The channel file and CDN - facebook

My main javascript (and so all the static content) is included from The URL that user is browsing is
Where does the channel file need to be, or At the moment it is
I am asking because I am still getting the error that says:
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL[..]&api_key=[..]&app_id=[..]&client_id=[..]&display=popup&
from frame with URL
Domains, protocols and ports must match.
In response to #dtbarne:
Well, that's the thing – I still don't know, because I've tried bowth ways and any in case it produces the same error:
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL[..]&api_key=[..]&app_id=[..]&client_id=[..]&display=popup&
from frame with URL
Domains, protocols and ports must match.

As you said yourself, this error is not fatal, and is meant is a warning to the user that something fishy might be happening.
Facebook also marked this issue as By Design in their bugs system: Bugs > Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL....
Also, there are plenty of threads here on stack overflow about this, for example: Facebook Authentication - Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL.
Now that we know that this "error message" is unavoidable, use the channel as you wish, as long as everything works for you.
You don't even need to use the channel, as it states in the documentation:
The channelUrl parameter is optional, but recommended. Providing a
channel file can help address three specific known issues. First,
pages that include code to communicate across frames may cause Social
Plugins to show up as blank without a channelUrl. Second, if no
channelUrl is provided and a page includes auto-playing audio or
video, the user may hear two streams of audio because the page has
been loaded a second time in the background for cross domain
communication. Third, a channel file will prevent inclusion of extra
hits in your server-side logs. If you do not specify a channelUrl, you
can remove page views containing fb_xd_bust or fb_xd_fragment
parameters from your logs to ensure proper counts.
But it also states that:
The channel file addresses some issues with cross domain communication
in certain browsers.
So it's up to you to decide.
I personally recommend to use the channel and to serve the file from your regular server and not from the static servers.
You should however set the output to have a long caching expiration date so that your server won't get a lot of requests for this file, as they mention in the JS SDK documentation page:
$cache_expire = 60*60*24*365;
header("Pragma: public");
header("Cache-Control: max-age=".$cache_expire);
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+$cache_expire) . ' GMT');
<script src="//"></script>
(php example, but can be done with any language).
Hope this answers clarifies things for you.

Sounds like you know the answer already. It has to be on The purpose is to allow for communication between FB and the URL the user accessed.

The channel file should be places on the server / address the user visits, as the channel file is used to fix some cross-site javascript errors. If the user is always accessing your website using HTTPS, then you should reference the channel file using HTTPS as well as any other content.
The channel file itself should stay as <script src="//connect.[..], but make sure all your static content and JS Includes all have https in them.


How facebook like websites is able to load the profile, instead of a directory when a request like is recieved?

When the{username} is requested how is server able to load page with data corresponding to that user, instead of navigating to a directory named in that {username}, and possibly showing a 404 error ?
It's achieved typically using a pattern called "front controller", where all requests are handled by the same file (let's say index.php, talking specifically about PHP now). So all URLs are like this:
That file serves as the bootstrap for the application, reading extra parameters (anything after index.php) and dispatching requests to the appropriate handlers/controllers.
Then there's multiple ways you can get rid of that ugly index.php, depending on how you configure your web server (loads of questions here about that subject: htaccess remove index.php from url as an example).
Read more about it here:

Send variable to 3rd party online form

In golang, is there a way to pipe a variable to part of a web form?
For example, sending "123 Random St." to the Street address part of and so on? I found pizza_party*, but the GUI used is no longer available, I have also found pizzadash**, but this uses a credit card where I want to use cash. I even found a list of golang ones, but the links that they use doesn't work anymore.***
Therefore, my goal is so: order a pizza in golang through the dominos website API!
NOTE: Please suggest a package or function with example!
NOTE: I do not want to make a web scraper/data getter.
NOTE: Your answer must work on at least one box of my linked website.
NOTE: I want to fill out links similar to the provided link from the linux command line.
This is how you post any form values onto an online form. Provided you know the POST endpoint of the service.
func main():
resp, err := http.PostForm(targetPostUrlHere,
url.Values{"Service_Type": {"Delivery"},
"Address_Type_Select": {"House"},
"Street": {"123 E 24th St"},
"Address_Line_2": {"4D"},
"City": {"New York"},
"Region": {"NY"},
"Postal_Code": {"10027"}})
**Note: The field keys and values are guesstimates. You must inspect the actual key names expected in the form.
In your case, is an endpoint for the form page. Once the form is filled and submitted, the information is submitted using POST method akin to the code afore-mentioned to a dedicated CREATE endpoint (C in the CRUD), which normally can be found in the <form> html tag.
<form action="posttargetendpoint" method="POST">...</form>
Once the POST operation is successful, usually a web service would redirect you to another page. In your case, it is
However, any good web service wouldn't expose the POST endpoint in the clear since it is the vulnerable point of attack. You're welcome to find out by inspect he Domino's page source and adjust the field values in the Go code accordingly.
Now to make a command line prompt to wrap around the PostForm code, I suggest you look into which is a very nice package for creating quick command line app.
I assume you mean pipe information originating from your backend to another site on behalf of a user?
The standard way of passing information between domains is via HTTP params, usually via a GET request, but this capability would need to be supported by established protocols the remote site. You can also use an iframe to embed the page of another site onto your page, however, you wouldn't be able to remotely interact, call JS code, or even query the page at all. Cross-domain security safeguards justifiably prohibit such capability, and generally speaking, interacting on behalf of the user via their browser is also restricted for security reasons.
However, if you're looking to emulate user behavior such as with a bot or web scraper from your own host or browser then that's a different story. There are tons of frameworks provide rich capability for interacting with a page. I'd recommend checking out Selenium, which acts as a virtual browser. There are also tons of libraries in Python for processing data from HTML and structured data. You might want to check out Beatiful Soup and Scrapy.
Hope this helps.

