$elemMatch and $eq equivalent in spring data mongodb - mongodb

I have a following query for my mongodb. How to translate it to the equivalent code in spring data mongodb:
colorList: {$elemMatch: {
one of the account collection is shown as below:
"_id" : ObjectId("133b6ca05e7c058819ab6e6c"),
"fleetList" : [

Instead of using $elemMatch and $eq, you can use $in for your query too. This query makes exactly that your query does:
db.account.find({ "colorList": { $in: ["577b"] } });
And for spring-data-mongodb method for this query is:
List<Account> findByColorListIn(List<String> colorIds); //In your case colorIds list has one element only.
If you want to stick with your query:
#Query("{'colorList': {\$elemMatch: {\$eq: ?0}}}")
List<Account> findByColorList(String colorId)


MongoDB : Match with element in an array

I am working on a collection called Publications. Each publication has an array of objectives which are ids. I have also a custom array of objectives hand written. Now, I want to select all the publications that contains at least one element of the custom objectives array in their objectives. How can I do that ?
I've been trying to make this works with '$setIntersection' then '$count' and verify that the count is greater than 0 but I don't know how to implement this.
Example :
publication_1: {
'_id': ObjectId("sdfsdf46543")
'objectives': [ObjectId("1654351456341"), ObjectId("123456789")]
publication_2: {
'_id': ObjectId("sdfs216546543")
'objectives': [ObjectId("1654351456341"), ObjectId("46531132")]
custom_array = [ObjectId("123456789"), ObjectId("2416315463")]
The mongo query should return publication_1.
You can do like the following:
"objectives": {
"$in": [
Notice: "123456789" is not a valid ObjectId so the query itself may not work. Here is the working example
Mongodb playground link: https://mongoplayground.net/p/MbZK99Pd5YR
objectives is an array of objects, I guess you can just query that field directly:
let custom_array = [ObjectId("123456789"), ObjectId("2416315463")];
// You can search the array with $in property.
let result = await Model.find({ objectives: {$in : custom_array} })

Spring Mongodata Aggregation query

I tried to implement an aggregation with the simple sum operation using spring-data-mongodb -> 1.10.11.RELEASE
I tried the following query
$group: {
netBalance: {
$sum: "$netBalance"
referalBalance: {
$sum: "$referalBalance"
And the output on my terminal is
{ "_id" : "null", "netBalance" : 587432, "referalBalance" : 2940 }
When I tried same query, using spring mongodata
Aggregation aggregation =
The result is not same as the terminal output, also I am not able to add a second field on the query. How can I modify the spring mongodata call to have the same query?
with spring you're grouping by netBalance instead of null in shell. To reproduce, just leave group param empty (null will throw an error)
Then you can apply sum on second field .
Try this code (not tested, but must work):
Aggregation aggregation =

MongoDB $and on two columns

I am following MongoDB documentation for C# & shell commands to understand find() for $and for restaurants example. However, following issue I observed:
ar builder = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter;
var filter = builder.Eq("cuisine", "Italian") & builder.Eq("address.zipcode", "10075");
filters the restaurants collection however when I change filter as:
var filter = builder.Eq("borough", "Manhattan") & builder.Eq("cuisine", "American");
This doesn't return any record as I can see combination of these two are present in restaurants collection.
Shell command which is not working:
db.restaurants.find( { $and: [ {borough: "Queens" }, { cuisine: "American" } ] } )
Any clue?
Yo don't need to use the $and operator in this case.
db.restaurants.find({borough: "Queens", cuisine: "American"})
Only use $and operator when you need to specify more than one condition for the same field (i.e: db.restaurants.find( { $and: [ {score:{$gte:5}}, {score:{$lte:10}} ] } ))

MongoDB: Search in array

I have a field in a MongoDB Collection like:
place = ['London','Paris','New York']
I need a query that will return only that particular entry of the array, where a specific character occurs. For Example, I want to search for the terms having the letter 'o'(case-insensitive) in them. It should just return 'London' and 'New York'.
I tried db.cities.find({"place":/o/i}), but it returns the whole array.
You'll need to $unwind using an aggregate query, then match.
db.cities.aggregate([ { $unwind:'$place' }, { $match: { place : {$regex: /o/i } } } ])
In simple you find with $regex below query will work without aggregation
db.collectionName.find({ place : {$regex: /o/i } })

How to User not operator In MongoTemplate

I have been troubled By this question much time. There has a collection which has a phone_num column,
how can I query the document except the column value is not 12563254154
Use the $ne operator
So for example
db.things.find( { phone_num : { $ne : 12563254154 } } );