need install an iPhone application pre-release - iphone

i'm not an iphone programmer, but this is my problem :
i have the source code of an iPhone application in x-code, i need to upload it in a ftp server to allow my client install and test a pre-release, but i need to add his device id some where in the application to be able to install it in his iPhone, i have the device id but i don't know how to add it in the application.
Can anyone help me please, if you have documentation or good links, send them to me please
Thanks in advance

The best way to do this is to use one of the following services:
These make it much easier to register client devices and install pre-release builds.

you have to sign into Apple Developer Portal and add his device id in the appropriate section then you can use TestFlight with a provisioning profile from the portal to let people use it "pre-release"


Test Phonegap Build app on a friend's iPhone

I have created a mobile app using Phonegap Build (not just Phonegap...but Build). I have a Windows PC and do not use eclipse or xcode. I just write the Javascript and let Build do all the complex stuff for me.
I can easily test my app on an Android device by scanning the QR code that is displayed on the Build page after my app compiles....but how can I test on an iPhone or iPad? I can convince a family member to loan me one for a day, but I don't have a Mac (I could probably visit another friend to use one, briefly).
It would not be appropriate at this point to spend $99 on a developer certificate, even though this app may be submitted to the store eventually. If $99 is the only option, I would be grateful to anyone who makes this clear!
Or perhaps I just need to learn about TestFlight or Lesspainful? The descriptions are confusing me at present, but I will try harder if I hear some experts tell me that this is the right way to go!
It would be good to test on a real Apple device, as I haven't had much luck getting an emulator going...but perhaps the only answer to my dilemma is to tell me to stick with emulators. (In which case: is there a nice step-by-step tutorial for a complete beginner to install an iPhone emulator in Windows?).
Thank you.
If you want to test on a device, your app needs to be signed using your certificate. You'll also need a development provision profile that includes the device ID's of any devices you want to test on. In order to get those things, you need to join Apple's iOS developer program. This is true even if you're using the PhoneGap Build service; in order to build for a device, you need to upload your certificate and provision profile to PhoneGap Build. Look at PhoneGap Build's Building for iOS page for complete information. All this means that you'll need to pay the $99 fee to join the iOS Developer Program.
An alternative is to jailbreak your device (or, in this case, your friend's device). You can find instructions for that on the web if you're so inclined. However, I don't think you'll be able to build through PhoneGap Build in that case -- you'll need to build your app yourself with Xcode or possibly some other set of tools.
Just as an update for anyone else that ends up here. You can now use Adobe PhoneGap Developer App which allows you to run the Apps on devices without ID's, licenses etc. Here is a guide to getting started.
You would need to join the Apple Developer Program to be able to sign the build and create the .IPA to use TestFlight or other methods to get the build onto the device.
There are options for you to test on a device without that though - see for an in-browser emulator.
Whether you go with that or TestFlight I've blogged about Getting mobile app builds to your customers which includes the pros and cons of the options and the steps you'd need to go through.
install iTune on your windows PC. Copy IPA file to application directory of iTune. When connecting device (iPhone,iPad or iPod), sync apps. Then you can test on real device.

Install app on test users

I recently finished my app development and now I need to test it with fair amount of users. So I want to install it on my friends devices. It will be hard work to manually install the app from my Macbook on each device, So Is there a way to let them install the app themselves? Maybe send them a link or something..
You can use something like TestFlight App to automate the process of sending builds via email so your beta testers can click on a link and install the app directly on the device. You will however need to add their Device UUID's initially to your signing certificate for each build
You may use TestFlight service
This is a free service that allows you to define a test user base, inform & invite them and to distribute your app quite easily for them to be tested.
The basic logic is the same as Apple's, but it is just very easy to learn and use - even testers that are truly "normal" users of iPhone can easily be invited and start testing your app.
Here is a nice tutorial on distributing builds to your testers:
How to Host a Beta Test
They only way I think they would be able to do that is by having their devices registered on your Apple Developers account and they will need the provisioning licenses given by you.
Then once they have the project they can upload it to their device if they have a Macintosh.

Ad-hoc style distribution for an iPad app?

I'm talking with a client who is abroad and I'm wondering whether I will be able to send him versions of the iPad app for testing before it's on iTunes.
Is there a solution (e.g. Ad-Hoc?) I could rely that doesn't require jailbreak or anything?
If so, could you please provide me with a link to a guide?
Thank you !
Yes Ad-hoc is what you need, basically you will need to associate your client device identifier (UDID) to a certificate that you will use to sign application.
This is a standard procedure (no jailbreak required) that is fully documented on Apple provisioning portal in User Program Guide (you have to apply ($99) for the developer program and be logged to access this... and it is limited to 100 devices)
Another good thing is to use an "Ad-Hoc" updater such as HockeyKit to ease your client updates and installation procedure...
Yes, indeed, there is an ad-hoc distribution method:
here is its mention on the Apple Developer website. As far as details, I think you have to be in the developer program in order to get direct documentation for that, and sadly I allowed my developer account to lapse. A few key points can be found here
Essentially, you can distribute to up to 100 other iOS users who have your group's apple developer credentials installed on their phone, and the app will remain live for 90 days
Essentially, it's the same headache on the remote side with certs, keys, etc... that you have to do with XCode when developing on the device, but you can put the app on a website somewhere where the remote party can install it on their phone.
EDIT: I found this guide that is presented on a forum if you want to look through the steps.

How to publish an app for testing

I'm currently creating an iPhone app and we need some testing with about 20~30 users.
Actually we put the app on our iPhone by connecting the iPhone to the computer and debugging the app.
But now we need to have a more efficient way to install the app on iPhone but without submitting it to Apple Store and also without the need to connect the iPhone to the computer hosting Xcode.
Do you think there is a way to do that ?
Thanks in advance :)
Yeah there's a very slick way to do adhoc distribution under iOS 4 that's outlined here. This method involves absolutely zero usb cables and does not require a jailbroken device either. Perfectly legit and above board.
You need to use AdHoc installation. Please see this nice Apple document, it should cover every step necessary even with step-by-step instructions.
I use, it's a great services, not out yet, but recently opened up their beta's, it does all the ad hoc stuff for you alls you need to do is invite testers, let it export it to your dev portal. Then you just upload the ipa to the site, and all your testers get an email.

Install third party application in jailbreaked iphone

Hi i have recently jailbreaked my iphone 2G( 3.1.3).But now i need to install my app into the iphone for testing.I already initiated the process of Apple developer program but it will take a while ,so meanwhile i want to test my application in jaibreaked phone .So anyone could help me how to install third party applications in this iphone.
How many ways are there to do so ,i googled and found submitting to cydia is one way of doing that,but my doubt is that secure way?
Is there any restriction from apple side that it rejects the applications that are already submitted to cydia.
Please help me in clarifying my doubts and installing my application in iphone.
Thanks in advance.....
I think the best thing to do is wait for the developer account to be active. You can then create certificates to run the app on your device. The approval process is very vast so it won't take long to get access to your developer account.
What you can try is to compile the app for the simulator, because you need the certificate to compile for final versions, and then install the app via itunes. You need installous installed on your iPhone, which you can add via Cydia (add source http://cydia[dot]hackulo[dot]us) and this will also install appsync which makes installing apps via iTunes possible.
Hope this is the answer you where looking for..