How to search for a specific file name then move all files after that file to another folder using PowerShell - powershell

Let's say I have 10 PDF files in a folder named c:\Temp
In my search, I know I am looking for a file that will match a specific number, for example 19676803 (I'm getting the number to search for from a SQL Query I'm running in my script)
I know how to find that specific file, but what I need to be able to do is move all the files after the searched file has been found to another pre-defined folder. So using the 10 PDFs above as the example files, I need to move all the files "after" the file named 1440_028116_19676803_1.pdf to another folder. I know how to move files using PowerShell, just do not know how to do it after/from a specific file name. Hope that makes sense.
$batchNumCompleted = 'c:\Temp\'
$lastLoanPrinted = $nameQuery.LoanNumber
$fileIndex = Get-ChildItem -path $batchNumCompleted | where {$ -match $lastLoanPrinted}
Can anyone provide suggestions/help on accomplishing my goal? I'm not able to provide all code written so far as it contains confidential information. Thank you.

Use the .Where() extension method in SkipUntil mode:
$allFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $batchNumCompleted
$filesToMove = $allFiles.Where({$_.Name -like '*19676803_1.pdf'}, 'SkipUntil') |Select -Skip 1
Remove the Select -Skip 1 command if you want to move the file with 19676803 in the name as well


Choose which CSV to import when running a PowerShell script

I get a CSV every week that our finance team puts in a shared drive. I have a script for that CSV that I run once I get it.
The first command of the script is of course Import-Csv.
The problem is, the finance team insists on naming the file differently each time plus they don't always put it in the same location within the drive.
As a result, I have to first hunt for the file, put it into the directory that the script points to and then rename the file.
I've tried talking to the team about putting it in the same location and making sure the filename is the same but they only follow the instructions for a couple of weeks before just doing whatever.
Ideally, I'd like for it so that when I run the script, there would be a popup that would ask me to pick a CSV (Similar to how it looks when you do "Save As" on an Office Document).
Anyway for this to be done within PowerShell?
You can access .Net classes and interface with the forms library to instantiate and take input from the standard FileOpen dialog. Something like below:
Using Namespace System.Windows.Forms
$FileBrowser = [OpenFileDialog]::new()
$FileBrowser.InitialDirectory = 'c:\temp'
$FileBrowser.Filter = 'Comma Separated Values (*.csv) | *.csv'
$CsvFile = $FileBrowser.FileName
Then use $CsvFile int he Import-Csv command.
You can change the .InitialDirectory property to make navigating a little more convenient.
Use the .Filter property to limit the file open display to CSV files, to make things that much more convenient.
Also, use the [Void] class to prevent the status return (usually 'OK' or 'Cancel') from echoing to the screen.
Note: A simple Google search will turn up many examples. I refined some of the work from here. That will also document some of the other properties if you want to explore etc.
If you are willing to settle for a selection box that doesn't look as nice as the Save As dialog, you can use Out-Gridview. Something along these lines might help.
$filenames =
#(Get-ChildItem -Path C:\temp -Recurse -Filter *.csv |
Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending |
Out-GridView -Title 'Choose a file' -PassThru)
$csvfile = $filenames[0].FullName
Import-Csv $csvfile | More
The -Path specifies a directory that contains all the locations where your csv file might be delivered. The sort is just to put the recently written files at the top of the grid. This supposedly makes selection easier. The #() wrapper merely makes sure the result stored in $filenames is an array.
You would do something else with the results of Import-Csv.
Steven's response certainly satisfies your original question, but an alternative would be to let PowerShell do the work. If you know the drive, and you know the name of the file this week, you can pass the name to your script and let it search the drive filtering on the specific csv file you need. Make it recursive, and open the only file that matches. Sorry, didn't have time yesterday to include code. Here's a function that returns the full file path when provided with a top level search path and a filename with possible wildcards.
function gfp { $result=gci $args[0] -recurse -include $args[1]; return ($result.DirectoryName + "\" + $result.Name) }
Example: gfp "d:\rootfolder" "thisweeksfilename.csv"

