Google reverse geocoding no more available? - rest

I'm getting this error when I perform a google maps reverse geocoding call (,10.5948236&key=$MY_API_KEY):
"error_message" : "This API project was not found. This API project may have been deleted.",
"results" : [],
"status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"
Just to be clear: this worked until today.
Are the API changed? Do you know a workaround/fix?

My script tracks the movable marker on the map and displays the nearest Google address, both as lat/lng and nearest full_location when the drag stops. Had the same error message (in the browser Development error message). Resolved the creation of an new API key and the script that I have now works fine PROVIDED THE SCRIPT IS RUN DIRECTLY IN A BROWSER --- BUT as soon as I run the EXACT SAME SCRIPT using an -a- tag from HTML in my PHP application the lat/lng is resolved but the corresponding nearest address now comes up with the error message -Cannot determine address at this location.- from the script.
I cannot figure out what I have to change in the code to get it to work in the application.

The API has not changed it seems. I had the same issue,
Go to Google API Console
Search for Geocoding API
Enable this for the credential and it worked for me


Google Signin for Unity (Windows standalone build) - invalidGoogleToken when used with Playfab

Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction here, I'm attempting to log into Playfab using a google auth code retrieved from an async call in Unity, the flow is as follows:
Click my login to google button in Unity.
Unity begins to listen for the response and opens a google login browser session.
User clicks email/signs into email they want.
This response is returned to Unity with an auth code.
I have then attempted to use the returned google auth code with playfabs LoginWithGoogleAccount method":
PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithGoogleAccount(new LoginWithGoogleAccountRequest()
TitleId = PlayFabSettings.TitleId,
ServerAuthCode = returnedWindowsGoogleAuthCode,
CreateAccount = true,
}, OnPlayfabGooglePlayAuthComplete, OnPlayfabGooglePlayAuthFailed);
This then fails with a returned response from playfab with "invalidGoogleToken".
From what I've read from what I've come across on google is that this token is possibly in a "used" state by the time I am calling LoginWithGoogleAccount and I possibly need a refreshed token? but I am not too familiar with the Google API so I could be completely off the mark there? But if this is the case what should I do here? How do I re-request a valid token without going back to the browser to do the same thing again?
To give you an idea of pretty much the exact code I'm looking at but I've altered slightly to get it to work in Unity I am following the Google Sample OAuthDesktopApp code:
OAuthDesktopApp Sample Code
I am calling the method "button_Click", this runs and makes the request, Unity then begins listening for the google response at line 72 and the auth code is then output to logs at line 129.
This auth code output at line 129 is what I have then been passing back in to LoginWithGoogleAccount which then results in the failed "invalidGoogleToken", this does also then run a request for user information which does correctly return the name/email of the user you signed in with etc.
Just to add to my previous comments, if I remove the call to performCodeExchange line 132 (I read somewhere that at that point I am swapping the auth code for a token and thus the auth code will no longer work? I'm guessing here) and then if I call PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithGoogleAccount with the auth code I am presented with:
PlayFabError error:
error.GetHashCode(): 2051826304
error.Error: InvalidGoogleToken
error.ErrorMessage: invalid_grant details: Missing code verifier.
error.ErrorDetails: null
Hopefully this may help someone guide me.
First thanks to those that replied to this, So I've managed to solve this after a comment from a Playfab mod, There appears to be no official way from Google to login using a standlone Unity build nor an official way to then login to Playfab using the same build method.
The solution I've used uses a modified Unity version of one of the Google samples from OAuth 2.0 for Mobile & Desktop Apps .
This will allow you to get the oauth code within Unity then you can pass this oauth code to Playfab for login, BUT Playfab has since deprecated the way to do this (which is silly if its the only solution) so you need to modifiy Playfabs SDK to include the accesstoken then you can use this to finally login.

Geocoding adress doesnot give latitude and longitude

Im using this URL"ADDRESS"&sensor=false?key=APIKey of our prjct. But not getting results. It shows me error eventhough I use an API Key
"error_message" : "Keyless access to Google Maps Platform is deprecated. Please use an API key with all your API calls to avoid service interruption. For further details please refer to",
"results" : [],
"status" : "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT"
Unable to understand where am I going wrong. Any help would be highly appreciated
I believe"ADDRESS"&sensor=false?key=APIKey is wrong.
Have a look at this part ?key=APIKey, it should be &key=APIKey. Also note that address parameter shouldn't have " symbols and sensor parameter is not required anymore, it was deprecated long time ago.
The request should be
I hope this helps!
it's clearly says,
"Keyless access to Google Maps Platform"
to use Google API's you need to register the application, and request API services.
therefore you will have an
access to your key to use, keep in mind all the API services requires Client Key and you have to provide it in the Request otherwise you can't use any of google API's.
you can generate Key after Registering here

Serverless Watson Deployment? (Questions about integrations with other RESTful services)

