How to mark all CJK text in a document? - unicode

I have a file, file1.txt, containing text in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. For use in ConTeXt, I need to mark each region of text within the file according to language, except for English, and output a new file, e.g., here is a sample line:
The 恐龙 ate 鱼.
As this contains text in Chinese characters, this will get marked like this:
The \language[cn]{恐龙} ate \language[cn]{鱼}.
The document is saved as UTF-8.
Text in Chinese should be marked \language[cn]{*}.
Text in Japanese should be marked \language[ja]{*}.
Text in Korean should be marked \language[ko]{*}.
The content never continues from one line to the next.
If the code is ever in doubt about whether something is Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, it is best if it defaults to Chinese.
How can I mark the text according to the language present?

A crude algorithm:
use 5.014;
use utf8;
while (<DATA>) {
The 恐龙 ate 鱼.
The 恐竜 ate 魚.
The キョウリュウ ate うお.
The 공룡 ate 물고기.
(Also see Detect chinese character using perl?)
There are problems with that. Daenyth comments that e.g. 恐竜 is misidentified as Chinese. I find it unlikely that you are really working with mixed English-CJK, and are just giving bad example text. Perform a lexical analysis first to differentiate Chinese from Japanese.

I'd like to provide a Python solution. No matter which language, it is based on Unicode Script information (from Unicode Database, aka UCD). Perl has rather detailed UCD compared to Python.
Python has no Script information opened in its "unicodedata" module. But someone has added it at here (tiny and useful). My implementaion is based on it. BTW, it is not space sensitive(no need of any lexical analysis).
# coding=utf8
import unicodedata2
The 恐竜ate 魚.
Theキョウリュウ ate うお.
The공룡 ate 물고기. """
langs = {
alist = [(x,unicodedata2.script_cat(x)[0]) for x in text]
# Add Last
newlist = []
langlist = []
prevlang = ""
for raw, lang in alist:
if prevlang in langs and prevlang != lang:
newlist.append("\language[%s]{" % langs[prevlang] +"".join(langlist) + "}")
langlist = []
if lang not in langs:
prevlang = lang
newtext = "".join(newlist)
print newtext
The Output is :
$ python
The \language[cn]{恐竜}ate \language[cn]{魚}.
The\language[ja]{キョウリュウ} ate \language[ja]{うお}.
The\language[ko]{공룡} ate \language[ko]{물고기}.

While Korean doesn't use much sinograms [漢字/Kanji] anymore, they still pop up sometimes. Some Japanese sinograms are solely Japanese, like 竜, but many are identical to either Simplified Chinese or Traditional. So you're kind of stuck. So you need to look at a full sentence if you have some "Han" chars. If it has some hiragana/katakana + kanji, probability is very high it's Japanese. Likewise, a bunch of hangul syllables and a couple of sinograms will tell you the sentence is in Korean.
Then, if it's all Han characters, ie Chinese, you can look at whether some of the chars are simplified: kZVariant denotes a Simplified Chinese char. Oh, and kSpecializedSemanticVariant is very often used for Japanese specific simplified chars. 内 and 內 may look the same to you, but the first is Japanese, the second Traditional Chinese and Korean (Korean uses Traditional Chinese as a standard).
I have code somewhere that returns, for one codepoint, the script name. That could help. You go through a sentence, and see what's left at the end. I'll put up the code somewhere.
EDIT: the code
In response to the comment below:
This function above is built based on data provided by While not being an expert per se, I contributed quite a bit to the Unihan database – and I happen to speak CJK. Yes, all 3. I do have some code that takes advantage of the kXXX properties in the Unihan database, but A/ I wasn't aware we were supposed to write code for the OP, and B/ it would require a logistics that might go beyond what the OP is ready to implement. My advice stands. With the function above, loop through one full sentence. If all codepoints are "Han", (or "Han"+"Latin"), chances are high it's Chinese. If on the other hand the result is a mix of "Han"+"Hangul"(+"latin" possibly) you can't go wrong with Korean. Likewise, a mix of "Han" and "Katakana"/"Hiragana" you have Japanese.
Some code to be used with the function I linked to before.
function guessLanguage(x) {
var results={};
var s='';
var i,j=x.length;
for(i=0;i<j;i++) {
if(results.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
} else {
for(x in results) {
if (results.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
if(results[x]>mostCount) {
return mostName;
Some tests:
Common: 2
Han: 5
Hiragana: 9
Katakana: 4
__proto__: Object
The r object contains the number of occurrences of each script. Hiragana is the most frequent, and Hiragana+Katakana --> 2/3 of the sentence.
Common: 2
Han: 8
__proto__: Object
An obvious case of Chinese (Cantonese in this case).
r=guessLanguage("中國이 韓國보다 훨씬 크지만, 꼭 아름다운 나라가 아니다...");
Common: 11
Han: 4
Hangul: 19
__proto__: Object
Some Han characters, and a whole lot of Hangul. A Korean sentence, assuredly.


