Doctrine: avoid collision in update - postgresql

I have a product table accesed by many applications, with several users in each one. I want to avoid collisions, but in a very small portion of code I have detected collisions can occur.
$item = $em->getRepository('MyProjectProductBundle:Item')
->findOneBy(array('product'=>$this, 'state'=>1));
if ($item)
$item->setDateSold(new \DateTime("now"));
$item->setDateSent(new \DateTime("now"));
$dateC = new \DateTime("now");
$dateC->add(new \DateInterval('P1Y'));
//...after this, set up customer data, etc.
One option could be make 2 persist() and flush(), the first one just after the state change, but before doing it I would like to know if there is a way that offers more guarantee.
I don't think a transaction is a solution, as there are actually many other actions involved in the process so, wrapping them in a transaction would force many rollbacks and failed sellings, making it worse.
Tha database is Postgress.
Any other ideas?

My first thought would be to look at optimistic locking. The end result is that if someone changes the underlying data out from under you, doctrine will throw an exception on flush. However, this might not be easy, since you say you have multiple applications operating on a central database -- it's not clear if you can control those applications or not, and you'll need to, because they'll all need to play along with the optimistic locking scheme and update the version column when they run updates.


Composite unique constraint on business fields with Axon

We leverage AxonIQ Framework in our system. We've faced a problem implementing composite uniq constraint based on aggregate business fields.
Consider following Aggregate:
public class PersonnelCardAggregate {
private UUID personnelCardId;
private String personnelNumber;
private Boolean archived;
We want to avoid personnelNumber duplicates in the scope of NOT-archived (archived == false) records. At the same time personnelNumber duplicates may exist in the scope of archived records.
Query Side check seems NOT to be an option. Taking into account Eventual Consistency nature of our system, more than one creation request with the same personnelNumber may exist at the same time and the Query Side may be behind.
What the solution would be?
What you're asking is an issue that can occur as soon as you start implementing an application along the CQRS paradigm and DDD modeling techniques.
The PersonnelCardAggregate in your scenario maintains the consistency boundary of a single "Personnel Card". You are however looking to expand this scope to achieve a uniqueness constraints among all Personnel Cards in your system.
I feel that this blog explains the problem of "Set Based Consistency Validation" you are encountering quite nicely.
I will not iterate his entire blog, but he sums it up as having four options to resolving the problem:
Introduce locking, transactions and database constraints for your Personnel Card
Use a hybrid locking field prior to issuing your command
Really on the eventually consistent Query Model
Re-examine the domain model
To be fair, option 1 wont do if your using the Event-Driven approach to updating your Command and Query Model.
Option 3 has been pushed back by you in the original question.
Option 4 is something I cannot deduce for you given that I am not a domain expert, but I am guessing that the PersonnelCardAggregate does not belong to a larger encapsulating Aggregate Root. Maybe the business constraint you've stated, thus the option to reuse personalNumbers, could be dropped or adjusted? Like I said though, I cannot state this as a factual answer for you, as I am not the domain expert.
That leaves option 2, which in my eyes would be the most pragmatic approach too.
I feel this would require a combination of a cache at your command dispatching side to deal with quick successions of commands to resolve the eventual consistency issue. To capture the occurs that an update still comes through accidentally, I'd introduce some form of Event Handler that (1) knows the entire set of "PersonnelCards" from a personalNumber/archived point of view and (2) can react on a faulty introduction by dispatching a compensating action.
You'd thus introduce some business logic on the event handling side of your application, which I'd strongly recommend to segregate from the application part which updates your query models (as the use cases are entirely different).
Concluding though, this is a difficult topic with several ways around it.
It's not so much an Axon specific problem by the way, but more an occurrence of modeling your application through DDD and CQRS.

