Web-Service Deployment Error - eclipse

I am using Apache Tomcat 7.0 for web-service deployment and eclipse IDE.I have made the web service using eclipse but when i close eclipse and try to use the web service it gives an error while giving the result stating
exception: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
but when i start eclipse and start the tomcat localhost server(i.e clicking Run Tomcat Server at localhost) from eclipse then the web service works fine and give the result as it should.
How to use the web-service without starting eclipse and just starting tomcat 7.0 normally.

Package you application as a war (Web ARchive) file
Put it in your <TOMCAT_DIR>/webapps folder.
Start Tomcat using <TOMCAT_DIR>/bin/startup.bat


how to resolve unable to start embedded tomcat server in eclipse?

I have a given springboot application, i would like to launch it but i get this error :
Unable to start embedded Tomcat
I manipulated both tomcat and glassfish external servers that is why i shut them down.
I tried to change the port in my application with server.port property but it does not work. i also make sure external tomcat server is not running.
My embedded tomcat version is 9.0.22

Server Tomcat v9.0 Server at localhost failed to start and a child container failed during start

I am using eclipse as Java EE IDE and tomcat v9.0 and i m working on a web app. So, on running the tomcat server using eclipse the ide is showing "Server Tomcat v9.0 Server at localhost failed to start.". I tried all possible solutions present on online sites but none of them worked for me. So, if anyone have solution, help me in getting rid off this error.

Eclipse STS connecting to Tomcat

In Spring Tool Suite IDE, have added Tomcat server and started it. Console output says : INFO: Server startup in 19182 ms
But on trying url http://localhost:8080/, gives HTTP error 404
STS version - 3.6.2.
If server is started outside Eclipse, Tomcat homepage is accessible as usual.
Try http://localhost:9087/ and see if that works. You may need to check your configurations for other port numbers, but 9087 should work.
Got it working!
Wile running tomcat in eclipse, not all files are copied in the new deployment location in the eclipse workspace. But after manually copying index.jsp and related images, the home page came.

spray-servlet: Issues when war is deployed to tomcat7

I have created a sample application based on akka and spray-servlet. The code and other details can be found at https://github.com/rajvaibhav/spray-tomcat-routing. I am using embedded tomcat for development purpose. The application runs as expected when I deploy it on the embedded tomcat. But when I deploy successfully the same war file to a stand alone tomcat7 server, I am getting 404 after hitting the application's URL. This is very strange. I have checked my tomcat7 server by deploying another Servlet 3.0 application. That works fine, but following the same steps I am not able to hit my application on standalone tomcat7. Any help appreciated.

eclipse and tomcat- couldn't load tomcat server configuration at

I try run spring MVC application via tomcat. I attached to preferences_> server tomcat. But when i start Run On Server next i press finish button. And i see couldn't load tomcat server configuration at /Servers/Tomcat v6.0 server at localhost-config. The configuration may by corrupt or incomplete. Project have to good because it is sample project generated via Spring Tools from template. How fix it?