Python Interpretor in Emacs, removing the input reprinting - emacs

I am quite new to Emacs.
When running Emacs' python interpretor, it does
>>> print(24)
Is there a way I can prevent the re-printing of my input and make it as below?
>>> print(24)
Thank you so much :)

The trick here is that the buffer you're running the python process in doesn't have comint-process-echoes set.
There are a couple of other questions that are relevant to your problem.
How to turn off the echoing
How to set emacs so it always turns off echoing
But the basic gist is you need to customize the value of comint-process-echoes. If you are new to emacs, you might not know that most customizations are done using emacs lisp, where setting a variable looks something like this:
(setq variable-name new-value)
In this case, the variable we want is comint-process-echoes so the lisp we want to evaluate is:
(setq comint-process-echoes t)
Where t is lisp-speak for "true."
So, to borrow the advice of the first link above, to actually tell emacs to evaluate this lisp code, use the M-: (meta+colon) command. From the python shell buffer, type meta+colon, then type (setq comint-process-echoes t) then hit return. Your problem should be solved.


Why is "goto-line" in Emacs for interactive use only?

What problem can happen if the goto-line function is used in a non-interactive elisp program? Its docstring gives a warning saying that:
This function is usually the wrong thing to use in a Lisp program.
What you probably want instead is something like:
(goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line (1- N))
Moreover, when I try to byte-compile-file my init file including goto-line, I get a unpleasant warning like this once again:
.emacs:170:19:Warning: `goto-line' used from Lisp code
That command is designed for interactive use only
Is using goto-line in a non-interactive program really so dangerous? Relatedly, why is the suggested forward-line solution preferable?
Firstly, this prevents Elisp programmers from fall into bad habits -- writing
inefficient code in a line-number centric way. i.e. instead of using
(forward-line 1) calculating the current line number, incrementing, and using
From this mailing list article:
In a nutshell, the reason why goto-line should not be a frequently
used command is that normally there's no reason to want to get to line
number N unless you have a program that told you there's something
interesting on that line.
Secondly, goto-line manipulates the user's environment in addition to moving
the point (i.e. push-mark). For non-interactive use, this may not be what
you want. On the other hand if having considered all this, you believe
goto-line is exactly what you need, then just call it like this:
(defun foo ()
(goto-line N)))
And you won't get any compiler warnings.
in addition to what was said:
"goto-line" finally recurs onto "(forward-line (1- line)", which in effect does the work. All other of the 43 lines of "goto-line" command body deal with interactive use. For example considering a possibly universal argument.
When writing a program resp. when running it, your computer is in another state than following an interactive call. Thus you should address this state by using "forward-line" straight on.

Emacs / Slime Key Binding / Sending command to Swank Server

I'm familiar with scheme, but new to emacs (switching over from VIM) and elisp.
I know how to do the following:
make a simple key binding
C-c iwb = indent whole buffer
F2 = turns folding on/off
use slime from emacs
some basic keys, like C-x 2, paredit keys, some basic movement keys
I need help doing something a bit more advanced:
I want F3 to equal:
put emacs into C-x 2 mode
in bottom window, switch to "slime-repl" buffer
in the "slime-repl" buffer, send the command "(test/run)" <-- note, this is meant to be sent to the swank server, NOT to elisp
I realize it's terrible form to ask people to write a script for me; however, if anyone could do that, I would learn rather quickly from it. [And it would allow me to do more complicated types of scripting through studying your example.]
This is not exactly what you want, but should be a good starting point for further tweaking:
(defun slime-run-test ()
(slime-interactive-eval "(test/run)")
(slime-pop-to-buffer (slime-output-buffer) t))
(global-set-key (kbd "<f3>") 'slime-run-test)
I don't use slime, but assuming it uses comint-mode then I would think the following might do the trick:
(defun my-slime-test-run ()
(with-selected-window (next-window)
(switch-to-buffer "slime-repl")
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert "(test-run)")
(global-set-key (kbd "<f3>") 'my-slime-test-run)
There is probably a better way to do this, but hopefully that gives you a little insight into how you can write elisp functions to carry out tasks in the editor (and note how the function reads very much like a set of editor instructions -- you can do a lot simply by converting the keystrokes you would use into equivalent code -- or even not writing code at all, and simply recording & saving keyboard macros).
Use C-hf name-of-the-function RET to get documentation on any of the function/macro calls in that function.
For the keybinding, I used C-hkF3 to check how Emacs referred to that key, and then used that string as the argument to kbd (and note how you can use that sequence to find the name of the function bound to any given key sequence, which you can then utilise in code if desired).
Many things are far less obvious if you don't already know them, but that's only to be expected with a code base as large as this (and dating back as long as this).
The great thing is that if you don't know what you're looking for, you can always search for function names matching patterns with C-uC-ha (and similarly for variables, values, libraries, and documentation; see M-: (info "(emacs) Apropos") RET for more about this facility). Plus the info manuals (complete with indexes -- press I or i within any particular manual, or use the info-apropos command to search all info manuals at once).
Truly one of the very best things you can do is to learn how to use the self-documenting nature of Emacs to find answers to the things you don't already know.

