Validate causes error during Uploading iphone application - iphone

I am trying to upload an iphone application.In the last step I created an archive file and it also available in the organizer window.But when l clicks validate button it shows error.
"My Application does not contain a single–bundle application or contains multiple products. Please select another archive, or adjust your scheme to create a single–bundle application."
In my application have no static libraries .
Please give me a solution...
Thanks in advance

First of all go to the Build Settings, set the "Skip Install" to "Yes" and then
Under the Build Phases, examine the Copy Headers section. If there are any header files listed as Private or Public, drag them down to the Project section.


Creating an IPA, "contains multiple products"

I am working on an email client based on ReMail. Basically, I reused the ReMail project so that the MailCore etc dependencies would be all set up out of the box so I could build a new app on top of them. I'm trying to give the app to some beta testers via ad hoc, but when I try to create an IPA, I receive this error:
xxxx does not contain a single–bundle application or contains multiple products. Please select another archive, or adjust your scheme to create a single–bundle application.
I have set Skip Install to YES for all dependencies, and moved all files under Copy Header to the "project" section, but I am still unable to build a single APP file.
I don't know if this is significant, but when I open up the xcarchive file, within the products directory, I find a the APP file under Applications, and then a file structure mirroring the absolute path to the header files for MailCore.
Any ideas as to what might be going on? I'm very near the tearing-out-chunks-of-hair-in-frustration stage, and I don't think the unnaturally bald crazy person look would suit me.
Try removing the “Copy Headers” phase entirely. It's only supposed to be used for frameworks, not static libraries. The Xcode static library template that includes a “Copy Headers” phase is wrong.
Check out the “Working with Schemes and Projects in Xcode” video from WWDC 2012, starting at 45m10s.

How to build a iPhone/Ipad application builder

What is the approach/methodology to build a iPhone app builder so that end users can develop apps without using code like they are doing in Mobile Roadie. How will the xcodeproj/ipa file will be generated from the website when we create our own app in websites like Mobile Roadie? Thanks in advance.
Well.. Its a Big Question -
First what you need is to crate a fully featured project that mobile roadie gives you when you select all the modules. You need to build this project keeping a settings.xml file in your resource this file should control the modules in your poject like if you want to disable a module in the app then you can disable that from this xml. You can also configure your other parts of the app using this xml like color theme and other settings like mobile roadie provide in there web interface.
Now you need to build a web interface to generate this settings.xml file. User choose modules, color theme, Images etc. and they get entered in the xml file. and finally a settings.xml file gets generated.
Third - now you have to manually download this xml file and drag in your project file and build the app.
Fourth - upload the app on appstore manually. (There is no automatic process for step 3 and 4 you have to do it manually)
Well the above approach is not very precise we your question if very very broad.

iPhone : Problem while fetching the twits from twitter

In my iphone app, I am trying to fetch twits from twitter.
And I got one example coding from following link :
But when i implemented this example I got following warning:
Directory not found for option '-L/Volumes/MacShare/Ankit/Twitter Search/JSON/iphoneos.sdk/usr/local/lib'
What can be done?
I think you are forgetting the step of copying the JSON framework in your project -
# Drag the JSON folder from the DMG and drop it in your Xcode project. You can add it to the “Other Sources” group if you would like.
# Select the ‘Copy items into destination group’s folder’ option when prompted.
I just downloaded the code from and its working great!!
follow the steps carefully!!
You can do one more thing.. download their source code and drag the Json folder from their project to your project..

CFBundleExectuable Error

Can’t install application
The application at /Users/myname/Documents/SDK/iPhoneApplications/x/build/Debug-iphoneos/ does not specify a CFBundleExecutable
I don't know what this means or how to fix it. Can anyone help?
It only occurs when trying to build to a device - it is an iPhone 3G running 4.1 and I am using the latest SDK which allows me to build on iOS 4.1
I also faced the same problem and the solution that worked in my case was to add CFBundleExecutable in info.plist.
Here are the steps to do it
Click on the + icon in your info.plist and add CFBundleExecutable as String type.
2.then in its value just add
and then rebuild your app.
This worked for me and hope it works for you as well. All the best.
This value is specified in your Info.plist file. I would check your target for the debug configuration and make sure you have the correct plist file specified.
Double-click on your target and search for the Packaging section or for Info.plist.
If the plist is correct, check the content of your Info.plist to make sure you have either a value for either key CFBundleExecutable or key Executable file (they are the same value, but can be displayed with raw or friendly labels).
I faced this issue yesterday and I spent more than 6 hours to find the solution, just follow the instruction below.
1- Go to your "TARGETS".
2- Then go to "Build Settings".
3- After that go to "Basic" then "Combined".
4- Then under the Packaging, you will find the "Info.plist File", check here if your file correct or not, if it's not equal to "Your project Name/Info.plist" you must change it to "Your Project Name/Info.plist".
in my case, i have changed "Mach-O Type" to "Static Library", this may lead to the same question. just change it to Executable , worked for me
After you setup CFBundleExecutable to $(EXECUTABLE_NAME), you have to set EXECUTABLE_NAME's value in xcode. Select your target in TARGETS then go in the Build Settings tab and then search for Product Name.
Check that all your schemes product names are specified corretly to avoid any error (shouldn't contain any of the followin caracter \ [ ] { } ( ) + *).

how to implement facebook in my application for iPhone

I have complete code for implemention for facebook in my application But the problem arises as follow :
Firstly whenever i import FBConnect\FBConnect.h the error will show that it doesn't "NO such file or direectory"
secondly due to this error i have 182 error in my application..
You need to tell the compiler where to find the header files; in XCode, this is called "Header Search Path". You will also have linker errors later if the libraries aren't accessible.
Find "Header Search Paths" in build settings. Enter full path of the facebook sdk src folder(upto the folder-facebook-iphone-sdk/src) there.
This is assuming you have copied the reference of the FBConnect folder in your project and not the files themselves.
I tried by copying the files directly, but couldn't do so. Following the facebook developer wiki word by word would solve your problem.
Take care to see that your file name is correct..if so then check it out that that the file is present in the correct directory..