entity framework and some general doubts with the optimistic concurrency exception - entity-framework

I have some doubts about optimistic concurrency exception.
Well, For example, I retrieve some data from the database, I modify some registers and then submit the changes. If someone update the information of the registers between my request and my update I get an optimistic exception. The classic concurrency problem.
My first doubt is the following. EF to decide if the information is changed or not, retrieves the data from the database, and compare the original data that I obtain with the data that is retrieved from the database. If exists differences, then the optimistic concurrency exception is thrown.
If when I catch the optimistic concurrency exception, I decide if the client wins or the store wins. in this step EF retrieves again the information or use the data from the first retrieved? Because if retrieve again the data, it would be inefficient.
The second doubt is how to control the optimistic concurrency exception. In the catch block of code, I decide if the client wins or the store wins. If the client wins, then I call again saveChanges. But between the time that I decide that the client wins and the savechanges, other user could change the data, so I get again an optimistic concurrency exception. In theory, It could be an infinity loop.
would it be a good idea to use a transaction (scope) to ensure that the client update the information in the database? Other solution could be use a loop to try N times to update the data, if it is not possible, exit and say it to the user.
would the transaction a good idea? does it consume a lot of resources of the database? Although the transaction blocks for a moment the database, it ensures that the operation of update is finished. The loop of N times to try to complete the operation, call the database N times, and perhaps it could need more resources.
EDIT: I forgot to ask. is it possible set the context to use client wins by default instead to wait to the concurrency exception?

My first doubt is the following. EF to decide if the information is
changed or not, retrieves the data from the database ...
It doesn't retrieve any additional data from database. It takes original values of your entity used for concurrency handling and use them in where condition of update command. The update command is followed by selecting number of modified rows. If the number is 0 it either means that record doesn't exists or somebody has changed it.
The second doubt is how to control the optimistic concurrency exception.
You simply call Refresh and SaveChanges. You can repeat pattern few times if needed. If you have so much highly concurrent application that multiple threads are fighting to update same record within fraction of seconds you most probably need to architect your data storage in different way.
Would it be a good idea to use a transaction (scope) to ensure that the client update the information in the database?
SaveChanges always uses database transaction. TransactionScope will not add you any additional value unless you want to use transaction over multiple calls to SaveChanges, distributed transaction or change for example isolation level of the transaction.
Is it possible set the context to use client wins by default instead
to wait to the concurrency exception?
It is set by default. Simply don't mark any of your properties with ConcurrencyMode.Fixed and you will have no concurrency handling = client wins.


EFCore Cancellation in async overloads of IDbContextTransaction

I am currently developing something that relies heavily on locking a small table. I came to wonder what's the use of transaction.RollbackAsync(CancellationToken) (or analogous transaction.CommitAsync(CancellationToken)). Shouldn't a transaction be guaranteed to be rolled back / committed when called for? I don't really see much sense in cancelling such an operation. In a scenario where I acquire a full lock on the table with a transaction using IsolationLevel.Serializable and then cancel amid my following operations on the table eventually calling the rollback or commit would end up never being executed once the token already set IsCancellationRequested to true (or worse throws on cancellation).
So just for understanding, can somebody explain me why they even got that overload? Is it safe to use or does it make any sense to use them? Should I even consider commiting/rolling back a transaction using await? I mean the database for sure releases the lock and discards the transaction when disconnecting, but that probably takes longer than cleanly releasing it as intended.