Emacs Macro to Start in Shell Mode and Run a Command

I have a confession: I don't know Lisp. Despite that fact, with a bit of help from some co-workers, I managed to write an emacs macro/script which:
switched to shell mode (ie. M-x shell-mode)
disabled truncating lines (ie. M-x toggle-truncate-lines)
started a database console (ie. "mysql")
I was then able to start emacs with that macro using the --script option, and suddenly I had a way to start mysql in a much friendlier environment with a single command :-)
But here's the problem: I changed jobs and left that script behind. Now I'd very much like to re-create that script at my new job, but I no longer have any emacs experts to help me write it like I did at the old job.
Now, I really hate SO posts where someone basically says "please write my code for me", so I don't want to do that. However, if any emacs macro experts could at least give me some pointers (like "here's how you invoke a M-x command in a macro"), or point me to an emacs-macro-writing guide, or otherwise "teach me to fish" on this issue, I would greatly appreciate it.
... and if someone just happened to have a similar script already lying around that they wanted to post, I certainly wouldn't complain ;-)
Most emacs commands (i.e., M-x toggle-truncate-lines) can be translated directly to elisp by wrapping them in parentheses:
The rumours are true, in lisp you just scatter parentheses around and they make magic.
Now in this case, you can do better. Toggling makes sense for an interactive function, but in a program you don't really want to toggle truncate-lines, you want to turn on truncate-lines. Its the same thing if truncate-lines was turned off to begin with, but you don't know when your program will be run next. Anyways, in Emacs, features are often controlled by a variable. In this case, the variable is truncate-lines, and to turn that feature on, you set the variable to t (which means true).
To do this, use:
(setq truncate-lines t)
We use setq instead of = for assignment, because they made lisp before = had been invented.
For the real scoop you should take a look at Robert Chassel's excellent "An introduction to to Programming in Emacs Lisp". It comes built-in with your emacs, you can get to it with C-h i m Emacs Lisp Intro.
A good way (I think) to start writing elisp functions is to record keyboard macros, and then to analyse them using edit-kbd-macro
For example, if you start recording a keyboard macro using f3, then do interactively all the things you want and terminate the macro using f4, you can see the underlying emacs-lisp commands using M-xedit-kbd-macrof4 (this last f4 is the key binding you'd have used to execute the keyboard macro)
<<shell>> ;; shell
<<toggle-truncate-lines>> ;; toggle-truncate-lines
mysql ;; self-insert-command * 5
RET ;; comint-send-input
Now you can write a script using these functions, looking up the documentation (e.g. C-h ftoggle-truncate-lines) to see if you should call them with special arguments in non-interactive mode.
You should also replace self-insert-command by calls to insert.
This should give you something like the following script, which you can call using emacs --load myscript.el
(toggle-truncate-lines 1)
(insert "mysql")
Of course, this might not work as expected the first time, so you might have to eval (setq debug-on-error t) to get debugging information.
What version of Emacs are you using?
In Emacs 24, I have M-x sql-mysql, which does everything you ask and has font-locking.

