I want to do a lot of things that I found them in the net and jasperreport can do it,
but in my screen, I don't found the menu to create dashboards, I don't find also a lot of folders in repository ...
why ?
This comparison of what is in the different product editions should make it clear.
I have not used JasperReports in a number of years. It has changed :-) I've decided that the Community version of Jasper Server is what I need. The install (Postgres and Tomcat defaults) went smoothly and was happy when poking around the result. However, I cannot get my MySQL datasource to test correctly...even though I'm logged in as an admin user and the connection (all at localhost) works fine in JasperStudio. To make matters worse, I want to use the dashboard tool. All the tutorials show what looks like a dash for the tool that includes a big Dashboard icon...but I don't know how to see that page. For me, it defaults to a page with a folder listing on the left and repository display in the main frame. Where is the tool's dashboard? I don't even see the "create" tab across the top frame...all I see is: Library, View, Manage...
Did I miss something in the setup? I followed the directions that came with the 7.x install without any red flags...
Jasper Servevr Community edition does not supports features like adhoc reporting, dashboards, visualize.js etc.. If you are looking for Dashboard feature either you have to use Professional or Enterprise.
Does Redmine tool provide any plugin to generate graphs for the issues?
Like, i need to generate a pie or bar graph for no. of issues raised for current week/month etc. Can someone please help me with this?
There are indeed some Redmine plugins that provide graphical reports. Some of them (more or less) usable also for issues. The free one's are listed on Redmine.org in the plugin directory, the others are commercial plugins.
Like the following one's:
Redmine Reporting Plugin
Plugin for the Redmine issue tracker
Best thing would be:
Make your custom queries
In every of these queries export the csv file
Take it from excel
After some time of working with Eclipse - Java Enterprise, STS etc. I found enormous quantity of icons, pictures, pictogram etc. Does is possible to find list of all to use in work?
In short, it is not possible to do. The longer explanation is, that every plug-in of Eclipse can contribute additional icons, and they are keyed using freeform string identifiers.
However, if you want to reuse some icons (and the EPL licence of Eclipse permits it), a non-complete list of icons is available at http://eclipse-icons.i24.cc/
Is there a way to apply a color label to a package in Package Explorer in Eclipse? What I am wanting is similar to the way OSX lets you label things in Finder. I'd like to be able to quickly pick out one or two packages by giving them labels.
I was exactly asking this same question when I found yours.
I didn't found a propper answer
However there's a way to group your projects using a tool called "working sets"
With that you can categorize and label your projects in order to quick browse & find them.
A google search of "eclipse working sets" will you show how this works
The second tip of this list is a good brief explanation of how to use it
I know It's not what you asked but it's the closest solution I found for this issue
I am newbie to Eclipse, I am planning to use it for AVR development with WinAVR and gcc.
The feature I am looking for is the grouping of different files in the project, like all headers together, all source files together and all files excluded from the build together etc.
I tried AVR Studio from Atmel, it has this grouping feature but it lacks several other features which Eclipse supports. Any help to configure Eclipse Project explorer to display the project files in this way would be appreciated and helpful for me to decide the IDE to use.
Note: I know that I can manually add different folders for each of these groups and move the files, but that moves the physical files, and breaks the relative path in the code, and other comilers/IDE's. I am looking for logical grouping of files.
Unfortunately there is no general way for a user to configure the grouping in the Project Explorer, the grouping is setup based on the code that controls the content (i.e. CDT, JDT, etc). I think it would be interesting to have this feature, but it's not clear the UI that can be used to specify it. You are welcome to submit an enhancement request to add this to the Eclipse Platform UI project. And giving an example of how it's done in another product would be helpful.
Thanks Francis, looking at your profile I think I found the right person to solve my issue :)
I have opened it as a bug (as I could not find a feature request in bugzila) Bug 296514 - Logical Grouping Files in Project Explorer in Eclipse
I have attcahed screenshots of both AVR Studio and Eclipse project explorer. That should give you an idea of what kind of UI features I am requesting. I can difinetely provide more information if you want.
I think what you are looking for can be done with Working Sets.