Powershell - Select File Name instead of full path and file name

I'm sure this is so simple you may roll your eyes at it. I cannot figure out how to suppress the full path of the file when I get a match.
I only need the file name, Line number and matched word.
I have a text file of 15K copybooks. I need to know what program references any of them.
The script takes forever to run but I know of only one way to search all files in a directory looking for ANY or ALL of the contents in my file.
Can someone point out the error? The full path is not needed and adds a step or two to my process to clean things up.
$searchWords=Get-Content "C:\Workspace\Missing.txt"
Foreach ($sw in $searchWords)
Get-Childitem -Path "C:\Workspace\src" -Recurse -include "*.cbl" |
Select-String -Pattern "$sw" |
Select Path,LineNumber,#{n='SearchWord';e={$sw}}

Powershell: Go through all files (PDF's) in a directory and move them based on what's written in the first 6 bytes

I am currently trying to write a powershell script that does the following:
Go through all PDF-Files in the directory in which the script is in
Check the first few bytes of those PDF-Files
If those bytes say something along the lines of "PK", move them to a different location
If the bytes say something else (ex: PDF1.4), dont move them at all and go to the next one.
Context: We have around 70k PDF-Files that cant be opened. After checking them with a certain tool, it looks like around 99% of those are damaged and the remaining 1% are zip files.
The first bytes of a zipped PDF file start with "PK", the first bytes of a broken PDF-File start with PDF1.4 for example.
I need to unzip all zip files and relocate them. Going through 70k PDF-Files by hand is kinda painful, so im looking for a way to automate it.
I know im supposed to provide a code sample, but the truth is that i am absolutely lost. I have written a few powershell scripts before, but i have no idea how to do something like this.
So, if anyone could kindly point me to the right direction or give me a useful function, i would really appreciate it a lot.
You can use Get-Content to get your first 6 bytes as you asked.
We can then tie that into a loop on all the documents and configure a simple if statement to decide what to do next, e.g. move the file to another dir
$pdfDirectory = 'C:\Temp\struktur_id_1225\ext_dok'
$newLocation = 'C:\Path\To\New\Folder'
Get-ChildItem "$pdfDirectory" -Filter "*.pdf" | foreach {
if((Get-Content $_.FullName | select -first 1 ) -like "%PDF-1.5*"){
$HL7 = $_.FullName.replace("ext_dok","MDM")
$HL7 = $HL7.replace(".pdf",".hl7")
move $_.FullName $newLocation;
move $HL7 $newLocation
Try using the above, which is also a bit easier to edit.
$pdfDirectory will need to be set to the folder containing the PDF Files
$newLocation will obviously be the new directory!
And you will still need to change the -like "%PDF-1.5*" to suit your search!
It should do the rest for you, give it a shot
Another Edit
I have mimicked your folder structure on my computer, and placed a few PDF files and matching HL7 files and the script is working perfectly.
Get-Content is not suited for PDF's, you'd want to use iTextSharp to read PDF's.
Download the iTextSharp(found in releases) and put the itextsharp.dll somewhere easy to find (ie. the folder your script is located in).
You can install the .nupkg by using Install-Package, or simply using an archive tool to extract the contents of the .nupkg file (it's basically a .zip file)
The code below adds every word on page 1 for each PDF separated by whitespace to an array. You can then test if the array contains your keyword
Add-Type -Path "C:\path\to\itextsharp.dll"
$pdfs = Get-ChildItem "C:\path\to\pdfs" *.pdf
foreach ($pdf in $pdfs) {
$reader = New-Object itextsharp.text.pdf.pdfreader -ArgumentList $pdf.Fullname
$text = [iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.PdfTextExtractor]::GetTextFromPage($reader,1).Split("")
foreach($line in $text) {
# do your test here

