CAS on confluence TicketValidationException - single-sign-on

Hi am trying to create a Staging Server for Confluence and I cloned the VM and updated Confluence settings. Now after login I get
javax.servlet.ServletException: org.jasig.cas.client.validation.TicketValidationException:
ticket 'ST-224-7T1R0Olcgf3BJfvwOjJ3-cas' not recognized
Referer URL
The original Confluence still works but the Staging one errors our.
Any Ideas?

This is a bug but there is a workaround. See: .
Disable the Terms of Use (Control Panel > Portal Settings > Users >
Terms of Use Required)
Disable the password reminder query. Put the
line users.reminder.queries.enabled=false in the file .
I had the same problem as you, tried this recipe and it worked. Good luck!


VSCODE - Marketplace returned 'ECONNREFUSED'. Please check the 'http.proxy' setting

I am new to Visual Studio. I just installed Visual Studio Code (VSCODE). First time, I opened it and trying to install the extension for powershell. But, when I go to the Extensions tab, it gave an error that the proxy settings were not configured.
The pop up gave an option to 'Open User Settings' and it opened an editor.
As per my understanding, I wrote the following two lines in the User Settings file.
Our internal proxy server requires user authentication. How and where will I put the user credentials. I think, I am getting the error because I have not specified the user details.
Found out how.
The proxy details should be given in the following format. I was using the wrong format earlier.
My settings file looked something similar to below.
// Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings
"http.proxy": "http://user#domain.local:Password456#",
"http.proxyStrictSSL": false
The domain user name was domain\user, and it was provided in the user FQDN format
Password456 is the login password for the user is the proxy server
Hope this would help someone at some point of time.
I solved this problem like #Tom Jacob Chirayil, but I had to do a little extra. Here are the steps I followed:
Find your proxy server first by going to http://wpad/wpad.dat. My company's configuration had a bunch of proxy servers, and the one that I used was at the very bottom, in this format:
return "PROXY";
Then click on the Open User Settings button, and add the following line to the settings.json file to the right, within the braces:
"http.proxy": ""
NB: I had to add http:// to the front of the proxy address that I pulled from wpad.dat.
Then save settings.json, restart VS Code. (IDK for sure if you have to restart VS Code or not.)
Just to add a point, it seems that the new release (1.5.1) came with this issue. People on Mac, Linux or Windows suffering with "econnrefused" error in VSCode.
The new version (1.5.2) will have a fix for this, until then, we can use the nightly version.

Can't access admin panel for a website with CMS Made Simple: Class 'cms_cache_handler' not found

I'm working on setting up and migration of old sites to a new server from Dreamhost. I have 130 sites to migrate. 1 is successful. The version is: 1.12.1
The mods in the first site upgraded well. No problems. Have a procedure to migrate. That being said, the second site, as I followed my own documentation, fails when I try to access /admin/index.php
What I get is this below:
So, this is more informational than code... so please forgive me. I don't understand why CMS MADE SIMPLE is actually not simple.
That seems like an annoying issue. Forgive any repetition but here is what I would check:
that is is 100% functioning on existing server
correct php version 5.4.3+ (5.6+ recommended) on new server
that all files & database are copied fully & without errors
config.php settings are updated for new hosting & database
that .htaccess, php.ini/.user.ini settings are appropriate
check php error log
are there any additional modules installed that may require additional php modules
try more coffee or a nights sleep - both have helped me solve all sorts of issue in the past!
consider posting on CMSMS forum - will get a wider range of CMSMS users/experience and suggestions
Good luck
Not sure what process you are using. So presuming that the site was working correctly on existing hosting and that the new hosting meets recommended requirements, especially PHP version:
Export database
Zip/Compress all website files into a single file
Copy zipped file to new hosting
Create new database & user with full access
Unzip files and make sure that they are in the right location (probably website root)
CHMOD config.php to 0644 and edit database, username & password settings for new hosting, CHMOD back to 0444
Make sure .htaccess is using correct settings for new hosting
Login to admin and clear cache
Sorry that the instructions are so basic, but the process really is Simple.
Possible issues can occur if:
the PHP version is older than 5.4.3 (5.6+ recommended).
files copied individually using ftp and some are corrupted/not copied.
Apart from that it is pretty straight forward.
Hope it helps

