I'm working on Liferay 6.1 bundled with Tomcat 7.0. I've created my own layout using the liferay plugin. It looks like:
<div class="MyLayout" id="main-content" role="main">
<div class="portlet-layout">
<div class="portlet-column portlet-column-only" id="column-1">
$processor.processColumn("column-1", "portlet-column-content portlet-column-content-only")
<div class="portlet-layout">
<div class="portlet-column portlet-column-only" id="column-2">
$processor.processColumn("column-2", "portlet-column-content portlet-column-content-only")
<div class="portlet-layout">
<div class="aui-w25 portlet-column portlet-column-first" id="column-3">
$processor.processColumn("column-3", "portlet-column-content portlet-column-content-first")
<div class="aui-w75 portlet-column portlet-column-last" id="column-4">
$processor.processColumn("column-4", "portlet-column-content portlet-column-content-last")
I want to programmatically set this layout as default layout for all pages. How can I achieve this ? Any valuable suggestions will be appreciated.
You can set the default layout by configuration of liferay. Create a portal-ext.properties in the bundles-folder and put this two properties for default layout:
layout.default.template.id = MyLayout
default.layout.template.id = MyLayout
You must set both properties, else the portal throws exception by startup.
PS: Ask me, if this solution isn't for you, and you want realy to set the layout programmaticaly.
You can check the code in the seven-cogs-hook which comes bundled with liferay.
I'm using Admin LTE theme and I have added this input for uploading image:
<div class="form-group">
<label for="sendImage">Send Image</label>
<div class="input-group" id="dyanimc-field2">
<div class="custom-file" >
<label class="custom-file-label" for="exampleInputFile">Choose file</label>
<input type="file" class="custom-file-input" id="sendImage" name="product_image[]">
But when I browse and image, it should be showing the image name which is selected but it doesn't!
So by default it looks like this:
And when I choose an image it should be showing image name instead of Choose file, like this:
So what's going wrong here? How can I show the image name when it's selected before uploading?
I can across similar problem while designing a custom user dashboard using Admin LTE HTML template.
After few googling, I realized it was a known issue in bootstrap, this github issue comment solved the problem for me.
I was able to get it working using this third-party library and the lines of code below solved it for me.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bs-custom-file-input/dist/bs-custom-file-input.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
my question on the picture. In VSCode i have simple problem, when i write some tags in HTML file i have blur selection in string beggining. I tried to get back default settings, but it couldn't help.
<div class="hh1">
<div class="hh2">
<div class="hh3">
As per the comment, uninstalling the indent-rainbow extension looks like it will remove this
I'm faced with a simple problem but just don't know how to solve it. I'm using twitter bootstrap's tabs. The tabs work but the forms within each tab don't submit. The forms submit when used without the tabs.
Below is the links I've used for the tabs
<ul class="nav nav-list affix tabs" data-tabs="tabs">
And what follows are the tabs
<div class="tab-content span9">
<div id="overview" class="tab-pane" data-toggle="tab">
<!-- Overview Forms go here -->
<div class="tab-content span9">
<div id="profile" class="tab-pane" data-toggle="tab">
<!-- Profile Form go here -->
Finally I've added the following jquery
$('.tabs a[href="#profile"]').tab('show');
Same goes for bootstrap panels, when you have a form inside panel-body and try to submit the form nothing happens. You have to remove the "panel-collapse" class from the body :)
I have a custom Wizard, defined as follows:
<form wicket:id="form" class="wizard">
<span class="wizardoverview" wicket:id="overview"/>
<div class="wizardheader" wicket:id="header"/>
<div wicket:id="view" class="wizardpage"/>
<span wicket:id="feedback"/>
<div class="buttons">
<span wicket:id="buttons"/>
The wizardpage is in this case a Panel with its own form.
This form contains a new Panel, which in turn contains a GridView.
The GridView contains a set of Panels, which each contain a FormComponentFeedbackBorder, which in turn contains input TextFields.
So we have this:
When TextField fails validation, no feedback is rendered at all.
If I add a FeedbackPanel to the GridContainingPanel the error messages are rendered, but FormComponentFeedbackBorder renders nothing.
Any pointers as to what can be wrong?
I had a similar problem with a ListView instead of GridView, but that problem was resolved when I set listView.setReuseItems(true);
Is there a similar setting for GridView, or is there a different solution to this problem?
That was it:
gridView.setItemReuseStrategy(new ReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy());
solved the problem.
Thanks, rotsch.
I have a ASP.NET MVC2 application with a master page. The master page renders the site layout divs as follows:
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="column1">
<div id="column2">
In my View, I would like to apply a classname to the wrapper div, so when viewing the homepage, the wrapper div would be:
<div id="wrapper" class="homepage">
or on the contact page it would be
<div id="wrapper" class="contact">
Ideally I would like to set this variable in the view aspx page, rather than in a controller action. What would be the cleanest way to achieve this? I was thinking something along the lines of:
In Master page:
<div id="wrapper" class="<%=WRAPPER_CLASS%>">
and then in View:
<% WRAPPER_CLASS = "contact"; %>
(obviously the above example doesn't work, but does anyone have any good ideas?)
Why not try this, within the master page:
<div id="wrapper" class="<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="page-class" runat="server" />">
and in the aspx view
<asp:Content ID="page-class-content" ContentPlaceHolderID="page-class" runat="server">