How do I move files from an old folder structure to new? - powershell

I want to modify my existing folder structure. I had a file tree that was organized in the following way:
Client Name
Order Number
But I have modified it to add an address before the order number separated by a hyphen, as such:
Client Name
Order Number - Address
I created the new folder structure with a macro I had that generated the original, and I figured this was much easier than renaming the existing folders.
So now I want to upload the empty folders to my server, but before I do that I want to take the files from all the old structure and put them into the new one.
Simply, I am trying to write a script to match the folder name in the original hierarchy to the new hierarchy that contains the original name plus address, and then copy the files in the original folder to the similarly named one in the new structure.
How would I do this? VBA, Powershell, Batch Command? I'm not very well versed in PS.

Use a foreach loop with the Get-ChildItem,
and Test-Path Powershell cmdlets:
#Get all address subfolders
$addr_folders = Get-ChildItem c:\"Client Name"\State/Province\City\ -recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True}
#Loop through all address subfolders
foreach ($address in $addr_folders)
#Copy contents from existing subfolder path to new folder
if (Test-Path c:\"Client Name"\State/Province\City\"Order Number"\$address)
Copy-Item c:\"Client Name"\State/Province\City\"Order Number" c:\"Client Name"\State/Province\City\"Order Number - " $address


How to search for a specific file name then move all files after that file to another folder using PowerShell

Let's say I have 10 PDF files in a folder named c:\Temp
In my search, I know I am looking for a file that will match a specific number, for example 19676803 (I'm getting the number to search for from a SQL Query I'm running in my script)
I know how to find that specific file, but what I need to be able to do is move all the files after the searched file has been found to another pre-defined folder. So using the 10 PDFs above as the example files, I need to move all the files "after" the file named 1440_028116_19676803_1.pdf to another folder. I know how to move files using PowerShell, just do not know how to do it after/from a specific file name. Hope that makes sense.
$batchNumCompleted = 'c:\Temp\'
$lastLoanPrinted = $nameQuery.LoanNumber
$fileIndex = Get-ChildItem -path $batchNumCompleted | where {$ -match $lastLoanPrinted}
Can anyone provide suggestions/help on accomplishing my goal? I'm not able to provide all code written so far as it contains confidential information. Thank you.
Use the .Where() extension method in SkipUntil mode:
$allFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $batchNumCompleted
$filesToMove = $allFiles.Where({$_.Name -like '*19676803_1.pdf'}, 'SkipUntil') |Select -Skip 1
Remove the Select -Skip 1 command if you want to move the file with 19676803 in the name as well

File transfer from one folder to another

I was wondering if anyone can help me with this problem, of moving files from C: drive to a network drive.
So at work we have a machine that outputs .txt files. For example these files include data about pets, so in the folder I have hundreds of files that are named similar to dogs_123456_10062019.txt then cats_123457_10062019.txt.
Now the first number is a reference number than changes per .txt file that is created and the other is a date, as said I can have hundreds of these per day the reference and date is not important to the transfer as the file includes all this information anyway
Now I have a network folder structure of Y:dogs & Y:cats and wanted a automated script that transfers all dog & cat text files to the corresponding network drive.
The network drive name cannot be changed as it's used by a monitoring software that outputs graphs based on the information in the text file.
Is this possible? Hopefully I've explained myself
If folder names match file names then you can do something like that:
$SourceFolderPath = "C:\Source\"
$DestinationFolderPath = "Y:"
$FileList = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceFolderPath
foreach($File in $FileList){
$FolderName = ($File.Name | Select-String -Pattern ".+?(?=_)").Matches.Value
$File | Move-Item -Destination "$DestinationFolderPath\$FolderName"
If names of folders do not match file names, you would need to manually create a dictionary of what should go where and then translate those
The code above is obviously not an enterprise level stuff :)