How to print non-BMP Unicode characters in Tkinter (e.g. 𝄫)

Note: Non-BMP characters can be displayed in IDLE as of Python 3.8 (so, it's possible Tkinter might display them now, too, since they both use TCL), which was released some time after I posted this question. I plan to edit this after I try out Python 3.9 (after I install an updated version of Xubuntu). I also read the editing these characters in IDLE might not be as straightforward as other characters; see the last comment here.
So, today I was making shortcuts for entering certain Unicode characters. All was going well. Then, when I decided to do these characters (in my Tkinter program; they wouldn't even try to go in IDLE), 𝄫 and 𝄪, I got a strange unexpected error and my program started deleting just about everything I had written in the text box. That's not acceptable.
Here's the error:
_tkinter.TclError: character U+1d12b is above the range (U+0000-U+FFFF) allowed by Tcl
I realize most of the Unicode characters I had been using only had four characters in the code. For some reason, it doesn't like five.
So, is there any way to print these characters in a ScrolledText widget (let alone without messing everything else up)?
UTF-8 is my encoding. I'm using Python 3.4 (so UTF-8 is the default).
I can print these characters just fine with the print statement.
Entering the character without just using ScrolledText.insert (e.g. Ctrl-shift-u, or by doing this in the code: b'\xf0\x9d\x84\xab') does actually enter it, without that error, but it still starts deleting stuff crazily, or adding extra spaces (including itself, although it reappears randomly at times).
There is currently no way to display those characters as they are supposed to look in Tkinter in Python 3.4 (although someone mentioned how using surrogate pairs may work [in Python 2.x]). However, you can implement methods to convert the characters into displayable codes and back, and just call them whenever necessary. You have to call them when you print to Text widgets, copy/paste, in file dialogs*, in the tab bar, in the status bar, and other stuff.
*The default Tkinter file dialogs do not allow for much internal engineering of the dialogs. I made my own file dialogs, partly to help with this issue. Let me know if you're interested. Hopefully I'll post the code for them here in the future.
These methods convert out-of-range characters into codes and vice versa. The codes are formatted with ordinal numbers, like this: {119083ū}. The brackets and the ū are just to distinguish this as a code. {119083ū} represents 𝄫. As you can see, I haven’t yet bothered with a way to escape codes, although I did purposefully try to make the codes very unlikely to occur. The same is true for the ᗍ119083ūᗍ used while converting. Anyway, I'm meaning to add escape sequences eventually. These methods are taken from my class (hence the self). (And yes, I know you don’t have to use semi-colons in Python. I just like them and consider that they make the code more readable in some situations.)
import re;
def convert65536(self, s):
#Converts a string with out-of-range characters in it into a string with codes in it.
while i<len(l):
if o>65535:
return "".join(l);
def parse65536(self, match):
#This is a regular expression method used for substitutions in convert65536back()
if text>65535:
return chr(text);
return "ᗍ"+str(text)+"ūᗍ";
def convert65536back(self, s):
#Converts a string with codes in it into a string with out-of-range characters in it
while"{\d\d\d\d\d+ū}", s)!=None:
s=re.sub(r"{\d\d\d\d\d+ū}", self.parse65536, s);
s=re.sub(r"ᗍ(\d\d\d\d\d+)ūᗍ", r"{\1ū}", s);
return s;
My answer is based on #Shule answer but provide more pythnoic and easy to read code. It also provide a real case.
This is the methode populating items to a tkinter.Listbox. There is no back conversion. This solution only take care of displaying strings with Tcl-unallowed characters.
class MyListbox (Listbox):
# ...
def populate(self):
def _convert65536(to_convert):
"""Converts a string with out-of-range characters in it into a
string with codes in it.
Based on <>.
This is a workaround because Tkinter (Tcl) doesn't allow unicode
characters outside of a specific range. This could be emoticons
for example.
for character in to_convert[:]:
if ord(character) > 65535:
convert_with = '{' + str(ord(character)) + 'ū}'
to_convert = to_convert.replace(character, convert_with)
return to_convert
# delete all listbox items
self.delete(0, END)
# add items to listbox
for item in mydata_list:
self.insert(END, item)
except TclError as err:
_log.warning('{} It will be converted.'.format(err))
self.insert(END, _convert65536(item))