Real time model events in Sails.js 0.10-rc5

I've been playing around with building some realtime functionality using Sails.js version 0.10-rc5 (currently the #beta release).
To accomplish anything, i've been following the sweet SailsCast tutorial on this subject (sailsCast link)
It talks about subscribing to a model via a 'subscribe' action within the model's controller. Then listening to it at the client side, waiting for the server to emit messages. Quite straightforward, although I do not seem to receive any messages.
I'm trying to do this to get real-time updates on anything that changes in my User models, or if new ones get created.. So I can display login status etc. in real time. Pretty much exactly the stuff that's explained in the sailsCast.
In my terminal i'll get two things worth noticing, of which the first is the following:
debug: Deprecated: `Model.subscribe(socket, null, ...)`
debug: See
debug: (⌘ + double-click to open link from terminal)
debug: Please use instance rooms instead (or raw sails.sockets.*() methods.)
It seems like the 'subscribe' method has been deprecated. Could anybody tell me if that's correct, and tell me how to fix this? I've been checking out the reference to the documentation in the debug message, although it just points me to the global documentation page. I've been searching for an answer elsewhere, but haven't found anything useful.
The second message I'm getting is:
warn: You are trying to render a view (_session/new), but Sails doesn't support rendering views over yet!
You might consider serving your HTML view normally, then fetching data with sockets in your client-side JavaScript.
If you didn't intend to serve a view here, you might look into content-negotiation
to handle AJAX/socket requests explictly, instead of `res.redirect()`/`res.view()`.
Now, i'm quite sure this is because I have an 'isAuthenticated' policy added to all of my controllers and actions. When a user is not authenticated, it'll redirect to a session/new page. Somebody must log in to be able to use the application. When I remove the 'isAuthenticated' policy from the 'subscribed' action, the warnings disappear. Although that means anyone will get updates via sockets (when I get it to work), even when they're logged out. - I don't really feel like people just sitting at the login screen, fishing out the real time messages which are intended only for users who are logged in.
Can anyone help me getting the real time updates to work? I'd really appreciate!
As far as the socket messages not being received, the issue is that you're following a tutorial for v0.9.x, but you're using a beta version of Sails in which PubSub has gone through some changes. That's covered in this answer about the "create" events not being received.
Your second issue isn't about sockets at all; you'll just need to reconsider your architecture a bit. If you want to to use socket requests to sign users in, then you'll have to be more careful about redirecting them because, as the message states, you can't render a view over a socket. Technically you could send a bunch of HTML back to the client over a socket, and replace your current page with it, but that's not very good practice. What you can do instead is, in your isAuthenticated policy, check whether the request is happening via sockets (using req.isSocket) and if so, send back a message that the front end can interpret to mean, "you should redirect to the login page now". Something like:
module.exports = function (req, res, next) {
if ([your auth logic here]) {
return next();
else {
if (req.isSocket) {
return res.json({status: 403, redirectTo: "/session/new"});
} else {
return res.redirect("/session/new");

URL fragment lost as part of SAML token authentication; workaround / standard pattern?

