Multiplayer game in Facebook - facebook

I am working on a multiplayer game which will be a Facebook app. Doing some research, I found out that for server-side pushes I need comet which is best implemented in Node.js or Python.
But Facebook's API is only written in javascript and PHP. I know there are third party APIs, but I do not want to go with them. I can do all the Facebook code client-side in javascript I guess, but that will be a little difficult, especially when it is so easy to do in PHP.
According to me, my options are summarized as below
Leave server-side pushes and stick with periodic Ajax requests + PHP.
Stick with Node.js and leave PHP and do all FB programming in javascript (if that is even possible, which I think it is).
use server side pushes in Apache (which I heard is not a good way to go).
Go with a technology like Java with some comet support and FB API's. (I don't know Pyhton).
HTML5 has introduced server side updates as well ,maybe it can help. (haven't given it much thought though)
Which is the best way to go? I have good experience with Java, PHP, and javascript.

All comet is is a normal HTTP ajax request where the server intentionally delays the response if there are no results, and continues polling the data-source server-side until there are results or the request times out. It is a good approximation of push technology if important events are fairly sparse (i.e. if there are frequently many seconds in a row where there are no updates).
I don't think PHP is a great language in general, but it should not be much harder to do comet (also known as long polling) in PHP than in Python etc. So if you don't have any other reason not to use PHP, then go for it. You should also be able to interact with Facebook's API from other languages like Python or Javascript/Node.js without too much trouble.
HTML5 has, among other things, web sockets, which are quite different from HTTP requests and which can have much better latency than long polling techniques, especially for very frequent updates. Web socket data is closer to what you might imagine "push" technology means -- comet is really just an approximation of "push" implemented through a delayed pull. Whether sockets or comet or just normal non-delayed ajax requests are best for your game depends entirely on the specifics of your game, and of your server resources.


Web Programming For The Non-Web Programmer (in Perl)

I am looking to start Web Programming in Perl (Perl is the only language I know). The problem is, I have no prior knowledge of anything to do with the web, except surfing it. I have no idea where to start.
So my question(s) is...
Where do I start learning Web Programming? What should I know? What should I use?
I thank everybody in advance for answering and helping.
The key things to understand are:
What you can send to browsers
… or rather, the things you intend to send to browsers, but having an awareness of what else is out there is useful (since, in complex web applications in particular, you will need to select appropriate data formats).
When you are generating data dynamically, you should also understand the available tools (e.g. the Perl community has a strong preference for TT for generating HTML, but there are other options such as Mason, while JSON::Any tends to be my goto for JSON).
Transport mechanisms
HTTP (including what status codes to use and when, how to do redirects, what methods (POST, GET, PUT, etc) to use and when).
HTTPS (HTTP with SSL encryption)
How to get a webserver to talk to your Perl
PSGI/Plack if you want modern and efficient
CGI for very simple
mod_perl if you want crazy levels of power (I've seen someone turn then Apache HTTPD into an SMTP spam filter using it).
How to guard against malicious input (which basically comes down to knowing how to take data in one format (such as submitted form data) and convert it to another (such as HTML or SQL).
Web Frameworks
You can push a lot of work off to frameworks, which provide structured ways to organise a web applications.
Web::Simple is simple
Dancer seems to be holding the middle ground (although I have to confess that I haven't had a chance to use it yet)
Catalyst probably has the steepest learning curve but comes with a lot of power and plugins.
Dependent on complexity of your project, you could have a look at Catalyst MVC. This is a good framework, messing up with the most request stuff, but gives you enough in deep view whats going on.
There is a good tutorial in CPAN
If you want to start with mod_perl or CGI, there are also some Tutorials :
If you're looking to try some web programming in Perl, you could try hosting a Dancer app for free on OpenShift Express.
There's even a "Dancer on OpenShift Express" repo to get you started:

