core Data.
My questions are: what is the benefit of Core Data over SQLite, what would the benefit be in this specific instance and do the benefits justify learning a new framework instead of using existing strong SQL skills?
I just noticed this question: Core Data vs SQLite 3. I guess my questions therefore are:
If I have to check if a specific item either exists or has an update, which is easy using SQL, does Core Data still make sense? Can I load the first object in a graph and check the version number without loading the whole graph?
If we already know SQL, does the advantages of Core Data for this one project justify us learning it?
As you've read Core Data vs SQLite 3, you know that Core Data and the persistence mechanism (SQLite in this case) are largely orthogonal. Core Data is really about managing an object graph and it's main use case is for the model component of an MVC architecture. If your application fits nicely into this architecture, it's probably worth using Core Data as it will save you a lot of code in the model component. If you already have a working model component (e.g. from the existing desktop app), then Core Data won't buy you much. A hybrid approach is possible-- you can do your own persistence/querying and build a Core Data in memory store which you populate with the result of a query and use this in-memory store via Core Data as the model component for your app. This isn't common, but I've done it and there are no major roadblocks.
To answer your specific questions:
You can assign a version number to the entire persistent store and retrieve that information via +[NSPersistentStore metadataForPersistentStoreWithURL:error:], without even opening the store. An equivalent +setMetadata:forPersistentStoreWithURL:error also exists, of course. If you want to store the version info in an entity instance instead of in the persistent store metadata, you can load only a single object. With an SQLite persistent store, Core Data does a very good job of fetching only what you need.
The NSPredicate API, is very easy to learn and it seems to do a decent job of compilation to SQL. At least for databases of the size you could fit on an iPhone it's certainly been adequate (performance wise) in my experience. I think the SQL vs. Core Data question is slightly misguided, however. Once you get the result of a query what are you going to do with it? If you roll your own, you'll have to instantiate objects, handle faulting/uniqueing (if you don't want to load the entire result of a query into memory immediately) and all of the other object graph management facilities already provided by Core Data.
It sounds like you already have the project designed using SQLite, and you have experience in that area.
So the bottom line is, does it make sense to port this project, will Core Data give me anything that I didn't already have in my original design?
Assuming that the original design was done properly, based on the requirements ON THIS PROJECT, it's probably not worth it.
But that's not the end of the discussion. There are other things to think about: Will my next project have such light database requirements? Do I need to ship soon, due to timeline or budget constraints? Assuming I'm going to have to learn Core Data sooner or later, doesn't it make sense to do it now? Am I possibly interested in porting my code over to the Mac?
The answers to these questions may lead you to the decision that yes, it is indeed worth it to go back to the drawing board so to speak, and learn what Core Data is all about.
To get to your final question: What are the advantages? Well, Core Data is a higher level abstraction of your database, it is also data store agnostic (so if a future version of the iPhone were to ditch SQLite for an embedded version of MySQL... unlikely, but it's an example) then Core Data would require VERY few changes to the code to make it work with the new data store. Core Data will provide a great deal of quick portability to the Mac platform. Core Data will handle versioning of your data model, whereas unless you have a framework or a workflow to manage it, direct access to SQLite won't.
I'm sure other answerers can come up with other advantages, and maybe some good reasons why NOT to mess with Core Data. Incidentally, in a similar situation, my decision was to port to the higher level, newer framework. But in my case, it was for a side project, and ship date and budget were non-factors.
Not to detract from this forum, but you might find more respondents with contextually relevant experience at the Apple iPhone DevForum.
Speaking from a purely project management perspective, it sounds like you know how to build what you want to build using SQLite, and so it would make more sense to me for you to start along that route.
That being said, CoreData builds on top of SQLite and if you are trying to leverage other parts of the system in conjunction with your data, e.g. using KVC/KVO or bindings, then you may quickly find that this functionality is worth the learning curve.
= Mike