Several web application authentication protocols (like WS-Federation and the SAML protocol, i.e., so-called 'passive' protocols, and apparently also ASP.NET Forms authentication, see this StackOverflow question, and AppEngine, see this GWT bug comment) lose the original 'URL fragment', i.e. the part after the #-sign.
What happens is roughly the following: in a clean browser (so no cached info/cookies/login information) I open URL (1) This makes the browser request (2), the server redirects me to my identity provider (including URL (2) in the authentication request), and ultimately I'm redirected back to where I came from, which is URL (2): that is the only URL that the server knows about. But I wanted to go to URL (1), and the URL fragment ('anchor') has been lost along the way, actually in the first step already.
This seems to be a fundamental limitation of these protocols, since the server never sees the URL fragment at all.
I know that it according to specifications that the browser requests (2) from the server, when I navigate to (1), leading to this fragment-losing limitation on the SAML protocol, WS-Federation, etc. My question is: how do I work around this limitation?
The obvious workaround is to avoid URL fragments, as suggested in this answer. However, for our specific web application that is not nice, since we use bookmarkable URL fragments in our single-page GWT application, to make sure that a navigation within our application does not cause the page to reload.
My question: What other workarounds or standard patterns are there for this situation?
(I'm specifically interested in a GWT + SAML protocol solution.)
You basically have two options:
avoid using location.hash (use HTML5's pushState instead, at least on browsers that support it; and/or propose a way to generate permalinks within your app – Google Groups does that)
do the redirection using JavaScript. I.e. instead of sending a redirect from the server, send an empty HTML page with some script that takes the full URL (with the hash) and does the redirection using location.assign() or location.replace(). With a bit of luck (depending on the servers), you'll be redirected to that full URL after authentication.
You can of course do both: if the link is a deep-link into the app, then do the redirect (i.e. assume there's no hash), otherwise send a page with JS to make sure you don't lose any state present in the hash.
And finally the obvious third solution, far from ideal: don't do anything, and try to educate users that when they needed to (re)authenticate then they should re-paste the URL or re-click the link or re-click the bookmark.
According to RFC 1738 anchor tags are not sent by the client to the server, when requesting for a resource.
Anchor tags are used to identify a location within a resource and not a different resource on the server. In order to identify the location in the resource, the client needs to fetch the complete resource from the server, and this process need not involve transfer of information about the fragment (as it does not mean anything to the server).
If you do wish to send the fragment character (#) to the server, then you'll need to encode it in the query string, or the client(browser) will simply ignore that section of the URL when it sends the request to the server.
I don't know any real solution but to work around this issue you need to save your full return URL (with anchor tags) somewhere on the client side, because server don't know anything about anchors. For that you could use SessionStorage ( to temporary store ReturnUrl until login process is completed. Please note that it won't be supported on older browsers (like <= IE7).
In that case workaround would look something like this:
if(typeof(sessionStorage) == 'undefined')
sessionStorage = {
getItem: function(){},
setItem: function(){}
window.onload = function ()
var key = 'ReturnUrl';
//try to get last returnUrl with anchors
var returnUrl = sessionStorage.getItem(key);
//if we got something, do the navigation
if(returnUrl !== undefined && returnUrl !== document.URL)
//clean it up
sessionStorage.setItem(key, null);
//navigate to last URL
window.location = returnUrl;
//store url
sessionStorage.setItem(key, document.URL);
PS. Bear with me if there are some syntax errors because I wrote it down from top of my head and didn't try it.

redirect_uri and how to host callback.html on SoundCloud?

I am trying to access Soundcloud from a local HTML page on my laptop. I am stuck at the part of hosting "callback.html" as a redirect_uri. The script I am trying to run is the basic Authenication JavaScript from the Soundcloud documentation page:
<script src=""></script>
// initialize client with app credentials
client_id: 'my_client_id',
redirect_uri: ''
// initiate auth popup
SC.connect(function() {
SC.get('/me', function(me) {
alert('Hello, ' + me.username);
This script gets me to the connect pop-up when I launch the page in Chrome and Firefox.
But, once I have logged in as a Soundcloud user, I get the following error:
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to
If I change my redirect_uri to localhost I get the same error.
If I try:
I get a similar error.
I also tried:
even though I'm not sure what would be listening on those ports.
So, basically, I'm asking what path do I put for callback.html in order for this to work?
I confess I don't know how the redirct_uri actually functions. I looked at the Oauth pages for it, but I don't understand them. I am beginning to think that I can't simply create an HTML page, paste the JavaScript, create a callback.html file and have this work, even though the SC documentation seems to say that this is possible. If so, what steps am I missing?
I am beginning to attempt this. I believe you have to go to the developer site and sign up as having an app. The redirect uri is asked for and the form gives you an API key you can use in your app.
I'm using drupal so, perhaps adding the oath module and using Php to add the api key might work well.
I had the same problem and I think I solved it.
Morning-after-edit: I posted this dead-tired after working towards a solution through the night. Now, the day after, I realize that you were speaking about the general problem, whereof I face a very particular instance. The following only applies directly to registering soundcloudlabs' soundcloud-group-recorder: There is probably a more general principle lurking behind there, though:
First: yes, you do have to register the app as your own at Soundcloud. At least I presumed so. And doing that, you must register correctly where on your server you will place the callback.html file. Take the ClientID assigned to your app and use that in the API intialize procedure.
Now, I'm a novice and know very little coding. But I started looking around in the main file, application.js.
At the top of the file there are two instances of client_id and redirect_uri each. I'm not sure if that serves a purpose or if one is technically superfluous. Through trial and error I found out that replacing the second instance of each with my own data worked.
Then there is groupId and groupUrl, both of which should contain your info, within quotation marks.
After a lot of trial and error, still having trouble getting the thing to run, I looked around and saw that, whereas early in the file, client_id was hooked within SC.initialize, redirect_uri was not. Under the line:
client_id: CLIENT_ID
I added:
redirect_uri: REDIRECT_URI
– with a customary comma in between. And that's it. It runs.