I feel like I'm missing something terribly obvious about how Watson Assistant should be designed at an architecture level, but maybe I'm not.
The specific problem I'm having is that I can't seem to get API calls for information back into the conversation.
The bigger issue is that I'm not sure I setting this all up correctly for the long-haul of what I'm trying to accomplish.
I am building a 24/7 customer-service Tier 1 helpdesk for our managed networks. A user of one of our networks should, via SMS, Web chat, Facebook messenger, and eventually phone call, be able to ask for:
Instructions on how to connect their specific device (PC, Mac, Chromebook, Xbox, Apple TV, etc.)
Ask for help troubleshooting if the instructions don't result in a successful connection. (Step by step instructions for deleting the saved network, restarting the wireless card, etc.)
Help creating a case - at which point the conversation becomes Watson asking for a bunch of information, like what time and date they first experienced the problem, any other times/dates they experienced the problem, their MAC address, etc. etc.
I have most of the dialog built and working well. Getting information via Entities, saving to context variables, spitting them back out to make the conversation work, digressions, etc. all working.
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what I am doing wrong when trying to GET information from an external API.
We have a 'daily password' for our guest networks, and we would like a user who asks for the daily password to receive it. This involves a very simple GET request to a publicly accessible server.
I have built a BlueMix/IBM Cloud function that works perfectly, but I can't seem to successfully call or receive information back from it.
Watson Error:
Error when updating output with output of dialog node id [node_66_xxxxxxxxxx]. Node output is [{"text":{"values":["Today's password for <? $guestNetwork.ssid ?> is <? $guestNetwork.password ?>"],"selection_policy":"sequential"}}] SpEL evaluation error: Expression [ $guestNetwork.ssid ] converted to [ context['guestNetwork'].ssid ] at position 0: EL1007E: Property or field 'ssid' cannot be found on null (and there is 1 more error in the log)
This error leads me to believe I am not properly defining the result variable in Watson, or improperly trying to retrieve it in conversation - because I do know my code returns the SSID and Password when I run it in BlueMix Console.
JSON for the action itself (and yes, I am setting the credentials in the previous node):
"output": {
"text": {
"values": [
"Today's password for <? $guestNetwork.ssid ?> is <? $guestNetwork.psk ?>"
"selection_policy": "sequential"
"actions": [
"name": "get-http-resource/getGuestNetworkPassword",
"type": "server",
"credentials": "$private.myCredentials",
"result_variable": "$guestNetwork"
Is my idea of a 'serverless' Watson possible by using Watson <-> IBM Cloud <-> external services? We don't currently have an 'application' or a server, it's all integrations between existing services.
Can anyone help me understand what I'm doing wrong when trying to access that variable?
Bonus points: How do I know to access the variable only after the action has completed successfully in IBM cloud? Basically, if accessing the information via the IBM Cloud function I wrote takes 1.5 seconds, do I need to pause the dialog for 1.5 seconds? Or am I completely missing the point for how to get external info in and out of Watson?
After watching Mitch's video, I have changed a couple things around, and the error message has evolved to this:
"Error when updating output with output of dialog node id
[node_66_1533646714776]. Node output is [{"text":{"values":["Today's
password for is "],"selection_policy":"sequential"}}] SpEL evaluation error:
Expression [ $guestNetwork['ssid'] ] converted to [
context['guestNetwork']['ssid'] ] at position 24: EL1012E: Cannot
index into a null value" error.
Without seeing your dialog, its a guess, but most common error I see is that you just need to jump to a child dialog node after doing the action call. You cannot do the action call and show the response in the same dialog node, as dialog needs a chance to run the action.
Its outlined in my video here:
see the video on dialog callouts. Its 13 minutes long I'm sure you only need about 2 of them, but still, should help.
What you are trying to do is definitely possible, especially if it works from within the cloud function environment.
We re-created the action using the default package (not having it in a sub-package), and it started working immediately.
Things to note: Watson dialog editor does not like dashes in the package name.
Thanks Mitch!

Facebook API returns empty response only from specific IP

Suddenly simple Facebook Graph API calls started to return an empty result. The node I'm calling is a simple search page by name:
It just started to return an empty result set when called from my server:
When I'm calling it from my personal computer browser, it works just fine.
I don't see any notification in Facebook Manage Apps page. What can be the reason? Is there any way I can see any error in this Graph API result?
UPDATE: suddenly it started working again, after it was down for at least 2 hours. Is there any way I can make these calls through client side JS? Any way to avoid to exposure of my APP_TOKEN?
UPDATE2: It stopped working again, and although I haven't identified the reason, I did figure when replacing the with a , it does work. The documentation actually says to use an APP_TOKEN.

Getting REQUEST_DENIED when calling Google's Autocomplete from a Browser

I have signed up for Google Places Autocomplete API and created a new key by going to following url.
I am using the generated key to do some testing on my browser. I am entering following url to search for City names starting with "San".
I keep getting "REQUEST_DENIED" error message. Is there anything I am missing? I can see my usage counter going up every time I try to test this using a browser, but I keep getting REQUEST_DENIED message back. As per the google documentation it says this message is related to "Sensor" parameter. I tried setting this parameter to True/False but get the same results. Please help!