PowerShell check if file exists and output parent directory

I really hope this makes sense. There is going to be more to the script, but the snippet provided is what I am having an issue with.
What I am doing is running a script everyday to look for files from the previous day in a specific folder. Sometimes folders are there and are empty, in which case they are deleted. If folders exist, check them for additional files. If files exist, return parent directory name.
Folder 11 is permanent and never changes. Folders within 11 are created daily with names formatted as YYYYDDD (DDD = julian day). If folder YYYYDDD exists, check it for a folder beginning with YYDDD. If a folder beginning with YYDDD exists, check it for files. If any files exist, return parent directory name, which would be YYDDD.
I know my code currently returns the entire path including the file name. I want it to return the BaseName of the parent directory where the files are.
There is additional code that can be ignored. It is for expansion checking other folders for similar files.
$date0 = (Get-Date).ToString("yy") + ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1).DayOfYear).ToString("D3")
$date1 = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy") + ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1).DayOfYear).ToString("D3")
$path0 = "U:\PShell\Testing\Delete Julian Dates\Test\11\$date1"
$path1 = "U:\PShell\Testing\Delete Julian Dates\Test\12\$date1"
$path2 = "U:\PShell\Testing\Delete Julian Dates\Test\13\$date1"
$checkfiles = Get-ChildItem $path0\"$date0*"\*
if (Test-Path $path0\"$date0*"\*) {
% { Write-Host $_.FullName }
} else {
Write-Host "Folder does not exist or is empty." }
Use Split-Path -Parent to return the parent folder (full path) of a file or folder.
If you just want the parent folder name, you can use Split-Path -Parent | Get-Item | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name.
Alternatively, you could use ($_.FullName.split("\"))[-2]. The [-2] references the second-to-last element in the array of folder names. [-1] would refer to the file name. Might be a little faster depending on how many files you have to iterate through.

Simple script to move files from one location to another

I need help with creating a power-shell script that copies folder recursively from one location to another. Here is how I plan to do it:
There will be a list of folders to copy, which are combination of name and ID number.
Create an array to store variables.
Create a loop that will look for each variables in array and copy the folders to another location.
Here is my code to copy a single folder, but I need to make it more feasible so that it can copy folders depending on variables:
$AID = (4069302,4138482)
foreach ($number in $AID ) {
Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\sshres19\Desktop\Script\GAEBox" -Recurse -Filter "*$number*" |
Copy-Item -destination "C:\Users\sshres19\Desktop\Script\Reg"
The script needs to copy all folders and files within given condition.
Adding -Recurse to your Copy-Item will make it copy a folder and it's contents.

Powershell script to move files based on a source list (.txt

I have thousands of files in a directory (.pdf, .xls, .doc) and they all have a similar naming convention (the "type" is always a constant string, ie: billing or invoice);
accountname_ accountnumber_type.doc
The task at hand is to receive a random list of accountnames and account numbers (the "type" is always a constant, ie: billing, invoice, shipping or order and they vary in format) and move them from Directory A into Directory B. I can get the list into a .csv file to match the accountname_accountnumber_type.
I have been trying to create a powershell script to reference the accountname_accountnumber and move those items from one directory A to directory B with no luck.
SAMPLE I found something a bit simpler, but I wanted to be able to edit this to create a new destination and not halt if the file is not found from this list. Also, if I could have this pick from a .txt list I think that would be easier than pasting everything.
$src_dir = "C:\DirA\"
$dst_dir = "D:\DirB-mm-dd-yyyy\" #This code requires the destination dir to already be there and I need to have the code output a new Directory, it could output based on date script run that would be amazing
$file_list = "accountname1_accountnumber001_type", #If I can select to import csv here
foreach ($file in $file_list) #This errors out and stops the script if the file is not located in source and I need to have the script continue and move on, with hopefully an error output
move-Item $src_dir$file $dst_dir
They can be any file format, I am trying to get the code to match ONLY the accountname and accountnumber since those two will define the exact customer. Whether it is invoice, billing or shipping doesn't matter since they want all files associated with that customer moved.
For Example there could be 4 of each for every account and the type format may vary from pdf, doc and xls, I need to move all files based on their first two indicators (accountname,accountnumber).
How about this :
$CurrentDate = [DateTime]::Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy")
$DestinationDir = "D:\DirB-$CurrentDate"
New-Item $DestinationDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$AccountToMove = Import-CSV $CSVPath
Foreach ( $Account In $AccountToMove ){
$FilePattern = "*$($Account.AccountName)*$($Account.AccountNumber)*"
ls $SourceDir | Where Name -like $FilePattern | Move-Item -Destination $DestinationDir
The code part - you already edited off from the post - about moving files to subdirectories doesn't make much sense with your business rules. As you never show the sample CSV file contents, it's all guessing.
For easier processing, assume you got the following source files. Edit your post to show the CSV file contents and where you would like to move the files.