Mongo DB query in java - mongodb

I have to write a complex mongo query using java but am not able to do it.
The mongo query looks like this: {
$or: [
{ key1: { $in : [764] } },
{ key2: {$in : [list2] } },
{ $and [ { key2 : 3}, {key4:67} ] }
I have to write the above query using the QueryBuilder class. In what way can I do it?

Using QueryBuilder your query should look like this
DBObject query = QueryBuilder.start().or(
Consider using jongo (an API over mongo-java-driver) you can simply copy/paste queries from the shell :
collection.findOne("{$or:[{key1: {$in:[764]}},{key2:{$in:[#]}}, {$and:[{key3:3},{key4:67}]}]}", keys).as(People.class);

I had the same problem and i got a solution in another way :
ArrayList orList = new ArrayList();
ArrayList andList = new ArrayList();
orList.add(new BasicDBObject("key1", new BasicDBObject("$in", 764)));
orList.add(new BasicDBObject("key2", new BasicDBObject("$in", list2)));
andList.add(new BasicDBObject("key2", 3));
andList.add(new BasicDBObject("key4", 67));
orList.add(new BasicDBObject("$and", andList));
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("$or", orList);


$elemMatch and $eq equivalent in spring data mongodb

I have a following query for my mongodb. How to translate it to the equivalent code in spring data mongodb:
colorList: {$elemMatch: {
one of the account collection is shown as below:
"_id" : ObjectId("133b6ca05e7c058819ab6e6c"),
"fleetList" : [
Instead of using $elemMatch and $eq, you can use $in for your query too. This query makes exactly that your query does:
db.account.find({ "colorList": { $in: ["577b"] } });
And for spring-data-mongodb method for this query is:
List<Account> findByColorListIn(List<String> colorIds); //In your case colorIds list has one element only.
If you want to stick with your query:
#Query("{'colorList': {\$elemMatch: {\$eq: ?0}}}")
List<Account> findByColorList(String colorId)

MongoDB: $in with an ObjectId array

Just a quick question about something I've just experienced and I'm still thinking about why:
mongos>{ "idReferenceList" : { "$in" : [ { "$oid" : "53f1f09f2cdcc8f339e5efa2"} , { "$oid" : "5409ae2e2cdc31c5aa0ce0a5"}]}});
mongos>{ "idReferenceList" : { "$in" : [ ObjectId("53f1f09f2cdcc8f339e5efa2") , ObjectId("5409ae2e2cdc31c5aa0ce0a5")]}});
I thought that both $oid and ObjectId spelling formats where exactly the same for MongoDB. Does anyone know why with the first query return 0 results and with the second one is returning 2 (the right answer)?
Furthermore, I'm using Morphia framework which uses MongoDB Java driver to interact with MongoDB. I've realised that there exists a problem by searching with $in operator in ObjectIds arrays over fields that are not _id by executing this lines of code:
List< ObjectId > fParams = new ArrayList< ObjectId >();
Query<Ticket> query = genericDAO.createQuery();
result = genericDAO.find(query).asList();
Thank you very much in advance.
Luis Cappa
Both these formats are valid representations of an object id in MongoDB, according to the documentation,
and they represented differently in the two modes,
Strict Mode mongo Shell Mode
----------- ----------------
{ "$oid": "<id>" } ObjectId( "<id>" )
So, to query fields which contain objectid, from the shell/console mode, you need to use ObjectId("<id>").
Which is the syntax to be followed in the mongo shell mode.
Hence the query:{ "idReferenceList" : { "$in" : [ ObjectId("53f1f09f2cdcc8f339e5efa2") , ObjectId("5409ae2e2cdc31c5aa0ce0a5")]}});
would return you row count.
Now to do it via the Java API,
You need to do it as below:
String[] ids = {"53f1f09f2cdcc8f339e5efa2","5409ae2e2cdc31c5aa0ce0a5"};
ObjectId[] objarray = new ObjectId[ids.length];
for(int i=0;i<ids.length;i++)
objarray[i] = new ObjectId(ids[i]);
BasicDBObject inQuery = new BasicDBObject("$in", objarray);
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("idReferenceList", inQuery);
DBCursor cursor = db.collection.find(query);
DBObject doc =;
// process the doc.
I faced the same issue.
I resolved like this way.
db.collection('post').find({ 'postIds': { $elemMatch: { $in: => {ObjectId(_post._id)}) } } })

How to pass BasicDBList of $OR criteria to QueryBuilder?

