no way to create / register first application - facebook

I tried to create my first app.
I went to and clicked on 'applications'.
Then facebook redirected me to my facebook page. There was NO button to '+add an application' and no form to ask me if I needed 'something' to create the application.
I added a valid credit card because it's mandatory to get a 'developer' status.
How I can add an application to facebook. Is there a way to ask their tech department?
Also if I click on it redirects me to my facebook page WITHOUT a window to 'Request for permision'

Here you will have a button to add New App, a popup should appear to write the New App's name. I can see in your post you don't get this popup, but it is where you need to go. So try using this link on your Personal Account not your pages account, just like DMCS is saying.
Here you should get a couple of more links, and there's a how to link that might help.
Here you can find a fast track to build a facebook app. Not sure if it's what you want, but it might help in some parts of the process.


Can't submit Facebook Request for App Review - form has unticked criteria

I'm using a plugin (xyzscripts) in wordpress to automatically make a facebook post when I add a blog item to the website.
I need to create a Facebook App to be able to authorise the plugin to be able to this (to login to my facebook admin account and select the page it's to be posted onto from within wordpress)
The instructions have been fine so far and I'm at the stage of submitting the app for review by facebook but the application form needs to be classed as 'complete' before it can be submitted and there are 2 tickboxes which are not ticked and I'm not sure how to get them to tick?! It's not a tickbox that I can select, it seems facebook validates whether the criteria is complete based on the form, so although I think it's complete facebook doesn't and I'm not sure what else to add to make those tickboxes tick... in order to be able select 'submit for review'.
There's a screenshot linked to below showing what I'm referring to, of the tickboxes which aren't ticked.
Has anyone had this problem? Can the form see whats in the video and it already thinks it's not good enough? I have included the words 'pages_manage_posts' and 'pages_read_engagement' in the text describing why the app needs these permissions as I thought that might be a validating factor but nope, still no tick.
Any help much appreciated, thanks.
image of the facebook page showing the tickboxes which aren't ticked
I have included the words 'pages_manage_posts' and 'pages_read_engagement' in the text
You need to add the actual permissions to your submission, not just “mention” them.
Go to this section in your app dashboard, and click the “request” button next to those two permissions:

How to get App ID for an existing facebook page?

I have the following case:
My client already has a facebook page with timeline and a decent amount of likes.
My job is to integrate facebook comments and facebook like to their website. For this I need an App ID, which I can easily get by creating a new app on
What I want is to somehow connect this app to the client's page so;
it shows up on their insights report
maybe likes and interactions get connected to the client's page instead of an app
I have already spent many hours trying to get this to work, but I don't yet see a way.
I can imagine that when I create a new App and then add a page to that app I have them connected. Though my client's company isn't an "app", it's a real-world business. Also, this way my clients loses all their likes on their current page.
Please help me figuring out the right way to do this.
Thanks in advance.
If you have a Pretty URL, you can go to{yourpagename}. The App ID of the page will be right there at the top. If you do NOT have a Pretty URL for the page, the App ID of the page is the number at the very end of its URL.
There's no way to link an existing app and page (by 'link' i mean mark the page as being the page which represents that app) - you can of course install an app on to your page as a tab, or use an app to manage the page and post updates, etc, the documentation for both of which is on the main developer site
Login to your page >> Click on Settings > Click on Apps from left panel > Select your page app >> Go to the bottom
Here you can find User ID

How do you configure a Facebook app to send the user directly to the website?

Notice how clicking on the Instagram App entry of a facebook search sends the user directly to instagram's website. How is this accomplished?
There appears to be a somewhat related question (with an accepted answer) here: Facebook App: Make the landing page redirect to a URL? However, it isn't clear this is the correct way to do it, as it doesn't provide the same user experience.
Invoking such an implementation will first send the user to what would be a facebook app page with an iframe. Then that iframe (with the suggested redirect code) invokes the redirect. This is quick, but still obvious to the user, and clearly different. Not to mention, it may also go against Facebook's terms (not sure though).
Bottom line is, how does one configure a facebook app link to behave as the Instagram app link?
(Note, I would have simply added this comment to the referenced question, but it seems I don't have the required rep points yet).
in the - go to "edit app", and in the Settings -> Basic, choose only "Website with Facebook Login" (and you'll see a green V).
Now go to "App Center" in the left bar - fill all the necessary forms and hit submit.
and then go to:
I might be wrong but here is my two cents;
Go to the App Developer page on Facebook (
Create a new application and on Settings -> Basic enter your website URL under Website (after you clicked on it)
Then goto Settings -> Advanced and at the bottom of the page there is an button which says Create Facebook Page click on it and once someone clicks on your Facebook page they should be redirected to your website.

create auth permission dialog in facebook

basically i have integrated fb in my app and for that i have created the app in fb developer site.
I have got app id and i have authorized my app with fb using this id.
While asking permissions in fb, the auth dialog havn't appeared good. like i want to display auth dialog as below image.
but i didn't see above style of auth dialog while authorization. How will i get that style of dialog?.
Currently i am getting the below style of dialog.
Please advise in this regards.
Go to your facebook profile from which you have created your app,or from which you are accessing your app.
Then go to Privacy Setting -> Apps, Games and Websites
And here go to apps you use there click edit in front of your app and then remove it.
It will simply remove your permission and will ask you again as you have shown in screen.
If anything feel free to ask.

How do I create a Facebook application for use only on page tabs?

I'm currently creating a very basic Facebook application and I've run into a bit of a roadblock, so any help would be appreciated.
My application is as follows: I want to have the application pull records from my database that the user has added to my site off of Facebook and display them in a tab on one of their fan pages. Everything the user could add or edit will be done on my site (not on/through Facebook) so all I need to do is have my application check which page is requesting and display their records. I imagine the install will go something like this: user signs up on my site, user adds app to their page, user links their account and fan page (thinking of the best way to do this), user adds records.
The problem I'm running into is there's barely any information on the new Facebook PHP-SDK (does not use the require_login() method) and I'm not really sure how to start. Again, the only functionality I need on the Facebook end is for them to be able to add my application to their fan page and be able to distinguish between which page is requesting my app.
Does anyone have any resources for creating a basic application with the new SDK? Facebook's dev section is absolutely no help for beginners and I'm pulling my hair out despite a pretty solid grounding in backend development.
tab apps have some limitations comparing to regular fb apps. You can read about those here.
How to make a tab - register a facebook app, fill out "Tab Name" and "Tab URL" fields in the profiles settings (you might need to fill out "canvas" settings first).
Now all tabs will be loaded from "Tab URL" on your server. How to find out who is tab owner - check for fb_sig_profile_user request parameter in your tab page handler, which contains owner's user id.
This should get you started.