How to manage a user's game state using akka

I am trying to figure out how to manage a users game state using akka.
The game state will be persisted to mysql and this cannot change because we have other services that require this.
Anything that happens in a game is considered an "event".
Then you I have "Levels" which someone can achieve. A level is achieved when you complete all the "events" associated with it.
So you have:
- event1 e.g. reach a point in the game
- event2 e.g. pickup a sword
- event3 e.g. defeat a monster
So in a game there are many levels, and 100's of events that are linked to levels.
So all "events" are sent via HTTP to my backend, and I save the event in the database.
I then have to load the users game profile in memory, and then re-calculate the Level's achieved since there was a new event that happened.
Note: This calculation cannot be done at the database level because it is a little more complicated that I am writing here.
The problem I see is that if I use akka, I can't have multiple actors processing the events for the same user, because the data can become stale.
Just to be clear, so when a new event arrives, I have to load the game profile in memory, loop through the levels and see if any of them have been achieved, if they have, update the database
e.g. update levels set achieved=true where level_id = 123 and user_id=234
e.g. actor1 loads the profile (all the levels and events for this user) and then processes the new event that just arrived in the inbox.
at the same time, actor2 loads the profile (same as actor1), and then processes the new event. When it persists the changes to mysql, the data will be out of sych.
If I was using threads, I would have to lock during the game profile calculation and persisting to the db.
How can I do this using Akka and be able to handle things in parallel, or is this scenerio not allow for it?
Let's think how you would manage it without actors. So, in nutshell, you have the following problem scenario:
two (or more) update requests arrive at the same time, both are
going to modify the same data
both requests read some stable data
state, then update it each in its own manner and persist to the DB
the modifications from the request which checked in first are lost, more precisely - overridden by the later request.
This is a classical problem. There are at least two classical solutions of it:
Optimistic locking
Pessimistic locking: it's usually achieved by applying Serializable isolation level for transactions.
It worth reading this answer with a nice comparison of both worlds.
As you're using Akka, you most probably want to prefer better concurrency and occasional failures, which are easy to recover. It goes on par with Akka motto let it crash.
So, you need to make the next steps:
Add version column to your table(s). It can be numeric or string (with hash). Numeric is the simplest one.
When you insert new record - initialize versions.
When you update the record - check version value has not changed. So, here's your update strategy:
Read record and its version.
Update record in memory.
Execute update query with criteria where rec_id=$id and version=$version.
If updated records count is 1 - you're good. If 0 - throw OptimisticLockException or smth like this.
Finally, it's time for Akka to do its job: come up with appropriate supervision strategy (I'd pick something like try again in 1 second). In actor's preRestart method return the update message back to the actor's mailbox (see Restart Hooks chapter in Akka docs).
With this strategy, even if two requests try to update the same record at a time, one of them will fail and will be immediately processed again.

CQRS, Event-Sourcing and Web-Applications

As I am reading some CQRS resources, there is a recurrent point I do not catch. For instance, let's say a client emits a command. This command is integrated by the domain, so it can refresh its domain model (DM). On the other hand, the command is persisted in an Event-Store. That is the most common scenario.
1) When we say the DM is refreshed, I suppose data is persisted in the underlying database (if any). Am I right ? Otherwise, we would deal with a memory-transient model, which I suppose, would not be a good thing ? (state is not supposed to remain in memory on server side outside a client request).
2) If data is persisted, I suppose the read-model that relies on it is automatically updated, as each client that requests it generates a new "state/context" in the application (in case of a Web-Application or a RESTful architecture) ?
3) If the command is persisted, does that mean we deal with Event-Sourcing (by construct when we use CQRS) ? Does Event-Sourcing invalidate the database update process ? (as if state is reconstructed from the Event-Store, maintaining the database seems useless) ?
Does CQRS only apply to multi-databases systems (when data is propagated on separate databases), and, if it deals with memory-transient models, does that fit well with Web-Applications or RESTful services ?
1) As already said, the only things that are really stored are the events.
The only things that commands do are consistency checks prior to the raise of events. In pseudo-code:
public void BorrowBook(BorrowableBook dto){
if (dto is valid)
RaiseEvent(new BookBorrowedEvent(dto))
throw exception
public void Apply(BookBorrowedEvent evt) {
this.aProperty = evt.aProperty;
Current state is retrieved by sequential Apply. Since this, you have to point a great attention in the design phase cause there are common pitfalls to avoid (maybe you already read it, but let me suggest this article by Martin Fowler).
So far so good, but this is just Event Sourcing. CQRS come into play if you decide to use a different database to persist the state of an aggregate.
In my project we have a projection that every x minutes apply the new events (from event store) on the aggregate and save the results on a separate instance of MongoDB (presentation layer will access to this DB for reading). This model is clearly eventually consistent, but in this way you really separate Command (write) from Query (read).
2) If you have decided to divide the write model from the read model there are various options that you can use to make them synchronized:
Every x seconds apply events from the last checkpoint (some solutions offer snapshot to avoid reapplying of heavy commands)
A projection that subscribe events and update the read model as soon event is raised
3) The only thing stored are the events. Infact we have an event-store, not a command store :)
Is database is useless? Depends! How many events do you need to reapply for take the aggregate to the current state?
Three? Maybe you don't need to have a database for read-model
The thing to grok is that the ONLY thing stored is the events*. The domain model is rebuilt from the events.
So yes, the domain model is memory transient as you say in that no representation of the domain model is stored* only the events which happend to the domain to put the model in the current state.
When an element from the domain model is loaded what happens is a new instance of the element is created and then the events that affect that instance are replayed one after the other in the right order to put the element into the correct state.
you could keep instances of your domain objects around and subscribing to new events so that they can be kept up to date without loading them from all the events every time, but usually its quick enough just to load all the events from the database and apply them every time in the same way that you might load the instance from the database on every call to your web service.
*Unless you have snapshots of you domain object to reduce the number of events you need to load/process
Persistence of data is not strictly needed. It might be sufficient to have enough copies in enough different locations (GigaSpaces). So no, a database is not required. This is (at least was a few years ago) used in production by the Dutch eBay equivalent.

