Getting REQUEST_DENIED when calling Google's Autocomplete from a Browser - autocomplete

I have signed up for Google Places Autocomplete API and created a new key by going to following url.
I am using the generated key to do some testing on my browser. I am entering following url to search for City names starting with "San".
I keep getting "REQUEST_DENIED" error message. Is there anything I am missing? I can see my usage counter going up every time I try to test this using a browser, but I keep getting REQUEST_DENIED message back. As per the google documentation it says this message is related to "Sensor" parameter. I tried setting this parameter to True/False but get the same results. Please help!


Huawei push API throws error saying token count is wrong in postman

Using push API continuously returns token count should within 1 and 1,000. Please find the API error in the screenshot.
The possible causes of this problem is, you have placed the “token” attribute in wrong place.
Please keep your “token” attribute within the “message” object,.
enter image description here
For details, check the following documents:
Your token is outside the message body, "token", "android" should be within the message body.
Please check the sample code here
Also, if you want to use more tokens (>1000), the best method is to invoke the API using App server and send messages in batches.

Google reverse geocoding no more available?

I'm getting this error when I perform a google maps reverse geocoding call (,10.5948236&key=$MY_API_KEY):
"error_message" : "This API project was not found. This API project may have been deleted.",
"results" : [],
"status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"
Just to be clear: this worked until today.
Are the API changed? Do you know a workaround/fix?
My script tracks the movable marker on the map and displays the nearest Google address, both as lat/lng and nearest full_location when the drag stops. Had the same error message (in the browser Development error message). Resolved the creation of an new API key and the script that I have now works fine PROVIDED THE SCRIPT IS RUN DIRECTLY IN A BROWSER --- BUT as soon as I run the EXACT SAME SCRIPT using an -a- tag from HTML in my PHP application the lat/lng is resolved but the corresponding nearest address now comes up with the error message -Cannot determine address at this location.- from the script.
I cannot figure out what I have to change in the code to get it to work in the application.
The API has not changed it seems. I had the same issue,
Go to Google API Console
Search for Geocoding API
Enable this for the credential and it worked for me

Facebook API returns empty response only from specific IP

Suddenly simple Facebook Graph API calls started to return an empty result. The node I'm calling is a simple search page by name:
It just started to return an empty result set when called from my server:
When I'm calling it from my personal computer browser, it works just fine.
I don't see any notification in Facebook Manage Apps page. What can be the reason? Is there any way I can see any error in this Graph API result?
UPDATE: suddenly it started working again, after it was down for at least 2 hours. Is there any way I can make these calls through client side JS? Any way to avoid to exposure of my APP_TOKEN?
UPDATE2: It stopped working again, and although I haven't identified the reason, I did figure when replacing the with a , it does work. The documentation actually says to use an APP_TOKEN.

Nagios does not send the graph in email

So, I have been trying to make Nagios work with Graphite to send alert emails but that's not working right. I used the following URL to set everything up:
The alone, with the correct parameters sends a correct email with the graph properly displayed. But if I use nagios to send the graph it sends the correct message but the graph does not show up. I only get a file name which when tried to open gives me this message: "It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize." I have no idea why. All the work of sending the graph is done by and it has all the correct parameters to it for sure because the URL gives the correct values from Graphite and then I get the email (so the email is correct) and I get the description and state of the graph correctly.
Could anyone please suggest me a way out of this?
In the Nagios documentation for macros it states:
"Additionally, any macros that contain custom variables are stripped for safety and security."
In you nagios.cfg file, try removing the '&' from this line:

Trying to get OAuth dialog to work

I am at this step in getting my app started in the documentation:
In there is a code block that (supposedly) forwards the user to a request dialog asking permission to access certain bit of information about them. I've placed this code block into the PHP script that my canvas URL points to, and changed the $app_id and $canvas_page to my application ID and canvas URL respectively. Instead of getting the expected dialog, I receive this following error from facebook:
"An error occurred. Please try again later."
No other details about the error are present. I've tried some variations of the script, and have even tried loading up this URL directly just to see if that would work. Note that I've replaced YOUR_APP_ID and YOUR_CANVAS_PAGE with the appropriate values and made sure that spelling and/or punctuation are correct:,read_stream
For the redirect URL, I've tried prepending it with http://, https://, and no prefix at all. All with the same result.
My question: is the example in the documentation broken, or is the oauth link provided in the documentation currently down? The vague nature of the error is somewhat frustrating since I can't tell if it's something I'm doing wrong or if it's facebook's oauth function that's at fault.
So, the problem was that instead of using the numeric application ID that facebook assigned for me when I originally created the app as the YOUR_APP_ID parameter in the OAuth URL, I was using the application namespace string. Facebook didn't understand this sort of request, and returned the generic error message.
Once I used the numeric app ID, the OAuth dialog popped up to ask permission to access my account, as expected.