PyGame: Proper use of Unicode

My goal is to create a program, with which the user can learn Bible verses by getting shown a problem and solving it through input (e.g. "Quote vers Gen 3:15"). As the Bible translation, I have to work with, is German, it contains a ton of umlauts, which are never showing properly.
My PyGame file's header:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Later on, I list the three German umlauts:
The txt-file is parsed by this function:
def load_list(listname):
fullname = os.path.join("daten", listname + ".txt")
with, "r", "utf-8-sig") as name:
lines = name.readlines()
for x in range(0, len(lines)):
lines[x] = lines[x].strip("\n")
lines[x] = lines[x].strip("\r")
print lines
I'm aware, that I could combine the two lines with the strip-commands, but that's not the topic here.
How can I get my PyGame to display the umlauts from the text-file correctly as well also display the user input's umlauts correctly? I checked hundreds of suggestions, I can't get anything really working here.
Any help is highly appreciated, before I lose my sane mind (well, as I'm sitting here, coding games, I probably did already anyway :D )
I'll try to summarize:
Printing something else than a string or unicode opject triggers that object's __repr__() method. If it is a sequence, this applies to the contained elements as well, causing any non-ascii character to be escaped with \xXX (or \uXXXX) notation. Note the difference between print 'text' and print ['text']: in the latter case, the string's quotes will be printed as well (besides the brackets of course). Use str.join() for concatenating lists of strings in order to control the way the output looks.
It's a good idea to always explicitely decode input (as you do by using codecs) and encode the output (which is not done in the code snippets in your question).
The source file encoding (the # coding: utf8 line in the header) has nothing to do with encoding of input and output. It only enables you to type non-ascii character in string literals (= characters inside quotes in the source file), instead of using \xXX escapes.
Hope that makes some things clearer. There's a lot that can go wrong that looks like an encoding error, and it's not always easy to find out what's actually happening.

Subset of Unicode normally used in writing?