Snapshot taking and restore strategies

I've been reading about CQRS+EventSoucing patterns (which I wish to apply in a near future) and one point common to all decks and presentations I found is to take snapshots of your model state in order to restore it, but none of these share patterns/strategies of doing that.
I wonder if you could share your thoughts and experience in this matter particularly in terms of:
When to snapshot
How to model a snapshot store
Application/cache cold start
TL;DR: How have you implemented Snapshotting in your CQRS+EventSourcing application? Pros and Cons?
Rule #1: Don't.
Rule #2: Don't.
Snapshotting an event sourced model is a performance optimization. The first rule of performance optimization? Don't.
Specifically, snapshotting reduces the amount of time you lose in your repository trying to reload the history of your model from your event store.
If your repository can keep the model in memory, then you aren't going to be reloading it very often. So the win from snapshotting will be small. Therefore: don't.
If you can decompose your model into aggregates, which is to say that you can decompose the history of your model into a number of entities that have non-overlapping histories, then your one model long model history becomes many many short histories that each describe the changes to a single entity. Each entity history that you need to load will be pretty short, so the win from a snapshot will be small. Therefore: don't.
The kind of systems I'm working today require high performance but not 24x7 availability. So in a situation where I shut down my system for maintenace and restart it I'd have to load and reprocess all my event store as my fresh system doesn't know which aggregate ids to process the events. I need a better starting point for my systems to restart be more efficient.
You are worried about missing a write SLA when the repository memory caches are cold, and you have long model histories with lots of events to reload. Bolting on snapshotting might be a lot more reasonable than trying to refactor your model history into smaller streams. OK....
The snapshot store is a read model -- at any point in time, you should be able to blow away the model and rebuild it from the persisted history in the event store.
From the perspective of the repository, the snapshot store is a cache; if no snapshot is available, or if the store itself doesn't respond within the SLA, you want to fall back to reprocessing the entire event history, starting from the initial seed state.
The service provider interface is going to look something like
interface SnapshotClient {
SnapshotRecord getSnapshot(Identifier id)
SnapshotRecord is going to provide to the repository the information it needs to consume the snapshot. That's going to include at a minimum
a memento that allows the repository to rehydrate the snapshotted state
a description of the last event processed by the snapshot projector when building the snapshot.
The model will then re-hydrate the snapshotted state from the memento, load the history from the event store, scanning backwards (ie, starting from the most recent event) looking for the event documented in the SnapshotRecord, then apply the subsequent events in order.
The SnapshotRepository itself could be a key-value store (at most one record for any given id), but a relational database with blob support will work fine too
select *
from snapshots s
where id = ?
order by s.total_events desc
limit 1
The snapshot projector and the repository are tightly coupled -- they need to agree on what the state of the entity should be for all possible histories, they need to agree how to de/re-hydrate the memento, and they need to agree which id will be used to locate the snapshot.
The tight coupling also means that you don't need to worry particularly about the
schema for the memento; a byte array will be fine.
They don't, however, need to agree with previous incarnations of themselves. Snapshot Projector 2.0 discards/ignores any snapshots left behind by Snapshot Projector 1.0 -- the snapshot store is just a cache after all.
i'm designing an application that will probably generate millions event a day. what can we do if we need to rebuild a view 6 month later
One of the more compelling answers here is to model time explicitly. Do you have one entity that lives for six months, or do you have 180+ entities that each live for one day? Accounting is a good domain to reference here: at the end of the fiscal year, the books are closed, and the next year's books are opened with the carryover.
Yves Reynhout frequently talks about modeling time and scheduling; Evolving a Model may be a good starting point.
There are few instances you need to snapshot for sure. But there are a couple - a common example is an account in a ledger. You'll have thousands maybe millions of credit/debit events producing the final BALANCE state of the account - it would be insane not to snapshot that every so often.
My approach to snapshoting when I designed Aggregates.NET was its off by default and to enable your aggregates or entities must inherit from AggregateWithMemento or EntityWithMemento which in turn your entity must define a RestoreSnapshot, a TakeSnapshot and a ShouldTakeSnapshot
The decision whether to take a snapshot or not is left up to the entity itself. A common pattern is
Boolean ShouldTakeSnapshot() {
return this.Version % 50 == 0;
Which of course would take a snapshot every 50 events.
When reading the entity stream the first thing we do is check for a snapshot then read the rest of the entity's stream from the moment the snapshot was taken. IE: Don't ask for the entire stream just the part we have not snapshoted.
As for the store - you can use literally anything. VOU is right though a key-value store is best because you only need to 1. check if one exists 2. load the entire thing - which is ideal for kv
For system restarts - I'm not really following what your described problem is. There's no reason for your domain server to be stateful in the sense that its doing something different at different points in time. It should do just 1 thing - process the next command. In the process of handling a command it loads data from the event store, including a snapshot, runs the command against the entity which either produces a business exception or domain events which are recorded to the store.
I think you may be trying to optimize too much with this talk of caching and cold starts.