Renaming files in bulk and in ascending order in CMD

I know this question was already asked by someone but I will ask again.
Can someone tell me how to rename in bulk and in ascending order if possible in CMD. I already tried renaming in powershell but to no avail. It only let me use once and I need to rename another folder files but to no avail. It didn't let it rename files in another folder. This is the code I use in powershell:
$i = 1
Get-ChildItem *.mkv | %{Rename-Item $_ -NewName ('Haikyuu - {0:D2}.mkv' -f $i++)}
I'm renaming my anime series per folder and some of my copies have 100+ videos. and somehow you could teach me what each code mean (the code that must use in CMD). The ones I've searched can't understand it in layman's term or doesn't tell the user how it's supposed to work. Thank you in advance. by the way, the folder is placed in an external drive.
so from the beginning:
$i= variable for storing the initial value 1
Get-ChildItem = is like "dir" which lists the files and folder under a certain path.
In this case, it is listing all the files which starts with anything but have the extension .mkv
* indicates wildcard.
| = pipeline which passes the output of the first command as an input of the next command.
% = ForEach-Object is iterating each object one by one coming from the pipeline.
$_= Current pipeline object . Here it is taking each object one by one and renaming it using Rename-Item
-NewName = is the parameter of the Rename-Item which asks for the new name to pass.
Hope it clarifies your need.
The reason why I can't rename my video files is there were [brackets] on the filename.
So I use this:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Include *.mkv | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name.replace("[","").replace("]","").replace("(","").replace(")","") }
Which on the same directories, I can access subfolders too to omit brackets and parethesis. then I proceed using the code above in the question to rename my files in every folder. The Reason why I'm doing the 'renaming' per folder is that, each folder is different anime series. but the code above is working.
if anyone can give me less code than repeating the 'replace' and concatenating it, I will gladly accept and choose that as the best answer. :)
If you use the parameter -LiteralPath for the source, no prior renaming is necessary.
%i = 1
Get-ChildItem *.mkv |
ForEach {Rename-Item -LiteralPath "$_" -NewName ('Haikyuu - {0:D2}.mkv' -f $i++)}
A hint on sorting, I hope the present numbering of the source files has a constant width, otherwise the result is mixed up as an alphabetic sort (which is inherent to ntfs formatted drives) will sort the number 10 in front of 2.
To check this append the parameter -whatif to the Rename-Item command

Powershell script to move files based on a source list (.txt

I have thousands of files in a directory (.pdf, .xls, .doc) and they all have a similar naming convention (the "type" is always a constant string, ie: billing or invoice);
accountname_ accountnumber_type.doc
The task at hand is to receive a random list of accountnames and account numbers (the "type" is always a constant, ie: billing, invoice, shipping or order and they vary in format) and move them from Directory A into Directory B. I can get the list into a .csv file to match the accountname_accountnumber_type.
I have been trying to create a powershell script to reference the accountname_accountnumber and move those items from one directory A to directory B with no luck.
SAMPLE I found something a bit simpler, but I wanted to be able to edit this to create a new destination and not halt if the file is not found from this list. Also, if I could have this pick from a .txt list I think that would be easier than pasting everything.
$src_dir = "C:\DirA\"
$dst_dir = "D:\DirB-mm-dd-yyyy\" #This code requires the destination dir to already be there and I need to have the code output a new Directory, it could output based on date script run that would be amazing
$file_list = "accountname1_accountnumber001_type", #If I can select to import csv here
foreach ($file in $file_list) #This errors out and stops the script if the file is not located in source and I need to have the script continue and move on, with hopefully an error output
move-Item $src_dir$file $dst_dir
They can be any file format, I am trying to get the code to match ONLY the accountname and accountnumber since those two will define the exact customer. Whether it is invoice, billing or shipping doesn't matter since they want all files associated with that customer moved.
For Example there could be 4 of each for every account and the type format may vary from pdf, doc and xls, I need to move all files based on their first two indicators (accountname,accountnumber).
How about this :
$CurrentDate = [DateTime]::Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy")
$DestinationDir = "D:\DirB-$CurrentDate"
New-Item $DestinationDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$AccountToMove = Import-CSV $CSVPath
Foreach ( $Account In $AccountToMove ){
$FilePattern = "*$($Account.AccountName)*$($Account.AccountNumber)*"
ls $SourceDir | Where Name -like $FilePattern | Move-Item -Destination $DestinationDir
The code part - you already edited off from the post - about moving files to subdirectories doesn't make much sense with your business rules. As you never show the sample CSV file contents, it's all guessing.
For easier processing, assume you got the following source files. Edit your post to show the CSV file contents and where you would like to move the files.