delay in playing rtsp stream - streaming

I'm experimenting with rtsp streams in java using vlcj in windows 7 system.i found a 5 seconds delay in displaying the video.i tried to write it to a temporary .mpg can i feed the contents of that file to the player while streaming progresses?


How to play video while it is downloading using AVPro video in unity3D?

I want to play the video simultaneously while it is downloading via unitywebrequest. Will AVPro video support this? If so please provide me some guidance, as i am new to unity and avpro video. I can able to play the video which is downloaded fully through FullscreenVideo.prefab in AVPro demo. Any help will be much appreciated.
There are two main options you could use for displaying the video while it is still downloading.
Through livestream
You can stream a video to AVPro video using the "absolute path or URL" option on the media player component, then linking this to a stream in rtsp, MPEG-DASH, HLS, or HTTP progressive streaming format. Depending on what platforms you will be targeting some of these options will work better than others
A table of which file format supports what platform can be found in the AVProVideo Usermanual that is included with AVProVideo from page 12 and onwards.
If you want to use streaming you also need to set the "internet access" option to "required" in the player settings, as a video cannot stream without internet access.
A video that is being streamed will automatically start/resume playing when enough video is buffered.
This does however require a constant internet connection which may not be ideal if you're targeting mobile devices, or unnecessary if you're planning to play videos in a loop.
HLS m3u8
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) works by cutting the overall stream into shorter, manageable hunks of data. These chunks will then get downloaded in sequence regardless of how long the stream is. m3u8 is a file format that works with playlists that keeps information on the location of multiple media files instead of an entire video, this can then be fed into a HLS player that will play the small media files in sequence as dictated in the m3u8 file.
using this method is usefull if you're planning to play smaller videos on repeat as the user will only have to download each chunk of the video once, which you can then store for later use.
You can also make these chunks of video as long or short as you want, and set a buffer of how many chunks you want to have pre-loaded. if for example you set the chunk size to 5 seconds, with a buffer of 5 videos the only loading time you'll have is when loading the first 25 seconds of the video. once these first 5 chunks are loaded it will start playing the video and load the rest of the chunks in the background, without interrupting the video (given your internet speed can handle it)
a con to this would be that you have to convert all your videos to m3u8 yourself. a tool such as FFMPEG can help with this though.
AVPro documentation

Saving RTSP stream with VLC

I'm trying to save 5 seconds .mov segments of an RTSP stream with VLC. First I tried openRTSP and ffmpeg but both of them gives incorrect output (Index missing etc). I've read a lot of the VLC cli, but havn't had any luck of saving an RTSP stream as segments.
If I use the VLC GUI I can both save segments as saving snapshots (PNGs) but I need to do this via CLI.
mov files are not streamable. [they are right in saying index file missing]. I don't even know how you are sending them over rtsp there is no rtp payloader i am aware of for mov/mp4 format.

Recording a VNC Sessions

I am currently recording a vnc sessions using vnc2flv. But the flv file i get is very huge in size. For a recording of 5 seconds the file size is around 10 mb. What values should i provide for the paramters so that i get a proper flv file. Also the flv file generated is not playable using vnc media player

red5 streaming video files vod

I have a lot of very large recorded mpeg.ts files (each several hours) on a server and I want them to stream to a website.
I was thinking to use red5 with xuggler.
My client could request a file, and red 5 could stream it to the client.
Xuggler could transcode the stream on the fly to flash video.
Is this a good way to go?
Can anybody direct me to demo code?
Thank you

Free ASF (2 video streams and 1 audio stream) to FLV converter?

I have .asf files. All of them have 2 video streams and 1 audio stream in it. I need to extract that .asf into 2 .flv files (first one is video stream, second one is second video + audio stream).
Is there some free program with funcitonality like this where I can choose which streams I want to extract/convert to .flv. I've tried at least 15 programs and all of them open my .asf file and offer me to convert it but none of them "knows" about that second video stream. Some programs opens my .asf and in external window open second video stream but not offering any functionallity to it. It's like they aren't aware of that second video stream.
I don't want to write my own program with Xuggle if I don't need to.
Thank You,
Let me answer this old question. On Windows download the program Haali Muxer and split the file as you want. Then there are many converters to .flv format but now there is only one video and audio stream in source file after splitting it with Haali Muxer.