Concurrent program languages for Chat and Twitter-like Apps

I need to create a simple Chat system like facebook chat and a twitter-like app.
What is the best concurrent program languages in this case ?
Erlang, Haskell, Scala or anything else ?
Thanks ^_^
Chat system like facebook chat
Facebook chat is written in Erlang,
and a twitter-like app
What aspect? Message delivery? The web frontend? It's all message routing ultimately. Haskell's been used recently for a couple of real time production trading systems, using heavy multicore concurrency.
More relevant: what's the scale: how many users do you expect to serve concurrently?
Erlang is my choice of drug for something like that. But I would also check out Node.js if you feel more comfortable in JavaScript.
Complete chat application source code using Scala/Lift.
8 minutes and 20 seconds real-time, unedited, webcast writing a chat app from scratch using Scala/Lift.
This is actually a relatively easy problem to solve that can be done by any language with decent threading support including (eg Java, C# and others). The model is fairly simple:
Each client connects to a Web server with an AJAX request that is configured on the server not to timeout;
If it does timeout for any reason the client is configured to issue another AJAX request;
The server endpoint for that AJSX call does a thread wait operation on some monitor waiting for updates;
When the user sends a chat it is sent to the server and any relevant monitors are signaled;
Any threads listening to that monitor are woken up, retrieve any messages waiting for them and return that as the AJAX result to the client;
The client renders those messages and then issues another AJAX request to listen to for messages.
This is the basic framework but isn't the end of the story. Any scalable chat system will support either internal or external federation (meaning the clients can connect to more than one server) but unless you're Google, Facebook or Twitter you're unlikely to have this problem.
If you do you need some kind of message queue/bus for inter-server communication.
This is something you need a heavy duty multithreaded language like Erlang for but it, Haskell and others are of course capable of doing it.
F# for future.
Client/Server chat F#
Concurrent Programming - A Primer
Also take a look at Twisted(Python).
I'd recommend taking a look at Akka (
It's a Scala Actor framework with ALOT of plumbing for making scalable backend applications.
Out of the box it supports:
Actor Supervision
Remote actors
Cluster Membership
Comet over JAX-RS (Project Atmosphere)
HTTP Auth for your services
Distributed storage engine support (Cassandra, MongoDB)
+ a whole lot more
I would go for erlang, it's efficiency in comet-enabled apps is largely proven.
Go with a framework such as nitrogen, where you can start comet requests just as easily as Jquery does ajax.
If it's actually going to be a simple application (and not under very high load), then the answer is to use whichever language you already know that has decent threading. Erlang, Scala, Clojure, Haskell, F#, etc., all do a perfectly good job at things like this--but so do Java and C#. You'll be fine if you pick whichever of these you know and/or like.
If you're using this as an excuse to learn a new generally useful language, I'd pick Scala as a nice blend of highly performant (which Erlang is not in general, though it is fantastic with efficient concurrency), highly functional (which Java and C# are not), highly deployable (due to running on the JVM), and reasonably familiar (assuming you know C-ish languages).
If you're using this as an excuse to practice fault-tolerant concurrency, use Erlang. That's what it was designed for and it does it extremely well.

Is WebService the next Big thing?

I was today trying to figure out on working with WebService and found many articles really gospel over the Web Service and its effectiveness in the Market share.
My Questions are:
For a Complex project of critical data, is it better to opt for WebService?
What Makes WebService different from other way of fetching the data?
The answer is... it depends. Web services are not really the next Big thing, they have been a Huge Thing for years now. In business applications, web services allow a big level of interoperability and capabilities never seen before.
They help integration with legacy systems, cooperation between distinct departments, defining loosely coupled interfaces and such. You should read some about Service-oriented architecture.
If all you need is a PHP application that handles data from a single database, you might not need web services at all. If you are designing a solution that revolves around multiple data sources, with complex security involved, multiple languages and/or multiple applications, then web services become essential.
SOAP is a protocol; if working with PHP, you'll need to check out the PHP: SOAP guide to understand how it works. For every language (almost), there are existing APIs to develop web services. Anyhow you might want to check RESTful web services instead of SOAP-based ones, they are generally simpler to implement/understand. But that's another debate ;-).
That mostly depends on the definition of "big thing".
My experience with the WS stack and SOAP and all the acronym soup is that it takes an awful lot of workforce to deploy it. The status of the frameworks is complex, and definitely not something a hobbyist can put to work in a couple of afternoons. We have seen how many things on the net became the next big thing just because they were easy. Easy to understand, easy to interact with, easy in technology. Wikipedia, twitter, digg, youtube are internet big things, and they are, from the interaction point of view, light years away from SOAP/WS based interaction. They are KISS: simple and stupid. A whole horizontal market was opened just because of their simplicity. Even multiprocessing platforms like BOINC don't use anything near the WS stack, but they are the core of many high-throughput efforts.
Now, if you have to deal with complex multi-host transactions, authentication, credential delegation, caching... WS is there. It's the target that makes the need: banks, flight reservation, stuff like this. but they won't impact the common programmer. They require too much energy and too many different competences at once to become something usable for a horizontal market of developers.
Also, I am a REST person. I never advocated SOAP with much emphasis, but there was nothing else and it was a better evolution over XMLRPC (which, if you have to perform dumb RPC, IMHO it's still a good choice). Now I changed my mind. You mostly have resources on the web, and you interact with them with HTTP methods. SOAP is nothing but RPC on hypersteroids. No, REST is not the solution that replaces WS. At all. it's simply easier to use and to debug, albeit more difficult to design (you have to think in terms of resources instead of method calls). It's KISS. That's why it has more chances for success on the horizontal market.
It depends.
Web services can be useful if you need to expose the data across security boundaries, where a direct connection to an RDBMS would be a bad idea.
Popular method for implementing web services nowdays is to use RESTful API (eg. via Ajax/JSON). It's already "next big thing" – almost every major player has been offering it for years. Google, Flickr, Twitter, you name it.
The big advantage is that they help to implement an API layer.
If you implement your solution using a "bus" where the web services sit, it opens up your product to a far greater range of users and moves away from being a proprietary product.
It also enables people to interface using a wide range of solutions e.g web service clients can be implemented using command line, Jsp, Java, Asp, .NET, PHP etc.
They also enable code re-use e.g. if you implement GetClientDetails (ID) as a web service for one user, when the next group comes along wanting the same thing, all you have to do is give them the WSDL and they are away.