How to handle application death and other mid-operation faults with Mongo DB

Since Mongo doesn't have transactions that can be used to ensure that nothing is committed to the database unless its consistent (non corrupt) data, if my application dies between making a write to one document, and making a related write to another document, what techniques can I use to remove the corrupt data and/or recover in some way?
The greater idea behind NoSQL was to use a carefully modeled data structure for a specific problem, instead of hitting every problem with a hammer. That is also true for transactions, which should be referred to as 'short-lived transactions', because the typical RDBMS transaction hardly helps with 'real', long-lived transactions.
The kind of transaction supported by RDBMSs is often required only because the limited data model forces you to store the data across several tables, instead of using embedded arrays (think of the typical invoice / invoice items examples).
In MongoDB, try to use write-heavy, de-normalized data structures and keep data in a single document which improves read speed, data locality and ensures consistency. Such a data model is also easier to scale, because a single read only hits a single server, instead of having to collect data from multiple sources.
However, there are cases where the data must be read in a variety of contexts and de-normalization becomes unfeasible. In that case, you might want to take a look at Two-Phase Commits or choose a completely different concurrency approach, such as MVCC (in a sentence, that's what the likes of svn, git, etc. do). The latter, however, is hardly a drop-in replacement for RDBMs, but exposes a completely different kind of concurrency to a higher level of the application, if not the user.
Thinking about this myself, I want to identify some categories of affects:
Your operation has only one database save (saving data into one document)
Your operation has two database saves (updates, inserts, or deletions), A and B
They are independent
B is required for A to be valid
They are interdependent (A is required for B to be valid, and B is required for A to be valid)
Your operation has more than two database saves
I think this is a full list of the general possibilities. In case 1, you have no problem - one database save is atomic. In case 2.1, same thing, if they're independent, they might as well be two separate operations.
For case 2.2, if you do A first then B, at worst you will have some extra data (B data) that will take up space in your system, but otherwise be harmless. In case 2.3, you'll likely have some corrupt data in the event of a catastrophic failure. And case 3 is just a composition of case 2s.
Some examples for the different cases:
1.0. You change a car document's color to 'blue'
2.1. You change the car document's color to 'red' and the driver's hair color to 'red'
2.2. You create a new engine document and add its ID to the car document
2.3.a. You change your car's 'gasType' to 'diesel', which requires changing your engine to a 'diesel' type engine.
2.3.b. Another example of 2.3: You hitch car document A to another car document B, A getting the "towedBy" property set to B's ID, and B getting the "towing" property set to A's ID
3.0. I'll leave examples of this to your imagination
In many cases, its possible to turn a 2.3 scenario into a 2.2 scenario. In the 2.3.a example, the car document and engine are separate documents. Lets ignore the possibility of putting the engine inside the car document for this example. Its both invalid to have a diesel engine and non-diesel gas and to have a non-diesel engine and diesel gas. So they both have to change. But it may be valid to have no engine at all and have diesel gas. So you could add a step that makes the whole thing valid at all points. First, remove the engine, then replace the gas, then change the type of the engine, and lastly add the engine back onto the car.
If you will get corrupt data from a 2.3 scenario, you'll want a way to detect the corruption. In example 2.3.b, things might break if one document has the "towing" property, but the other document doesn't have a corresponding "towedBy" property. So this might be something to check after a catastrophic failure. Find all documents that have "towing" but the document with the id in that property doesn't have its "towedBy" set to the right ID. The choices there would be to delete the "towing" property or set the appropriate "towedBy" property. They both seem equally valid, but it might depend on your application.
In some situations, you might be able to find corrupt data like this, but you won't know what the data was before those things were set. In those cases, setting a default is probably better than nothing. Some types of corruption are better than others (particularly the kind that will cause errors in your application rather than simply incorrect display data).
If the above kind of code analysis or corruption repair becomes unfeasible, or if you want to avoid any data corruption at all, your last resort would be to take mnemosyn's suggestion and implement Two-Phase Commits, MVCC, or something similar that allows you to identify and roll back changes in an indeterminate state.