My app is dynamically generating a mongo query via a QueryBuilder. I'm trying to make it so that the passed text can be compared against several fields in my collection. I need to iterate through data in order to know what to add to the $OR ( 'text_to_compare' vs title field, 'text_to_compare vs body field), so I've been trying to store each section of the $OR clause in a BasicDBList as follows:
BasicDBObject orsDBObject = new BasicDBObject();
BasicDBList orsList = new BasicDBList();
for( String dbFieldNameInstance: listDBFieldName ){
QueryBuilder innerQB = new QueryBuilder();
innerQB.put(dbFieldNameInstance).is(obj.getValue()); //using this inner QueryBuilder to assist in creating the document
orsDBObject.putAll(orsList); //put each of the BasicDBList items into a BasicDBObject
qb.or(orsDBObject); //finally, add the entire $OR clause to my bigger querybuilder
System.out.println("qb: " + qb.get());
It seems like I might be jumping through more conversions than are necessary. It isn't working either. The output from the above ends up looking like this:
qb: { "$or" : [ { "0" : { "primary_industries_names" : "electrical"} , "1" : { "primary_industries_aliases" : "electrical"} , "2" : { "secondary_industries_names" : "electrical"} , "3" : { "secondary_industries_aliases" : "electrical"} , "4" : { "product_experience_names" : "electrical"} , "5" : { "product_experience_aliases" : "electrical"}}]}
For the most part it looks right to me, however I don't think the "0": should be appearing in there. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You kind of have that the wrong way around. Not re-writing your code, but you should get the idea:
// Before the loop
QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder();
// And loop things like this
for ( ) {
qb.or(new BasicDBObject("this","that"));
// After loop
If you are trying to nest several conditions then you seem to be missing the $and operator. Consider the following:
QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder();
for (int x=0; x<2;x++) {
qb.or(new BasicDBObject("this","that"));
QueryBuilder qb2 = new QueryBuilder();
QueryBuilder qb3 = new QueryBuilder();
for (int x=0; x<2;x++) {
qb3.or(new BasicDBObject("something", "else"));

Using java driver for Mongodb, how do you search for multiple values on the same field?

I'm somewhat new to mongo. I want to query on a field for multiple values.
In SQL, I want something like this:
select * from table where field in ("foo","bar")
Suppose I have the following documents in mongodb
I simply want to mimic this query:
db.coll.find( { _id: { $in: [ "foo", "bar" ] } } );
I want to retrieve all documents whose _id is either "foo" or "bar".
And I'd like to do this using the java driver.
I tried something like
BasicDBObject query = new DBObject()
But that seems to return only the "bar" document.
Please help
To use the $in operator, it may be easier to use QueryBuilder to create the query like this:
QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder();
qb.put("_id").in(new String[] {"foo", "bar"});
or a little cleaner:
DBObject query = QueryBuilder.start("_id").in(new String[] {"foo", "bar"}).get();

How to build an $in query of ObjectIds using QueryBuilder with MongoDB

I am trying to build an $in query with QueryBuilder (MongoDB Java API 2.9.1). I have no problem when the query is an array of strings but when I try with an array of ObjectIds it doesn't work (returns nothing).
I am able to run the query successfully and get a result from the console:
Query in console:
db.collection.find({removed:false,app_id: {$in : [ObjectId("4f75c533ac99d845186e19b2"), ObjectId("4f75c533ac99d845186e19b3")]}})
Query created by QueryBuilder (MongoDB Java API 2.9.1):
Object[] ids;
Java code:
DBObject query = QueryBuilder.start("app_id").in(ids).and("removed").is(false).get();
ToString on DBObject produces:
{ "app_id" : { "$in" : [ { "$oid" : "4f75c533ac99d845186e19b2"}]} , "removed" : false}
Not sure if I am doing something wrong or the API doesn't support and $in query of type ObjectId. Any ideas?
Your ids should be of type org.bson.types.ObjectId so something like this should work:
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
ObjectId[] ids = new ObjectId[]{
new ObjectId("1234568abcd"),
new ObjectId("1234567abcd")};
DBObject query = QueryBuilder.start("app_id").in(ids)