Can I run aws-xray on the same ECS container? - amazon-ecs

I don't want to have to deploy a whole other ECS service just to enable X-Ray. I'm hoping I can run X-Ray on the same docker container as my app, I would have thought that was the preferred way of running it. I know there might be some data loss if my container dies. But I don't much care about that, I'm trying to stop this proliferation of extra services which serve only extra analytical/logging functions, I already have a logstash container I'm not happy about, my feeling is that apps themselves should be able to do this sort of stuff.

While we have the Dockerhub image of the X-Ray Daemon, you can absolutely run the daemon in the same docker container as your application - that shouldn't be an issue.
Here's the typical setup with the daemon dockerfile and task definition instructions:
I imagine you can simply omit the task definition attributes around the daemon, since it would be running locally beside your application - those wouldn't be used at all.

So I think the proper way to do this is using supervisord, see link for an example of that, but I ended up just making a very simple script:
/usr/bin/xray &
And then having a Dockerfile:
FROM tomcat:9-jdk11-openjdk
RUN apt-get install -y unzip
RUN curl -o
RUN unzip && cp xray /usr/bin/xray
COPY /usr/bin/
RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/
CMD ["/bin/bash", "/usr/bin/"]
I think I will look at using supervisord next time.


docker-composer run multiple commands

As other answers have noted, I'm trying to run multiple commands in docker-compose, but my container exits without any errors being logged. I've tried numerous variations of this in my docker-compose file:
command: echo "the_string_for_the_file" > ./datahub-frontend/conf/user.props && datahub-frontend/bin/datahub-frontend
The Dockerfile command is:
CMD ["datahub-frontend/bin/datahub-frontend"]
My Real Goal
Before the application starts, I need to create a file named user.props in a location ./datahub-frontend/conf/ and add some text to that file.
Annoying Constraints
I cannot edit the Dockerfile
I cannot use a volume + some init file to do my bidding
Why? DataHub is an open source project for documenting data. I'm trying to create a very easy way for non-developers to get an instance of DataHub hosted in the cloud. The hosting we're using (AWS Elastic Beanstalk) is cool in that it will accept a docker-compose file to create a web application, but it cannot take other files (e.g. an init script). Even if it could, I want to make it really simple for folks to spin up the container: just a single docker-compose file.
The container image is located here:
You can use bash -c if your docker image has bash
Something like this should work:
command: bash -c "echo \"the_string_for_the_file\" > ./datahub-frontend/conf/user.props && datahub-frontend/bin/datahub-frontend"

bash TAB completion does not work on centos 8

I run a centos 8 distro on docker and I would like to have bash TAB completion with dnf package manager. According to other posts, I did the following once my docker container is started:
dnf clean all && rm -r /var/cache/dnf && dnf upgrade -y && dnf update -y
and then
dnf install bash-completion sqlite -y
After doing that I restart the container but there is still no bash completion. I also tried to source directly the bash completion file by doing:
source /etc/profile.d/
but without any better effect.
Would you know what I am doing wrong ?
You shouldn't need BASH Completion in a Docker container. The only time you should be manually connecting to a shell inside a Linux container is to troubleshoot why the process running in the container is behaving abnormally. In fact, some container design advice might even go as far as suggesting you not include a shell inside your base OS at all!
The reason this isn't working for you is due to the way in which Linux containers operate. A Container is simply a namespaced process that is managed by the kernel installed on the Host OS. This process cannot be modified or interrupted or the container will be destroyed since the process will be sent a SIGTERM. When you attempt to source the script, you are attempting to pass new configuration arguments to your existing namespaced process managed by Docker.
If you really wanted to do this the best way to do it would be to create a new Docker Container Image based on the original CentOS 8 Base Image. And then from there install the bash completion package and add an echo command to add the source line to your user's .bashrc file.
With regards to the additional question asked OP in the comments of this answer I have added additional information below.
Why should not I need bash completion in a container
The reason you do not need bash completion in a container is because containers are not meant to be attached to with a shell. A is simply supposed to be a single instance of a process running under specific configured criteria. Containers aren't meant to be used to create dev environments for you to connect to, they're meant to run processes and applications in software infrastructure.
Manually updating & installing packages
You mention that one of the first things you do when you spin up a container is install packages. This is also alarming to me because you are not supposed to be manually interacting with a container at all. This includes package installation. Instead, you should generate a new Container Image from the older Base Image and add additional RUN statements to the Dockerfile to update the system and install these desired packages.
Cannot believe it is not possible
It is possible if you create a new Dockerfile that purposely installs it on a new layer of the base image and produces a new container image for you to use. BUT the point is that you shouldn't be connecting to Docker containers in the first place to even get to a point where you could need something like bash completion!
Here is a great summary on the difference between a container and a virtual machine that might help clarify some of this for you. In a nutshell, containers are supposed to run, and only run, processes.

