PhoneGap Build & NativeControls & Local Notification plugin - plugins

I have created a phonegap application using NativeControls plugin (for Tab Bar) as well as local notification plugin using XCode. It works fine with iphone simulator. But as far as phonegap build is concerned, neither tab bar is seen in device nor the local notification is fired. I followed the instructions from and have included both plugins in feature tag in config.xml but in vain. Please help with some tutorial or documentation. I searched a lot but everywhere i found instructions for Childbrowser plugin. is it that nativecontrols or local notification is not compatible with phonegap build and childbrowser is compatible?
Thanks in advance.

On that same URL there's a section that states "Supported plugins". The only one right now is Child Browser. So NativeControls and LocalNotification are not supported by PhoneGap Build.


How to update flutter app programmatically in Play/App store?

There is an upgrader (mostly for iOS) and in_app_update plugin (for android). I try to implement them both and had a difficulty to do so. I post and issues in both plugin but I got no response. So if anyone use this 2 plugin successfully please can you share step-by-step approach details.
Basically How to update flutter app programmatically in Google Play Store (Android) & App Store (iOS)?
I have also tried in_app_update 1.1.11 and upgrader 2.4.0.
For upgrader:
I also don't know how to use Appcast, so I use the iTune api to get my app version in the App Store then pop up the install dialog. However, the iTune api is so slow to update. Therefore I just use Firebase remote config to set the version once the app is published.
For in_app_update:
I also don't know how to use it. I have add the Play Core in app/build.gradle
implementation ''
Nothing pop up even I downloaded the old version from the Play Store and then publish a new version.
I found that in_app_update actually work just by following its example code. I don't have any update pop up before because my Android device is Mi 9, seems there is some bug in it. The update pop up can be seen in the release version of other brand of devices
Since I really want to use the Play Store in-app-update, so for android I did use the remote config... waiting for someone to have the guides

Plugin nativescript-mapbox is not included in preview app on device

Plugin nativescript-mapbox is not included in preview app on device
tns plugin add nativescript-mapbox
anyone experiencing this?
It means exactly what it says. The Nativescript Preview app only has a limited number of libraries installed, making it usable only for basic, simple apps.
The Preview app comes with a predefined set of NativeScript plugins. If your app > utilizes a plugin that is not present in the Preview app, you will see a warning > message and your app might not work as expected.
tns preview documentation
The best solution while developing your app is to use emulators.
As a side note, from my experience, I've found that the iOS Preview app has more plugins and generally works better.

Ionicframework photo editor

I am trying to add a photo editor functionality to my ionic framework application. How ever I couldn't find a decent sdk that goes with it. I'd like add
sdk but there is not an obvious way to do it. I tried angular-aviary plugin for cordova but that is not working anymore. Please help me find a good photo editor sdk that works with cordova/ionic framework. Any help would be appreciated, thanks...
I've spent about a week looking for the same thing. Beyond the Creative SDK there is also the PhotoEditor SDK which offers Android, IOS, and HTML5 as well. But as with Creative none of it is easily compatible with Ionic. I'm still looking for a solution but would be very interested if others have ideas as well!
Have a look at the PhotoEditor SDK Cordova Plugin Demo and the guide for integrating the editor under Ionic and Cordova to get an idea of how to get the editor working under Ionic. Basically, it works like this:
The idea is to create a Cordova app that allows the user to open an image from their photo library and edit this image using the PhotoEditor SDK on iOS and Android. This is done by using an existing library to access native photo pickers on both platforms and passing the path to the found image to a plugin. The plugin manages the configuration and opening of the PhotoEditor SDK’s editor and passes the edited image back to Cordova.
I was in search of this functionality and founded a proper documentation for ionic Framework from PhotoEditor SDK . Please follow the instructions given here to add Photo Editing functionality in ionic app Quickstart for ionic Framework
Hope it will help someone.

Facebook login on Meteor mobile App (cordova)?

I'm looking to build a mobile application using Meteor+Cordova. Looking to get the Facebook login to work first. Apparently the default accounts-facebook package doesn't work so I looked around atmosphere and only found "particle4dev:cordova-fb", so I tried using that.
I'm a bit confused about the app developer stuff. Normally I just use it for my website so its quite straight forward. In terms of setting up the login details (such as ID and token), do I register as if it's an IOS app? Or do I still register as if its web?? It asks me to download XCode SDK for FB, is that what I'm supposed to be doing? is the package mentioned above what I should be using, or are there more mainstream options available?
I was also facing problem with accounts-facebook package. It was using in-app cordova browser and failing at the time of oauth handshake.
I added cordova:com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect#0.11.0 to app and enabled it for single sign on from developer account on facebook.
If you face any problem then please look at my blog here. I have written a simple tutorial.
If there are still some people to fix this thing, this may help them.
I've just used the latest version on github.
removing the plugin and adding it again like this:
meteor add cordova:com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect#
This above code with particle4dev:cordova-fb worked like a charm on android and it should work on ios devices also. It seems they fixed the issue in their updates.
accounts-facebook package works fine. I just created a new project and tried, you can refer to this screencast
if you are using accounts-facebook, you need to register the app as web on fb
So I've been trying to use particle4dev:cordova-fb for awhile now. For those who are confused about how to implement it. First you add it as a package to your existing app. Then you add the facebookconnect cordova plugin. Then you add the android platform. Then try and run the android platform (meteor run android --settings settings.json). This should fail. Now go through the steps on implementing facebookconnect on Android. This should make sure it works on android now. However even after doing all of this and getting it to work, it still simply opens up the in app browser on android for some reason.

Phonegap facebook, html5 video, iAds issues

I'm trying to build android+iOS application via phonegap build API. I found that that this api has some limitations, but I want to make sure...
1) Implementation Facebook features to phonegap application is possible only by phonegap plugin, which is not able to add via build API.
2) iAds aren't also supported. I found some plugin which can handle this, but as in first point, it is not possible to add plugins via phonegap build API.
3) Playing video using HTML5 video tag doesn't work if operation system of device doesn't have installed needed codecs. And there is no other way how to be sure that some type of video will be playable on most androis/iOS devices. when I want to build applications via phonegap API, I have to forget to use facebook, iAds and video(on all devices) ?
Thank you.
For your first question: in the case of facebook some facebook plugins exist, you may want to look here: it uses the ChildBrowser plugin..
or here: same thing but with a slightly different approach.
hope it helps...