change splash with image from ws - iphone

I am very new in iphone, and I need to set splash screen with image that comes after first enter from web service.
How and where to locate it?
How to set the new splash image as the splash screen?

You can't, the "splash screen" is called Default.png ans is stored in the application bundle.
The application bundle is read only and can not be modified.
You can add an extra splash screen after the application is start, but this then you will have to delay the starting of you app, which Apple is not to keep about.


Want to change splash screen every time the app launches in iphone

I am having an app in which I have a requirement of changing the splash screen every time when the app launches.
I am having 5 images and i want to change my splash screen by one of the 5 images every time user launches the app.
Is it possible to do this?
You can't change the splash-screen that shows while your app is loading (that scales up when your app is launched), but you can make it something generic (like a texture or solid colour) then as the first view controller in the app you can load the exact same image (or just use a solid background colour), then you can fade-in one of your five images and show that for a short period before transitioning to the first (real) screen of your app.
For example:
Splash is solid black.
Root view controller gets set to a view with solid black background colour and an image-view containing one of the five images, with alpha set to 0.
Fade in the selected image.
Transition to first-screen of app.
By making the first view controller look exactly like the splash screen (initially) the cut-transition is seamless and your custom transition to your in-app splash screen can begin.
i suggest to leave the splashscreen empty and directly go to another view where you do all the loading and change images there. Changing the splashscreen image at runtime is not possible.
Maybe you can make an image like loading or your logo for the splash screen as this will still pop up for a few seconds.
It's not possible to do what you want. See App Launch (Default) Images. You can only change the Default image based on:
Pixel density (retina/non-retina)
Device (iphone/ipad)
URL scheme used to launch the app
Your app data is also read-only so you can't get around this by modifying the Default.png file manually.
Also, it's a very bad idea to not add a Default.png file like some other answers are recommending. You will end up with a black screen for a few seconds, which will also appear in the multitasking switcher if your app has been terminated in the background. This is a very bad user experience and your app will look shoddy.
There is work around for this.
Don't load default Splash Screens.
You can create your own splash screen which will be called every time user open the app.
You can manage the 5 images in this very easily as control will be in your hand.

Splash Screen using webservice

I have to display a splash screen which resides on a server. Using a web service, I have to get it displayed in my SplashScreenViewController. So it's obvious that when my app launches, it will display a blank screen (img is being downloaded) and after a few seconds, it will show my splash screen.
I know that the splash screen image should have to be in the main bundle, and locally it should be seen as a splash image. But the client wants us to get it loaded from a server.
So can I use an activity indicator in that duration until my splash screen gets loaded?
That is a very bad implementation of a splash screen, but there are no other ways, you will need to use an indicator view, until the image has been downloaded,
Also consider to add a default image its much better than a white view
You will have to deal with some issues, like what would you do if internet connection is very slow or you are not connected, and what would you do if you dont recieve the image you asked for any reason

Splash images in iOS universal applications: setting no splash for one version but not the other

I have the universal application both for iPhone and iPad. I need to have the splash screen for the iPhone application but no launch image for the iPad version.
If I remove the iPad's splash screen image then it loads the iPhone one. I tried to set iPad's launch image key to empty string in application.plist manually but it leads to an ugly random image.
When developing a universal application, can one have the splash screen for the iPhone version but no splash for the iPad? If yes - how?
Why would you want to remove the splash screen? Only thing I can think of is to create a black image and use that as the splash screen to mimic the default black one.
You can create your splash screen and then can set the time to remove the splash screen or once the user tap on.
There are many tutorials around to create splash screen programmatically. Just use that and set the timer to remove the splash screen.
But there is the tricky solution for that as well, just take the screen shot of your home page and use as splash image and set the timer, so when the user click on any component he/she would not feel that the splash image was loading actually.

Generate splash

I want to generate splash before my tabbar based application starts. Please help me out....
Short version: Create your splash image and name it Default.png.
A tutorial can be found here.
You cannot create an animated splash screen on iOS.
You MUST start by an image.
However what you can do is
Setup a launch image
display a view controller that animate then move on to your application
One common practice is to setup a launch image that is the first image of your animation.
this way the user won't see the difference between the static and animated parts of your splash screen.

How can i put navigationbar after a splash screen?

I an new in iphone application i want to put Nevigation controller after a splash screen so how can i put?Is there any way to put nevigationbar in my application without Splash Screen.
The recommended way to get a splash screen* is to use Default.png - this is the image that the iPhone puts on the screen while your app starts up - see the apple docs for more information.
And to get a basic navigation controller application running, the easiest way to see this is to make a new project - in Xcode choose File->New Project and then choose a Navigation Based Application - this will make a new project that has an empty Navigation Controller.
If you want to get the splash screen to stay on for longer, see the answers to this question
Hope that helps,
*Actually, the apple docs want you not to make a splash screen but to make a screenshot of the first page of your app so it appears to load faster - very few people do this, most make a splash screen and apple don't seem to mind too much.