How to start a play2 application on a remote machine using capistrano - scala

I'm trying to deploy a play2 application with capistrano, but I can't figure out how to (re)start the play2 application after a successful deployment. Just triggering 'play start' will cause the process to be hanging waiting for me to press ctrl+D
I've created a start script in the play app root folder
nohup bash -c "/var/lib/play2/play start &>> /tmp/myapp.log 2>&1" &> /dev/null &
It works great when I run this on the server. When I try to call this from my local machine over ssh it also works. But when I am using capistrano, it doesn't seem to do anything. My capistrano config looks like this:
namespace :deploy do
task :restart do
sleep 1
task :start do
run "cd #{current_release}/trip-api && ./"
task :stop do
run "cd #{current_release}/trip-api && ./"
What's the best way to start a play2 application on a remote machine? How to get it working with capistrano?

Have a look at play documentation on deploying your application on production
The recommended way is to package your app with
play clean compile stage
And then run it with
$ target/start
To stop it, have a look at the docs:
The server’s process id is displayed at bootstrap and written to the
RUNNING_PID file. To kill a running Play server, it is enough to send
a SIGTERM to the process to properly shutdown the application.
In this quickstart for Openshift, it shows another way to start play as a service and how to stop it.
basically you do something like this to start:
"-Dhttp.address=${OPENSHIFT_INTERNAL_IP} "\
nohup bash -c "${APP_COMMAND} &>> ${LOG_FILE} 2>&1" &> /dev/null &
and to stop it
pid=`cat RUNNING_PID`
echo "Stopping play application" >> $LOG_FILE
kill -SIGTERM $pid

There are few fresh topics about running application available at Google Groups:
Start an application as a background process
When deployed on Ubuntu 10.04 cant detach from console
It's good idea to follow or join them

I would suggest using runit. We are currently running a bunch of services in production and it works great.
It only involves creating a simple shell script named run, pointing runit to its containing directory and then start it. Services should not daemonize by themselves and runit controls pid files, etc.
There is a command ( sv ) to start, stop and query services. ( sv start|stop|status|restart yourapp ).
A cursory google search got me this though I do not use capistrano at all so I can't vouch for it's usefulness.
The faq is the best place to start:
In debian you just apt-get install runit and are good to go.
update-service --add /your/service/dir/ will register the service with runit.
On deployment we stop services, change binaries and start services; it is really simple.


Can I run aws-xray on the same ECS container?

I don't want to have to deploy a whole other ECS service just to enable X-Ray. I'm hoping I can run X-Ray on the same docker container as my app, I would have thought that was the preferred way of running it. I know there might be some data loss if my container dies. But I don't much care about that, I'm trying to stop this proliferation of extra services which serve only extra analytical/logging functions, I already have a logstash container I'm not happy about, my feeling is that apps themselves should be able to do this sort of stuff.
While we have the Dockerhub image of the X-Ray Daemon, you can absolutely run the daemon in the same docker container as your application - that shouldn't be an issue.
Here's the typical setup with the daemon dockerfile and task definition instructions:
I imagine you can simply omit the task definition attributes around the daemon, since it would be running locally beside your application - those wouldn't be used at all.
So I think the proper way to do this is using supervisord, see link for an example of that, but I ended up just making a very simple script:
/usr/bin/xray &
And then having a Dockerfile:
FROM tomcat:9-jdk11-openjdk
RUN apt-get install -y unzip
RUN curl -o
RUN unzip && cp xray /usr/bin/xray
COPY /usr/bin/
RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/
CMD ["/bin/bash", "/usr/bin/"]
I think I will look at using supervisord next time.

Deploy jar on a remote server via Jenkins

I have an akka-scala app that I'm able to build as a jar. I can then send the jar to a remote server via Jenkins. However, I don't know how to properly deploy the app.
The first problem is killing previous instances of my app. If in Jenkins I try to execute such commands as pkill -f %proc% or ps ax | grep ... | awk ... | xargs kill -9 via ssh, Jenkins finishes with return code -1 even if I add || true to the end of these commands.
The second problem is starting the app. I'm able to successfully run the jar with nohup java -jar ... & command, but it doesn't really start though I'm able to see it in the process list.
None of these problems occur if I execute commands manually (even via ssh).
My question is - what am I doing wrong? What is the proper way to perform such task? Am I using the wrong tool?
Consider using something like supervisord for starting/stoping your app and also restarting it in case of crash or server reboot.

