Can't access admin panel for a website with CMS Made Simple: Class 'cms_cache_handler' not found - content-management-system

I'm working on setting up and migration of old sites to a new server from Dreamhost. I have 130 sites to migrate. 1 is successful. The version is: 1.12.1
The mods in the first site upgraded well. No problems. Have a procedure to migrate. That being said, the second site, as I followed my own documentation, fails when I try to access /admin/index.php
What I get is this below:
So, this is more informational than code... so please forgive me. I don't understand why CMS MADE SIMPLE is actually not simple.

That seems like an annoying issue. Forgive any repetition but here is what I would check:
that is is 100% functioning on existing server
correct php version 5.4.3+ (5.6+ recommended) on new server
that all files & database are copied fully & without errors
config.php settings are updated for new hosting & database
that .htaccess, php.ini/.user.ini settings are appropriate
check php error log
are there any additional modules installed that may require additional php modules
try more coffee or a nights sleep - both have helped me solve all sorts of issue in the past!
consider posting on CMSMS forum - will get a wider range of CMSMS users/experience and suggestions
Good luck

Not sure what process you are using. So presuming that the site was working correctly on existing hosting and that the new hosting meets recommended requirements, especially PHP version:
Export database
Zip/Compress all website files into a single file
Copy zipped file to new hosting
Create new database & user with full access
Unzip files and make sure that they are in the right location (probably website root)
CHMOD config.php to 0644 and edit database, username & password settings for new hosting, CHMOD back to 0444
Make sure .htaccess is using correct settings for new hosting
Login to admin and clear cache
Sorry that the instructions are so basic, but the process really is Simple.
Possible issues can occur if:
the PHP version is older than 5.4.3 (5.6+ recommended).
files copied individually using ftp and some are corrupted/not copied.
Apart from that it is pretty straight forward.
Hope it helps


What's the best way to upgrade from umbraco 7.6 to 7.15.1 (including db upgrade)

I am trying to upgrade the site from v 7.6 to v. 7.15.1.
I have done the upgrade on localhost which included updating the db.
Now I transferred my files from localhost o the test site and on there I am getting an error in log:
ERROR Umbraco.Core.UmbracoApplicationBase - An unhandled exception occurred
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid object name 'umbracoUserLogin'.
and I can't login to the backoffice.
It seems to be looking for umbracoUserLogin on test while it doesn't exist yet because on test the db is not updated yet.
How to update the db on test in this case while the files have already been updated on localhost and transferred to test site?
I have done 2 umbraco upgrades recently; one is from 7.5.7 to 7.13.1 and the recent one is from 7.13.1 to 7.15.1.
During my upgrade; I have seen this problem and fix in this issue can help you for your problem(and I didn't see this problem again after doing the upgrade again, but this time checking all the auto changing files and accepting them one at a time-see details below for this) but coming back to your question; "What's the best way to upgrade from umbraco 7.6 to 7.15.1(including db upgrade)"; here are the steps that you should follow;
Create a backup for your project and your umbraco db before you start. If you are using Git, then things will be super easy for this.
Open up Nuget Package Manager for your Umbraco project and do the package upgrade using the Nuget Package Manger window or the consol. Search for UmbracoCms version 7.15.1 for your case.
Once you start doing the upgrade, you will see some popup windows that will ask you to approve some auto file changes(including some config files changes). As you don't want to lose some of your pre-upgrade settings, don't accept them all or discard them all, check all of them one by one, and as a general rule; if you don't have any custom changes for those files, then simply approve the change, otherwise, check your changes and make sure you don't loose anything and discard some of these file changes as a result.
Once you're done with your UmbracoCms upgrade(which will automatically do some dependency package upgrades), build your project, make sure all is looking good then go to your local project's umbraco back-office url, this will trigger the rest of the umbraco upgrade process and simply complete the upgrade steps by following the screens- at this point your umbraco db changes will be done automatically and it is possible that you might have some issues with some old corrupt cached files, if this happens, then simply delete App_Data/TEMP files and App_Data umbraco.config file and try again. If you see some other problems during the installation, check the logs(browser developer tools can be handy to understand the problems in this case), and fix them one at a time. It is possible that you don'T need some of your old web.config settings and they might cause some issues, simply comment out those lines and see if this will fix some of the issues.
Once you are done with you local upgrade, deploy your code to your testing environment, and go to the umbraco url of your test environment and follow the screens to complete the installation for your testing environment. If you see any problems, please check my notes for step 4 above.
Do your umbraco upgrade for other testing environments(QA, UAT, Training etc) and complete your umbraco upgrade tests. Once the tests are done, then you are ready to go live. After the live deployment, you will have to complete the umbraco upgrade one last time, but this time for the live system.
Always get your back-ups for each environment before you do the upgrade, so you will be ready to rollback your changes if things go wrong(which might happen as you're doing a big umbraco upgrade).
Final note; there are some good articles for this, please take a look to understand the process better. Good luck!