What is the subset of Unicode characters that are normally used in writing — such as those that would be typically found in a newspaper article?
For example, in English, the characters in the range [a-zA-Z0-9], plus some punctuation characters, would be sufficient for most writing.
But I want to support languages that use characters that fall outside the ASCII range, while excluding the non-printing or decorative characters.
The objective is to restrict the user input to the application to codepoints that are legitimately used in written language. Because the user input will be saved and displayed, I do not want to allow pranksters to input text consisting entirely of things like diacritics, Unicode combining characters, Unicode flow control characters, etc.
Regrettably, I am not fluent in every single language found in Unicode. Has anyone compiled a list of all of the subset of Unicode characters that are normally used in writing?
The official list of Unicode code points is UnicodeData.txt. This is a plain text file with one line per code point; it's easily machine-readable. For example:
0022;QUOTATION MARK;Po;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;;
The third semicolon-delimited field is the abbreviated name of the "General Category". This is explained further in chapter 4 of the Unicode Standard, specifically in section 4.5; see the table on page 131 (page 12 of the PDF file). For example, "Lu" is uppercase letters, "Ll" is lowercase letters, Pc, Pd, Ps, et al are various kinds of punctuation. (The first letter of the two-letter abbreviation represents a higher-level category such as letter, digit, punctuation, etc.)
Note that some ranges of code points are not listed explicitly. For example, the range of CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) ideographs is represented as:
4E00;<CJK Ideograph, First>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
9FCC;<CJK Ideograph, Last>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
I think there are other files on that fill in these gaps.
I'm still not 100% clear on just what subset you're trying to define, but you can probably define it as a particular set of General Category values.
I do not want to allow pranksters to input text consisting entirely of things like diacritics, Unicode combining characters
Diacritics/combining characters will be used in normal written language. So if you want to stop 'pranksters' you're going to need something more sophisticated than just a list of permitted characters. You'll have to do some sort of linguistic analysis for every language you want to permit.
I'd recommend not bothering with this, because it's going to be hard and you won't succeed anyway. Just let people write what they want.
Try WGL4 (652 characters), MES-1 (335 characters) or MES-2 (1062 characters). Find these at Wikipedia.
You may wish to exclude characters IJijĸĿŀʼn˚―⅛⅜⅝⅞♪ from MES-1 if you want to use this set.
Edit: I realize this is a bad answer. Especially the removing characters from MES-1 part was total garbage. I shouldn't have posted this. I'm ashamed of whoever upvoted this.
If anything, use Subset1 (678 characters), Subset2 (1193 characters) and Subset3 (2823 characters).

Meaning of an RTF faulty piece of code

I am working on an RTF file made by someone else on an unknown platform, and everything is interpreted correctly, except some characters, whatever character set I open them from in openoffice. Here is the plain text, after interpretation:
"Même taille que la Terre, même masse, même âgec Vénus a souvent été qualifiée de sœur de la Terre. "
and here is the original ANSI paragraph:
"M\u234\'3fme taille que la Terre, m\u234\'3fme masse, m\u234\'3fme \u226\'3fge\uc2 \u61825\'ff\'81\uc1 c V\u233\'3fnus a souvent \u233\'3ft\u233\'3f qualifi\u233\'3fe de s\u339\'3fur de la Terre."
To zoom in:
"âgec Vénus" becomes "\u226\'3fge\uc2 \u61825\'ff\'81\uc1 c V\u233\'3fnus"
and finally, what we come up with:
"\uc2 \u61825\'ff\'81\uc1 c"
here \uc2 and \uc1 are to say we are going back and forth between 4-bytes and 2-bytes Unicode encoding.
\u61825 is an unknown Unicode character. Indeed, according to the RTF specification, any UTF character greater than 2^15 should be written in a negative form; negative form with ANSI characters should make the "-" (minus) sign visible to the notepad, am I right? So here already I have something I don't understand, how the RTF writer used by the person who made the rtf file in the first place could have done it. Maybe I missed something in the specification, specific versions, character sets, I don't know. If taken as is, 61825 would correspond to F181 which is in a private area of the Unicode table.
And then, the \'ff\'81 would be some use of the ANSI equivalent field of the whole "specific character" group (whose structure is usually \uN\'XX), to code something that would be 4-byte long. And here again, I could not find:
what is the code page (Windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, other?) being refered to (as in all the other places in the file where a \uN\'XX sequence apears, XX are always 3F, the Windows-1252 code for "?", so it did not give me much information)
what does the \'FF (which looks like some control character inside an escape sequence!) stand for, and then why \'81... Actually, the translation of \u61825 to hex is F181, not FF81...I am lost here!
Finally, what the translated text (in French) would make us expect is the ":" (semicolon): "Same size as Earth, same mass, same age: Venus has often been qualified as Earth's sister". It would make sense. But what rtf writer could imagine such a complicated code for the semicolon?
So again, after 1 hour of search, I open the question to you fellows: does someone recognize this, and could tell me what control word encoding is used, is there a big endian/little endian/2's complement mess here with the 61825, and same with the \'ff\'81, which would assemble as FF81 instead of F181, which itself doesn't mean anything as my question is only to know if there would be a way to find the complete original text back from the bizarre RTF encoding!
what the translated text (in french) would make us expect is the ":" (semicolon
Nearly: it should be the ellipsis. You can see the source text eg here.
The ellipsis should normally be written simply as three periods, but there has traditionally been a separate character representing ellipsis in order better to control their spacing, back before complex text layout algorithms existed that could do automatic glyph replacement. Consequently there exists a Unicode compatibility character U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS to allow round-tripping to legacy encodings such as Windows code page 1252, where it is byte 133.
That, however, is not what has been encoded in your RTF document. That would be too easy.
61825 is an unknown Unicode character.
It's a Private Use Area character, which means it could represent absolutely anything. Word has exported certain common symbol fonts as PUA characters - see this post for the background.
So someone at some point may have used a symbol font where code unit 129 (the 0x81 in U+F181, 61825) maps to something that looks like an ellipsis. Quite what that font is, I have no idea! It doesn't seem to be one of the usual suspects (Symbol, Wingdings, Webdings). You might just have to manually replace U+F181 with U+2026 for now unless you can find out more about the source.