Which is better? Long TCP connection or long-polling?

I am planning to build a web chat on my site. I know two way of doing this: one is using XMPP web client (through flash, long TCP connection), and the other is facebook way, long-polling.
But facebook is going to update their chat to support Jabber (XMPP), so can some one tell what way is better? (including upgrading to XMPP)
I've had pretty good results with long polling in my applications, but the bigger question is whether you're going to face the C10K problem. If so, structuring your code to deal with that kind of intense workload will likely dominate all other design considerations, at least in the short term. :-)
Other than server load, the primary consideration for which strategy to use will be client environment compatibility -- to be able to work from behind draconian firewalls that only allow HTTP or in browser environments that prohibit any plugins, long polling is the only way to survive, but it has more overhead than the simple TCP connection approach.
They have different pros and cons, for eg: TCP requires a plugin (at least until HTML5 web sockets get widely supported), Long Polling is less performant, etc. I'm not an specialist on this differences, that's why I'll recomend you to avoid making this choice, avoid developing and tuning that each approach involves, avoid the future changes in available technologies (ie. as HTML5 arrival), using a library that abstracts the transport method used, and chooses the best approach based on client capabilities:
this wonderful library makes creating realtime apps amazingly simple! and there are various server-side implementations: Python (Tornado), Java, Google GO, Rack (Ruby), besides the mainstream implementation in Node.js (server-side JavaScript)

iPhone Networking

If I have make an application, how would I make it interact with a database on a server of mine? I'm kind of lost, and don't know where to start.
Vague question yields a vague answer.
It entirely depends on what kind of interaction you need. Lots of constant queries? Few and far between? Client side cache? Real time updates? All of these questions will impact the answer.
The easiest way is to go with an AJAX style HTTP based client/server type of interaction. Sticking a database behind a web server has been done about a bazillion times and, thus, you'll find lots and lots of examples and, even, solutions with a few google searches.
You don't really need to use JavaScript (the J in AJAX). Instead, send over an HTTP request that encapsulates your query and have the server respond with an XML document containing the answer.
If that won't work for you -- too much overhead, need to relay binary information (for which XML sucks), etc.. -- then you'll wan to go with more direct access to the database. That is harder and can range from porting a client library to the iPhone to creating your own wire protocol.
A significantly harder problem and you'll have to deal with networking issues -- firewalls, NAT, proxies, etc... -- that are generally already solved with HTTP.
Stick with HTTP until you prove that it won't work. Much simpler.
Search for "http request" in the iPhone docs. HTTP client APIs are included.
You might try Apple's "Getting Started with Networking & Internet" or "Introduction to the URL Loading System", in addition to the Networking section of the iPhone Application Programming Guide. There are also several sample applications that handle networking of various types within the ADC's iPhone section.
Additionally, there are a number of open source iPhone applications out there that handle networking, including my own.
I had a similar question regarding a rails app - the answers there may help you.
What is the best approach for building an iphone client for a rails app?
But the answer really depends on your knowledge of iphone programming and server side programming, plus how your database is set up at the moment - but most likely you're going to need to write some kind of webservice / REST API that allows a remote client to do things with your database.
There are many frameworks available for that on the server side - if you're starting from scratch, ruby on rails may be a good choice.
On the iphone side, you'll probably want to start by reading up on NSURLConnection, and various request/response formats that you can use with it. I've found exchanging plists between the phone and server to be a pretty easy approach.