Updating last accessed time when separating Commands and Queries

Consider a function: IsWalletValid(walletID). It returns true if the walletID exists in the database, and updates a 'last_accessed_time' field.
A task runs periodically to remove any wallets that have not been accessed for a set period of time.
Seems like an easy solution for what we want to do, but IsWalletValid() has a side effect because it writes to the database.
Should we add an additional 'UpdateLastAccessedTime(walletID)' function? Everytime we call IsWalletValid() we will also need to remember to call UpdateLastAccessedTime(walletID).
Do verifying that a wallet is valid and updating it's last_accessed_time field need to be transactionally consistent (ACID)? You could use eventual consistency here:
The method IsWalletValid publishes an WalletAccessed event, then an event handler updates last_accessed_time asynchronously.
if last_accessed_time is not accessed by domain logic to make decisions on any write handling this could just be a facet of the read only projection. Seems like this is the same concern as other more verbose read audit concerns. Just because data is being written and maintained doesn't mean that it necessarily needs to be part of the write model of the system. If you did however want to implement this as part of the domain and perhaps stored within the same event store it could be considered a separate auditing context outside of the boundary of the original aggregate being audited.

Doctrine: avoid collision in update

I have a product table accesed by many applications, with several users in each one. I want to avoid collisions, but in a very small portion of code I have detected collisions can occur.
$item = $em->getRepository('MyProjectProductBundle:Item')
->findOneBy(array('product'=>$this, 'state'=>1));
if ($item)
$item->setDateSold(new \DateTime("now"));
$item->setDateSent(new \DateTime("now"));
$dateC = new \DateTime("now");
$dateC->add(new \DateInterval('P1Y'));
//...after this, set up customer data, etc.
One option could be make 2 persist() and flush(), the first one just after the state change, but before doing it I would like to know if there is a way that offers more guarantee.
I don't think a transaction is a solution, as there are actually many other actions involved in the process so, wrapping them in a transaction would force many rollbacks and failed sellings, making it worse.
Tha database is Postgress.
Any other ideas?
My first thought would be to look at optimistic locking. The end result is that if someone changes the underlying data out from under you, doctrine will throw an exception on flush. However, this might not be easy, since you say you have multiple applications operating on a central database -- it's not clear if you can control those applications or not, and you'll need to, because they'll all need to play along with the optimistic locking scheme and update the version column when they run updates.