Simplified Chinese Unicode table

Where can I find a Unicode table showing only the simplified Chinese characters?
I have searched everywhere but cannot find anything.
I have found that there is another encoding called GB 2312 -
- which contains only simplified characters.
Surely I can use this to get what I need?
I have also found this file which maps GB2312 to Unicode -
- but I'm not sure if it's accurate or not.
If that table isn't correct maybe someone could point me to one that is, or maybe just a table of the GB2312 characters and some way to convert them?
This site also provides a GB/Unicode table and even a Java program to generate a file
with all the GB characters as well as the Unicode equivalents :
The Unihan database contains this information in the file Unihan_Variants.txt. For example, a pair of traditional/simplified characters are:
U+673A kTraditionalVariant U+6A5F
U+6A5F kSimplifiedVariant U+673A
In the above case, U+6A5F is 機, the traditional form of 机 (U+673A).
Another approach is to use the CC-CEDICT project, which publishes a dictionary of Chinese characters and compounds (both traditional and simplified). Each entry looks something like:
宕機 宕机 [dang4 ji1] /to crash (of a computer)/Taiwanese term for 當機|当机[dang4 ji1]/
The first column is traditional characters, and the second column is simplified.
To get all the simplified characters, read this text file and make a list of every character that appears in the second column. Note that some characters may not appear by themselves (only in compounds), so it is not sufficient to look at single-character entries.
The OP doesn't indicate which language they're using, but if you're using Ruby, I've written a small library that can distinguish between simplified and traditional Chinese (plus Korean and Japanese as a bonus). As suggested in Greg's answer, it relies on a distilled version of Unihan_Variants.txt to figure out which chars are exclusively simplified and which are exclusively traditional.
p string
=> "我的氣墊船充滿了鱔魚."
> string.chinese?
=> true
> string.traditional_chinese?
=> true
> string.simplified_chinese?
=> false
But as the Unicode FAQ duly warns, this requires sizable fragments of text to work reliably, and will give misleading results for short strings. Consider the Japanese for Tokyo:
p string
=> "東京"
> string.chinese?
=> true
> string.traditional_chinese?
=> true
> string.japanese?
=> false
Since both characters happen to also be valid traditional Chinese, and there are no exclusively Japanese characters, it's not recognized correctly.
I'm not sure if that's easily done. The Han ideographs are unified in Unicode, so it's not immediately obvious how to do it. But the Unihan database ( might have the data you need.
Here is a regex of all simplified Chinese characters I made. For some reason Stackoverflow is complaining, so it's linked in a pastebin below.
You'll notice that this list features ranges rather than each individual character, but also that these are utf-8 characters, not escaped representations. It's served me well in one iteration or another since around 2010. Hopefully everyone else can make some use of it now.
If you don't want the simplified chars (I can't imagine why, it's not come up once in 9 years), iterate over all the chars from ['一-龥'] and try to build a new list. Or run two regex's, one to check it is Chinese, but is not simplified Chinese
According to wikipedia simplified Chinese v. traditional, kanji, or other formats is left up to the font rendering in many cases. So while you could have a selection of simplified Chinese codepoints, this list would not be at all complete since many characters are no longer distinct.
I don't believe that there's a table with only simplified code points. I think they're all lumped together in the CJK range of 0x4E00 through 0x9FFF