Get post from a Facebook Page without login - iphone

I am trying to get the post of a Facebook Page throw iOS API and I can't do it without login before (without access token). Is there any kind of solution to make this? Does anyone know it?
The App report me the follow error:
An access token is required to request this resource.
I generate one access token with this structure: APPID|APPSECRET and give it an expiration date. With this, I can access to the public data of my Page :)

Graph API Documentation seys:
posts [..] any valid access_token or user access_token
More informations you can find there
Here is live example

+1 well... facebook data is all about "user", therefore you always need valid access_token
there are few exceptions though,
for example, you can display user profile picture without token,
see example;


Facebook Application Token

I create a demo application to request photos from facebook. I created an application token like this : 549933848476397|4a584ce5fda19cba2ed6630ed78ba8f4. But when use this request URL{app_id}|{app_secret}. It's does not work. Please help me. Actually When I use user token for this request, It's work ok.
If the Page is restricted somehow (age, location), you can only use a User or Page Access Token to get data like photos of the Page. The App Access Token got no relation to any User, so Facebook can´t detect if the User is even allowed to see the Page.
I am 100% sure the Page is restricted btw, you get an "Unsupported get request" error when trying to access the Page ID directly with the Graph API, and that usually happens when the Page is restricted.
Just try another Page with that exact same App Access Token, for example:
/bladauhu/photos without any problem. Another sign that your Page is indeed restricted.
TL;DR: For this specific Page, you MUST use a User Token or Page Token.

Access Token for facebook insights graph api

I have looked through many questions and answers but I cannot find out why I can't get insights working it always returns a paginated response which says that the request requires an access token. I used the graph explorer to go to an app and requested all extended permissions including read_insights then got the access token. I extended the app's access token so it never expired. I used that token to make an insights request for a page with no luck. So I tried to obtain the page's access token but that didn't work either can anyone help me?
dude, if you're trying to access insights for a page whom you're not admin then you won't get much data (only public data for it).
Please mention your problem more clearly also.

Facebook long-lived accesstoken for a page

I'm using a facebook extension in TYPO3 to pull out the facebook posts of a page. Therefor I need the accesstoken.
I googled around and found that I need a facebook app and I need to be administrator of the page.
Then I heard that I need to connet the app with the site, but how can I do this?
I also tried to get accesstoken:
And then performing: client_id={app-id}&client_secret={app-secret}&fb_exchange_token={short-lived-token}
... with this token but it says No user access token specified
Can someone help me step by step how to get the long lived token?
As you just want to pull, you really don't need a page access token. Until and unless you have a demographic or other restriction over your page. All the pages are Public and data over them can be easily accessed by using the App Access Token which is simply put
first u need to get an API key from facebook, so here are the steps--->
& then u can access facebook API, these are docs provided by the facebook to use that API--->
This was my implementation (PHP):
$newposts = json_decode(file_get_contents("|YOURAPPSECRET"));
Since I was only using this to make simple pull request of my feed posts this is the best way to do it. You don't have to deal with expiring access tokens. Just create your facebook App and get the ID and secret.

User Data from Facebook WITHOUT SDK

I have the access token from the user, and I want to retrive the data from their profile. I am working on Unity3D c# therefore I can not use any SDK.
Is there a way of getting it trough a graph request?
I've already tried with|AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
but throws me an error like this..
"message": "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.",
When I ask for permissions I ask the user to allow me the publish_stream and to access profile data.
How do I get an active access token? I just want the UserID.
Thanks for your answers, and sorry for my terrible english.
So I wanted ti get the User UserAgent Token the only thing that you must do is add that parameter to the Access URL in my case,email,user_birthday,offline_access,plublish_stream
Facebook will redirect you to the redirect_uri URL, and the access token will be given in form of a hash. Extra Tip: Yo have to access the Hashed token vía Javascript,
var hash = document.location.hash;
var n=hash.split("=");
This is one method, Im sure there is a better one.
Thank everybody for the answers!
you're Graph Call / HTTP request looks about right.
I'm guessing, based on the error, that the access token has expired.
Normally, they last for about 1-2 hours since the last time they were used. (If i recall correctly). So, a user will start using a website, and the website can make graph calls with the access token while the user is actually using the website for that session, but the token will expire soon after that.
However, you can also ask Facebook for a longer lasting access_token, which will last for approximately 60 days.
Check here for some info ::
As it stands, trying to find this info through browsing the developer docs in Facebook is rather difficult, if not impossible. :-/
You can’t query the API for /me with an app access token, since the API has no way of knowing who “me” is supposed to be.
Only user access tokens contain the info which user id they apply to, and hence only those can be used to query /me successfully.

facebook small issue

If anyone is familiar with the fql query, why am I getting this error for the next query:,%20actor_id,%20target_id,%20message%20FROM%20stream%20WHERE%20source_id%20=%20302056140380%20AND%20updated_time%20%3E%201111111
This is the page:
All I want to do is to retrive the last posts from Inna's wall.
Thank you very much;
You need to provide a valid access_token with the FQL request even though the data is public. You can test it here. You won't need to have any permissions granted to access the feed, but you will need to provide the token.
You will need an access_token of type "Any Valid" as defined here. In short, it means that you can use any access_token that hasn't expired. One easy to obtain access_token is an app access token which you can obtain by going to:
You will find YOUR_APP_ID and YOUR_APP_SECRET under your created apps page (or you can create one there if you don't have one).
When you provide the app id and secret to the oauth, you will receive an access_token which you can use for the request until the token expires.