Using supervisor to run a flask app

I am deploying my Flask application on WebFaction. I am using flask-socketio which has lead me to deploying it with a Custom Websocket App (listening on port). Flask-socketio's instructs me to deploy my app by starting the serving with the call, port= < port_listening_on >) in my main python script. I have installed eventlet on the server so should run the app on the eventlet web server.
I can call python < app >.py and all works great – server runs, can view it at the domain, sockets working, etc. My problems start when I attempt to turn this into a long running process. I've been advised to use supervisor which I have installed and configured on my webapp following these instructions:
The problem is once I actually add the command for supervisor to run my app it errors with:
Exited too quickly
My log states the above error as well as:
(exit status 1; not expected)
In my supervisor config file I currently have the following program config:
command=/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/<user>/webapps/<app_name>/<app>.py
I have tried a removing and adding settings but it all leads to the same FATAL error.
So this is what part of my supervisor config looks like, I'm using gunicorn to run my flask app.
Also, I'm logging errors to a file from the supervisor config, so if you do that, it might help you see why it's not starting correctly.
command=/juzten/venv/bin/gunicorn run:app --preload -p -b --access-logfile "-"

Ansible return status

I have an ansible playbook which deploys a jboss eap instance alongside some other things. The playbook runs fine until it gets to the point to start jboss using the provided script. I am using the shell module to start this script and it works fine in that jboss starts however when the task is executed ansible does not return any status message like a changed or OK and just seems to hang.
Is there a way I can force ansible to see this as something which has changed the system state ?
I don't personally use jboss, but this sounds to me like the script simply isn't launching jboss in the background, so ansible is simply waiting for it to end and it never does.
There are a few potential ways you can address this. Given the information in this thread you might want to try a task like this:
- name: start jboss
shell: nohup > /dev/null
async: True
poll: 0
The poll: 0 tells Ansible to 'fire and forget' the command. If you don't include this then Ansible will kill the process when it returns from the remote server.
Another possibility is to use an init script. The thread I linked to above points to a location where you should be able to find an init script. You could install that (and leave it disabled if you don't want jboss to start up when the system reboots), and then simply run it via the service command from Ansible:
- name: start jboss
service: name=jboss state=started
Edit: If you're unwilling or unable to use nohup or an init script that puts jboss into the background then another alternative is to make use of screen if you have that installed and available to you. I regularly do this when invoking long-running commands from Ansible so that I can check back well after the playbook has been run to check on the status of the command:
- name: Invoke long running command
command: /usr/bin/screen -d -m /path/to/my/command
async: True
poll: 0
This will launch a detached screen session and invoke your command inside it. Ansible will promptly forget about it, leaving the command to run on its own.

Avoid a GUID refresh in OBIEE

I am unable to login to Answers (/analytics) after every time I deploy the metadata repository of OBIEE using Enterprise manager, on Linux. It works after I refresh the GUIDs. Is there a way to avoid refreshing GUIDs?
Open the rpd offline before deployment, Goto Manage -> Identity->users
Check if your users are there in the rpd, if so remove them. Now deploy your rpd on your target instance. This should go fine. You wont have to reset GUIDs...
Yes there is.
Stop BI Server
opmnctl stopproc ias-component=coreapplication_obis1
Backup the original repository
cp repository1.rpd repository2.rpd
Modify repository1.rpd on a Windows machine and copy it back to the Linux machine running OBIEE
Start BI Server
opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obis1
Stop Services in Linux:
1.Stop opmnctl
Navigate to /instances/instance1/bin
./opmnctl stopall
2.Stop Managed Server (bi_server1)
Navigate to /user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin
./ bi_server1
3.Stop Admin Server (weblogic)
in the same above location
4.Stop Node manger
Just kill the Node Manager process
ps -ef|grep node –to find nodemanger pid
kill -9
Note: If Managed and Admin server not stopped properly ,you can kill same way like above
ps -ef|grep weblogic
kill -9
Start Services:
1.Start Node Manager
Navigate to /wlserver_10.3/server/bin
nohup sh &
2.Start Admin Server
Navigate to /user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin
nohup sh > admin_server.log &
Tip: you can check log using tail command
tail -f admin_server.log
ctrl-z or ctrl-c to exit log window
3.Start Managed Server (bi_server1)
In the same above location
nohup sh bi_server1 http:// managed_server.log &
Start opmnctl
Navigate to /instances/instance1/bin
./opmnctl startall