How to run systemctl in a pod

Getting access denied error while running the systemctl command in a pod.
Whenever try to start any service, for example, MySQL or tomcat server in a pod, it gives access denied error.
Is there any way by which I can run systemctl within a pod.
This is a problem related to Docker, not Kubernetes.
According to the page Run multiple services in a container in docker docs:
It is generally recommended that you separate areas of concern by
using one service per container
However if you really want to use a process manager, you can try supervisord, which allows you to use supervisorctl commands, similar to systemctl. The page above explains how to do that:
Here is an example Dockerfile using this approach, that assumes the
pre-written supervisord.conf, my_first_process, and my_second_process
files all exist in the same directory as your Dockerfile.
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y supervisor
RUN mkdir -p /var/log/supervisor
COPY supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf
COPY my_first_process my_first_process
COPY my_second_process my_second_process
CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]
That's a rather short question. The 'systemctl' command does try to talk to the systemd daemon which is not running in a pod by default (it could however). Running multiple services is yet another question about service management. It both cases it could help to use a tool like the docker-systemctl-replacement overwriting /usr/bin/systemctl and registering it as the init-CMD of the container.

docker-compose - issue restarting single service

I am using docker-compose for a development project. I have 6 services defined in my docker compose file. I have been using the below script to rebuild the images whenever I make a change.
# file:
docker-compose down
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
I am looking for a way to reduce the build time as building and restarting all the services seems unnecessary as I am usually only changing one module. I see in the docker-compose docs you can run commands for individual services by specifying the service name after e.g. docker-compose build myservice.
In another terminal window I tried docker-compose build myservice && docker-compose restart myservice while leaving the other ./ command open in the original terminal. In the ./ terminal window I see all the initialization messages being reprinted to the stdout so I know it is restarting that service but the code changes aren't there. What am I doing wrong? I just want to rebuild and restart a single service.
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --build myservice
Note that:
-d is for Detached mode,
-force-recreate will recreate containers even is your code did not change,
-build is for build your images before starting containers.
At least the name of your service.
Take a look here.

docker build does not sustain processes

So this might be my Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y mysql-server-5.6
RUN service mysql start
RUN service mysql status
It throws an error during the build that MySQL is not running, even though the previous command finished with a success. The deamons seem not to be able to be running between different commands in the Dockerfile.
This is an artificial example, but in my real Dockerfile I have lines which configure the database and they need to have a deamon running in the backgroud. The only solution to go around this that I found is to run:
RUN service mysql start && ./
RUN service mysql start && ./
and so on
But this is probably not the way to do it. Is there any better way to go about this?
Each RUN command within your Dockerfile runs within a different container, so here's the actual sequence of events:
service mysql start starts MySQL.
Then the container is stopped (MySQL is stopped).
Then a snapshot is taken.
Then a new container is launched using that snapshot.
service mysql status is run in the new container.
Of course, mysql isn't actually running in the latter container, so that fails.
So, instead, you need to do everything in a single build step. Usually, you'll want to do this by running a shell script within your container.
Here goes.
Your directory tree should look like this:
Then, in your Dockerfile, do:
RUN chmod 755 /
And, in, you should have something that looks like this:
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
service mysql start
service mysql stop
# you should loop on `service mysql status` to confirm MySQL is done shutting down