Access Token for facebook insights graph api - facebook

I have looked through many questions and answers but I cannot find out why I can't get insights working it always returns a paginated response which says that the request requires an access token. I used the graph explorer to go to an app and requested all extended permissions including read_insights then got the access token. I extended the app's access token so it never expired. I used that token to make an insights request for a page with no luck. So I tried to obtain the page's access token but that didn't work either can anyone help me?

dude, if you're trying to access insights for a page whom you're not admin then you won't get much data (only public data for it).
Please mention your problem more clearly also.


Get user access token from Graph Api Explore facebook and extend it

I know how to get short-term user access token then extend it to long-term access token (facebook) when i have my own app id and app secret. But now I want to get and extend the access token provided by Graph Api Explorer. How can I do it ?
If we do it manually, we get an access token from Graph Api Explorer but its short term and will expires in about 1 hours, how can I make it a long-term access token?
This is not possible. To extend the Access Tokens, you must utilize an app_id as well as an app_secret. I assume you don't have the app_secret of the Graph Explorer, so this might get difficult.
I still have this issue and Tobi not understood the problem.
The Facebook Access Tokens are really problematic most of times and this is one of the bigger issue.
I have a facebook stream plugin where user can show their personal profile posts.
But the only access token that work is the one generated by Graph API Explorer and this can not be extended. Any other access token associated to an APP will not work.
Is incredible that Facebook not have a tool to allow users to generate an access token for access their personal informations.
Currently there is not any working solution. Incredible.

Facebook page: Permission update

I had an unknown permission exception when I tried to update/create/delete or doing anything my Page properties by using FB.api . I tried again by using Graph API Explore but it still gave me same error. I used google for 2 days but there wasn't any correct answer.
Below screenshot is my app Settings in the Adminster Page's account:
And here is the Graph API Expore screenshots:
Next is the error:
Please help me. Thanks too much.
You need a page access token.
Page Access Token – These access tokens are similar to user access
tokens, except that they provide permission to APIs that read, write
or modify the data belonging to a Facebook Page. To obtain a page
access token you need to start by obtaining a user access token and
asking for the manage_pages permission. Once you have the user access
token you then get the page access token via the Graph API.
Then use GET /me/accounts to get the access token associated to your page.

Get post from a Facebook Page without login

I am trying to get the post of a Facebook Page throw iOS API and I can't do it without login before (without access token). Is there any kind of solution to make this? Does anyone know it?
The App report me the follow error:
An access token is required to request this resource.
I generate one access token with this structure: APPID|APPSECRET and give it an expiration date. With this, I can access to the public data of my Page :)
Graph API Documentation seys:
posts [..] any valid access_token or user access_token
More informations you can find there
Here is live example
+1 well... facebook data is all about "user", therefore you always need valid access_token
there are few exceptions though,
for example, you can display user profile picture without token,
see example;

Do we not always need to obtain 'read_stream' permissions?

When working with my app, or with the Graph API Explorer, I have learned that I can access some information about anybody. Take for example,
This includes the topics 'feed' and 'posts', which need 'read_stream' permission. I can get the information, even though he has not extended such permission to my app that I know of. My question is, do 'read_stream' topics have an undocumented peculiar status that does not require permissions?
I'll answer your two questions separately.
First, read_stream permissions is not inconsistent. You will need an access token to read someone's stream, no exceptions. The inconsistency you're observing probably lies in the presence of the access token within the URL. For instance should not provide you with anything more than basic details because the URL does not contain an access token. will show you additional details because it does contain the access token. However, realize that the access token will expire at some point, so the above link might not work. This link with the proper access token can be found here:
When looking at btaylor's posts, will tell you you need an access token but will show you all the posts.
It's possible that the Graph API Explorer is caching the access token and sending it with your request without your knowledge, but this doesn't seem to be the case for me. Are you sure the access token is not present within the "Access Token" field?
Second, the reason that you can see data publicly on someone's Facebook profile is because of their Facebook privacy settings. Facebook privacy settings do not correlate at all to the permissions requested and given via the Graph API. You could have everything public on your Facebook profile but none of it (besides the basic information) will be available via the API. A user has to explicitly allow your application access to their information when using the API. As to "why" this is the case, it's probably due to privacy and spam. If everyone in the world had API access to all information a person provided publicly, there would probably be a whole lot more spam only allowing that information to be viewed on issued access token VS OAuth generated

Interesting problem I'm having right now.
Signing in an App gives a access token looking something like this:
This access token can't access users PUBLIC information, while one issued by Facebook on - CAN.
You can easily test this by logging to your facebook and going to this link:
You'll see that Facebook automatically generates access token on DEMO urls like this one:
If you would change /ME/ to any user which has his MUSIC posted as public, you WILL be able to access that data with Graph API.
Now try to get an access token to your APP and call the same Graph API method with generated access token, the returned data is empty JSON object.
Whats’ the difference between these access tokens? How to obtain access token, that I could get public information using Graph API?
I was thinking that logging in your APP is the highest possible access token and the only higher token is token with specified permissions...
Any guidelines would be great :)
I believe the difference is that you can specify additional permissions in a scope parameter,
so if you wanted to read a user's feed you would have to specify read_stream. I was trying to accomplish this with an access token from a server-side authentication flow in ruby, but the access token only allowed to me to navigate accross a certain portion of requests. If you get any insights or comes across a solution shoot it my way too, if you can.