how to write scheme program fast in emacs

(define (cube guess x)
(if (good-enough? guess x)
(improve guess x)))
I'm using emacs+Racket, but when I write in Racket,it doesn't auto-complete.
I also can't write the Anti-brackets in the same line,like this
(define (cube guess x) ). I want to use the 'return' key to make the anti-brackets next line, however the scheme interpreter will compute the expression,then it will be wrong.
then if we write the code in the scheme-mode buffer,it may be some bother, we have to
select the region,then compute in another buffer
Anyone tell me some better ways? sorry for my poor English!
It looks to me like you're using an interactive interpreter, and when you hit the "return" key in the middle of a line, it sends the expression to be evaluated rather than allowing you to edit it further. Is this correct? If so, I would encourage you to take a look at Neil Van Dyke's "Quack" package, which (IIRC) is designed to allow you to edit Racket code using emacs.
If you're not married to emacs, then of course I would also suggest trying to use DrRacket.
It sounds like you're using the scheme interpreter from within Emacs. This is a good start for writing small functions, but you really want to use a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) workflow. Thankfully, Emacs has a ready-made scheme REPL built-in, and has been mentioned elsewhere, there are additional modes (like Quack) that enhance the experience.
In the REPL model, you can freely type expressions in the interpreter if you want to try them out, but most of your coding should take place in the file you're writing. From within that buffer, if you have a scheme interpreter running (M-x run-scheme), then you can send sexps to the interpreter for evaluation without copying manually with C-c C-e. You can use C-M-x to do the same thing.
You can compile the entire file with C-c C-k, and if you have several expression you want to send together, grab them in a region and use C-c C-r to send the region to the interpreter.
There are several other commands that make transferring your code to interpreter easy; you can read more about them in your REPL session by pressing C-h m to describe the keybindings for your current mode.
What does this code even do ? Are you missing the "if" ? That could be part of the reason the interpreter isn't working.?
(if (good-enough? guess x) guess (improve guess x))
Sorry if I just don't understand what you are trying to achieve.

Emacs Lisp: Can't set any value to variable named 's'

This is rather queer. I can't set any value to a variable if it is named 's' in an interactive session:
(setq s 'foo)
=> foo
=> nil
Update 1:
Here is the output from describe-variable on s:
s is void as a variable.
Not documented as a variable.
Why is it that s is kept void in emacs lisp as a global variable?
Update 2:
Turned out, it doesn't happen on a vanilla emacs (meaning one of the modules I load in .emacs or some code in .emacs is causing this).
So the question now is:
What would the original source look like when describe-variable yields "<var> is void as a variable"?
I tried it with setq, defconst, defvar, and defcustom, but none of those produced the message I'm showing.
Update 3:
The message shown above is produced when the variable is literally not bound (though it can be fbound).
(describe-variable 'non-existent)
=> "non-existent is void as a variable.
Not documented as a variable."
So latest question is: Is there any way to prevent a certain variable name
from being bound?
An answer to your revised question:
(defvar s)
The only thing is that this won't let you use describe-variable on it interactively.
(You could then do something like (setplist 's '(variable-documentation "Meh")) to set a description for it without going through defvar.
Just bisect your init file (~/.emacs) recursively until you find the sexp that causes the problem. If it is a sexp that loads another library then either don't use that library or fix it by first finding out what its problem is, the same way: bisect the code in that library recursively, etc.
This is a binary search, and it is very quick. You can quickly comment out half, then 3/4, 7/8, etc. of your file, using M-x comment-region (I bind it to C-x ;). with a prefix arg, comment-region uncomments.
With Emacs 23.1, running the following code makes C-h v s RET show “s is void as a variable.”, but I can't reproduce the inconsistency between setq and retrieving the value of the variable (which I agree is weird).
(setq s t)
(make-local-variable 's)
(makunbound 's)
I suspect an Emacs 24-specific feature or bug.