Install postfixadmin?

Is there any complete guid for install postfix admin rather than official install guid?
I tried to install postfix admin several times. But I couldn't. I tried with official installation text file and several online tutorials.
Installing PostfixAdmin is not very hard, in-fact it's very simple.
PostfixAdmin is basically just a Apache+PHP+MySQL setup.
The bigger problem I think users are experiencing is how to make Postfix actually use the database backend and to "understand" the data it gets from it - What they refer to as the integration part in their INSTALL.txt for PostfixAdmin.
Take a look at the Postfix integration documentation at their GitHub page.
There are no easy way to just copy-pasta aka spray-and-pray install a complete SMTP/Mail system. Also I would not recommend it as you would have a very hard time to debug problems in your setup later on - And trust me SMTP servers always have problems :)
But basically once you have installed PostfixAdmin and that part works (i.e you can log onto the page, navigate around postfixadmin and add domains and so on) then you move on to adding all the .cf files it needs in the postfix etc directory.
Again, use that file above as reference. Or even search for multiple guides on Google. You will see that more or less all of them are doing the same steps.
Once your postfix is setup to talk "mysql" you can start to debug the mail.log files for problems that will (again trust me they will) come up. That will typically be beginner mistakes like the .cf files are not looking up the right data in the tables or using wrong parameters for email vs domain or that postfix don't have mysql support enabled and so forth.

Downloading entire sites for offline viewing

I'd like to download a website to whiten it into a private network.
I know it's being done a lot with StackOverflow itself, I just don't know how to do it myself.
The specific site I want to download is CPP-QUIZ with all the questions and explanations.
I've tried doing it with HTTrack, but it seems to download just a couple of questions and then it fails.
What is usually done to do something like this?
You can use a tool like wget or curl. If the site had an index then you could use wget's recursive option. It seems like it does not (the homepage just seems to choose a question at random for that specific site).
In that case you can just start generating commands:
And so on. After running those commands you would have the files downloaded to the directory you ran the commands from.
I was also wondering the same thing & stumbled upon this Github project this week called Diskernet
it saves resources to your file system as your browsing using your web browser (when launched with the diskernet binary or CLI tool)
It's still an early project, but I found I already started making use of it this week & it worked great!
is able to download Single Page Web applications (doesn't use wget)
once you download a site, it works offline
There are alternative tools like SiteSucker, but I found Diskernet to work even for websites that require authentication

All links changed from localhost/mysitename/blablabla to www.localhost/blablabla

My Drupal site was working fine locally. Then I don't know what happened to it. All links changed from localhost/mysitename/blablabla to www.localhost/blablabla. this means that www. appears before any address and mysitename is missing. I didn't change anything in .htaccess or php.ini.
I tested both WampServer and Acuia Dev Desktop as local servers, but no success.
I should mention that I installed a module "jQuery Calendar" before getting this error, but I am not sure if this was the source of problem. Because I restored the database with my online backups (without that module) and removed the module folder from sites/modules. but no success at all.
Any Help?
Hey I found the source of problem. The module had a library in sites/libraries folder. I removed that and everything got on the right track. wish this helps someone in future :)

WHM Upgrade Blocked by EXIMUP

I am in the middle of rebuilding my VPS and I am getting an error in WHM.
CENTOS 6.5 x86_64 virtuozzo – vps-1......... WHM 11.34.2 (build 8)
Reasons for blocked updates
Please correct these issues and rerun updates.
fatal: Upgrade is blocked because EXIMUP is set to 'never' in your configuration. To proceed, you can touch file '/var/cpanel/exim.unmanaged' and run the upgrade one more time. Please refer to our documentation at for more information.
The URL for help doesn't exist.
I do not see this file in when I check for it.
I found the Exim Configuration Manager but do not see anything that matches what the error states.
I have a feeling this is fairly easy fix but I am far from an expert on VPS managing. I'm learning the hard way to put it nicely...
Does anyone know how I can clear this out so I can upgrade WHM?
I see in their documentation:
To upgrade from cPanel & WHM version 11.34 and earlier:
Touch /var/cpanel/exim.unmanaged
Run the upgrade again.
What does "Touch"mean? I tried toggling the exim option in preferences but it made no difference.
After a night of fighting this I find the answer right after I post. Here is how I solved it.
Touch means to create or modify a file without actually writing to it. So in this case since the file did not exist. I created a new file in /var/cpanel/ called 'exim.unmanaged'
After placing that file in the directory I ran the updates again and it is now upgrading WHM and cPanel.
Pros know this I am sure but hopefully this will be helpful for newbi VPS admins like myself.