entity framework and some general doubts with the optimistic concurrency exception

I have some doubts about optimistic concurrency exception.
Well, For example, I retrieve some data from the database, I modify some registers and then submit the changes. If someone update the information of the registers between my request and my update I get an optimistic exception. The classic concurrency problem.
My first doubt is the following. EF to decide if the information is changed or not, retrieves the data from the database, and compare the original data that I obtain with the data that is retrieved from the database. If exists differences, then the optimistic concurrency exception is thrown.
If when I catch the optimistic concurrency exception, I decide if the client wins or the store wins. in this step EF retrieves again the information or use the data from the first retrieved? Because if retrieve again the data, it would be inefficient.
The second doubt is how to control the optimistic concurrency exception. In the catch block of code, I decide if the client wins or the store wins. If the client wins, then I call again saveChanges. But between the time that I decide that the client wins and the savechanges, other user could change the data, so I get again an optimistic concurrency exception. In theory, It could be an infinity loop.
would it be a good idea to use a transaction (scope) to ensure that the client update the information in the database? Other solution could be use a loop to try N times to update the data, if it is not possible, exit and say it to the user.
would the transaction a good idea? does it consume a lot of resources of the database? Although the transaction blocks for a moment the database, it ensures that the operation of update is finished. The loop of N times to try to complete the operation, call the database N times, and perhaps it could need more resources.
EDIT: I forgot to ask. is it possible set the context to use client wins by default instead to wait to the concurrency exception?
My first doubt is the following. EF to decide if the information is
changed or not, retrieves the data from the database ...
It doesn't retrieve any additional data from database. It takes original values of your entity used for concurrency handling and use them in where condition of update command. The update command is followed by selecting number of modified rows. If the number is 0 it either means that record doesn't exists or somebody has changed it.
The second doubt is how to control the optimistic concurrency exception.
You simply call Refresh and SaveChanges. You can repeat pattern few times if needed. If you have so much highly concurrent application that multiple threads are fighting to update same record within fraction of seconds you most probably need to architect your data storage in different way.
Would it be a good idea to use a transaction (scope) to ensure that the client update the information in the database?
SaveChanges always uses database transaction. TransactionScope will not add you any additional value unless you want to use transaction over multiple calls to SaveChanges, distributed transaction or change for example isolation level of the transaction.
Is it possible set the context to use client wins by default instead
to wait to the concurrency exception?
It is set by default. Simply don't mark any of your properties with ConcurrencyMode.Fixed and you will have no concurrency handling = client wins.

Undoable sets of changes

I'm looking for a way to manage consistent sets of changes across several data sources, including, but not limited to, a database, some network control tools, and probably other SOAP-based services.
If one change fails for some reason (e.g. real-world app says "no", or a database insert fails), I want the whole set to be undone. So that's like transactions, just not limited to a DB.
I came up with a module that stacks up "change" objects which in turn have their init, commit, and rollback methods. When the set is DESTROYed, it rolls uncommitted changes back. This kinda works.
Still I can't overcome the feeling of a wheel being invented. Is there a standard CPAN module, or a well described common method to perform such a task? (At least GoF's "command" pattern and RAII principle come to mind...)
There are a couple of approaches to executing a Distributed transaction (which is what you're describing):
The standard pattern is called "Two-phase commit protocol".
At the moment I'm not aware of any Perl module which implements Two-phase commit, which is kind of surprising and may likely be due to a lapse in my Googling. The only thing I found was Env::Transaction but I have no clue how stable/good/functional it is.
For certain cases, a solution involving rollback via "Compensating transactions" is possible.
This is basically a special case of general rollback where, when generating task list A designed to change the target system state from S1 to S2, you at the same time generate a "compensating" task list A-neg designed to change the target system state from S2 back to S1. This is obviously only possible for certain systems, and moreover only a small subset of those are commutative (meaning that your can execute both transaction and its compensating transaction non-contiguously, e.g. the result of A + B + A-neg + B-neg is an invariant state.
Please notice that the compensating transactions does NOT always have to be engineered to be a "transaction" - one clever approach (again, only possible on certain subject domains) involves storing your data with a special "finalized" flag; then periodically harvest and destroy data with a false "finalized" flag if the data's "originating transaction timestamp" is older than some sort of threshold.