Incorrect credentials for repository at ssh

I'm totally confused with openshift+netbeans. This is my openshift app and repository address
When I try to "Clone repository" in order to develop locally I meet "Incorrect credentials for repository at ssh..." I also noticed that it is not possible to put the URL provided by openshift to "Repository URL" field in Netbeans "Clone repository" tool. Clone repository screenshot
I meet "Incorrect credentials for repository at ssh..."
Yes, as expected, because you use (in Netbeans) strange and unknown username.
Format of ssh-URL is well-known and predefined. For SSH-served Git-repos it's
optional parameters are []-ed
If Netbeans doesn't accept username in URL, you must use same name, as suggested in app's configuration (long HEX-string), for SSH, not username (this is login for OpenShift, not for SSH).
And you can start from getting functional SSH-connection (SSH-client with interactive authentication) before configuring VCS settings in Netbeans
OK, it works! So the solution is:
Repository URL like: ssh://
User name is like: 123e31f89f5cf29a111110e (you can find it on OPENSHIFT ONLINE on app page)
I used "private key". The file name is - id_rsa Normally you can find it in folder - C:\Users\UserName.ssh\
From my experience I can tell that its just an user information miss match issue. I have two repository at I was trying to clone with wrong username/password from netbeans where Netbeans checks authentication.
Suddenly i notice that and correct the username/password and BANG it works... no error!!!.

Storing credentials failed in fetch using EGIT

Initially I had the same problem as described in
egit - not authorized.
First, I successfully cloned the repository from Bitbucket.
Then, I tried to fetch and got the error “not authorized”
However, when I used the advice and clicked “Change Credentials” I received the following error:
"Storing credentials failed
No password provided"
I had this same problem after updating egit. This advice from another forum worked:
Open up Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage. Select "OSX Keystore Integration", then click "Change Password..."
If you see a dialog saying "An error occurred while decrypting stored values... Do you want to cancel password change?" Click "No."
This will reset the secure storage master password in the OSX Keystore. You will be asked if you want to provide additional information for password recovery, which is optional.
The accepted answer didn't work for me. There is another solution - in Eclipse simply navigate to:
Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage > Contents
and delete everything.
If you are running Eclipse on OS X, the other answers may not work. If you change the contents of the Eclipse bundle (either manually or by updating some core features or plugins), the application signature will no longer match and the OSX Keystore Integration will no longer be usable. See Bug 391455 for more information.
Downloading a fresh copy of Eclipse will solve this problem, but as a workaround you can also disable OS X Keystore Integration and use Eclipse's built-in one instead:
I was having this problem with STS 4.0 where even after saving credential in secure storage, any git pull or PUSH activity was asking for credentials every time.
I followed below steps to resolve the issue
1.Navigate to Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage
2. click on content tab and expand which has git credentials.
3. Now delete the selected git credential and close the screen.
4. When next prompt of credentials pops up, provide your credentials and check the box
store to secure storage. It will not ask for password again.
5. I have also made a video to proof it. refer the video link here
I am using STS ( Spring Tool Suite ,Version: 3.9.1.RELEASE,Build Id: 201710111105
Platform: Eclipse Oxygen.1a (4.7.1a))
and I resolved it by going to
windows->Preferences->General->Security-Secure Storage
you can see password tab there might be 2 options under master password providers:
windows Integration(64bit) with priority as 5
and another one UI Prompt,
So just uncheck Windows Integration (64bit) checkbox
and click Apply and Close button try to access your git or tool, it will ask you for master password for storage there on it will work.
I am using STS ( Spring Tool Suite ,Version: 3.9.1.RELEASE,Build Id: 201710111105
Platform: Eclipse Oxygen.1a (4.7.1a))
and I resolved it by going to windows->Preferences->General->Security-Secure Storage you can see password tab there might be 2 options under master password providers:-
windows Integration(64bit) with priority as 5
and another one UI Prompt, just uncheck Windows Integration (64bit) checkbox and click Apply and Close button try to access your git or tool , it will ask you for maser password for storage there on it will work.

ColdFusion debugging problem in Eclipse (Break points not hit)

I am trying to get the debugger (CF extension for Eclipse) working for last few hours. And struck in strange situation.
My settings are listed below
ColdFusion 8
Eclipse 3.4
I set up the RDS & modified the JVM.config settings and verified the connection & debugger, both returns successful in test run. But When i attach a debugger to the site, breakpoints are not hit.
My Eclipse workbench & site virtual directory pointing to the same path. It is in a remote server.
I left Eclipse-CF mapping blank since both pointing the same remote path.
And i am using WYSE thin client emulator.. does it anything to do with this..?
Can someone help me to resolve this problem?
If your eclipse configuration is ok, could be that something is not confgured right on server side. Check if Line Debugger Settings > Allow Line Debugging feature is enabled and that Debugger Port (5005) is opened and accessible form client machine.
Articles that should walk you through proper setup:
Also you could try using CF Builder and/or FusionDebug .
You do need to specify at least one mapping. Eclipse needs to know what folder in your project maps to the http root. Even if the mapping is / -> /, you need to specify that. The only time you can leave mapping blank is when the CF server is on the same machine as Eclipse.