How facebook like websites is able to load the profile, instead of a directory when a request like is recieved? - facebook

When the{username} is requested how is server able to load page with data corresponding to that user, instead of navigating to a directory named in that {username}, and possibly showing a 404 error ?

It's achieved typically using a pattern called "front controller", where all requests are handled by the same file (let's say index.php, talking specifically about PHP now). So all URLs are like this:
That file serves as the bootstrap for the application, reading extra parameters (anything after index.php) and dispatching requests to the appropriate handlers/controllers.
Then there's multiple ways you can get rid of that ugly index.php, depending on how you configure your web server (loads of questions here about that subject: htaccess remove index.php from url as an example).
Read more about it here:


File Upload: File Upload URL not provided

I've been trying to get file uploads to work, following the instructions for both Dropbox and S3 but each time I just get this message:
File Upload URL not provided
It doesn't seem to be making any calls to the server. I've found this mention of a bug around file uploads:
But I suspect that applies if you're hosting it yourself. I'm using the cloud version.
I've configured it with e.g. the S3 bucket's URL, authentication etc.
What does this error actually mean?
Update: here's the syntax I'm using:
<formio form="" url="''"></formio>
In order to make the uploads work, you need to provide the URL of your form, which is used to generate the upload token to upload the files to the 3rd party providers. This can be done in one of two ways.
<formio src="''"></formio>
You would use above if you wish to render the form from the JSON REST API of the form. In many cases, you may wish to provide the actual form object (which I suspect is what you are doing) like so.
<formio form="{...}"></formio>
This works fine for rendering the form, but it does not provide the URL context for file uploads. For this reason, we have the url parameter which you can include along with your form object for file uploads to work.
<formio form="{...}" url="''"></formio>
Providing the url this way is passive. The form will not try to submit to that url, but rather just use it as the url configuration for file uploads.

FlowRouter Reload Doesn't Route

I'm using FlowRouter. If I start on the homepage everything works well. I can work through the routes (change the pages) without problem. However, if I hit refresh in the browser, I get a series of errors. My url looks like this:
The ID is being returned in console under the following method:
I think the subscription is being completed, so I'm a little confused as to why reloading a url is different than loading from the home page.
What am I not understanding here?
Reloading a url will make a HTTP request to server to get all the application source. Whereas navigating to a route from another one does not make any HTTP requests to get the application source because they are already available (they were loaded from the previous route), in this case the router will just get the appropriate content and render on the page. This is normal behaviour for Meteor apps and all other single-page apps
The error you encounter is because your data is not yet available on client, to fix it you could simple use a placeholder if the value is undefined.

automatic hidden redirect from one html page to another

I'm pretty new to web programming. The whole project links two shops together.
One of our customer's who owns the first shob has provided some sort of an Event API which sends a request to one of our simple html/js files when an event occurs (different ones are specified - e.g. a new customer was created which needs to be synchronised between the shop databases). Included in his GET request is an URL as parameter.
We have to parse this given URL, sending a request to this URL and "reading" what the actual content of the event is (name of the new customer etc.), writing it into our database and giving a reponse to the initial request from the other shop (sucess or failure).
How can I do this in a simple way in an html/js file without setting up web services etc.? Don't bother about the database actions, its taken care of .. its about the automatic redirecting ..
Many Thx ..

Redirect to same named page in directory structure before path changes

Well, say I have a number of html pages in my web. The case is that I´m doing changes sometimes in the directory structure, so when anybody try to access to a determinated URL, it's possible that such URL does not exit. The files names don't change but so do the paths.
As far as I now, the server takes the user to a "404" page that can be customized. Is possible to customize the page in this way?:
The user tries; which does not exist.
A 404 customized page is launched
404 page runs an script IS THIS POSSIBLE?
The script is given the name of the file WHERE IS STORED SUCH NAME?
The script search the entire directory structure to find page.html HOW TO ACCESS TO THE STRUCTURE
The file is found and the new URL is stored:
a link appears showing the new URL
Maybe this process is relatively common and I can find some related code or tutorial?
Are you using Apache? Linux?
Add a 404 handler
ErrorDocument 404 /404.php
Then use 404.php to parse the url. This simple example just grabs everything after the last / in the URI so would put page.html in $url:
$url = end(explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
Then use one of the comment example functions in to search your directory and find the file.
Then do a header 301 redirect
header ('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
header ('Location:' . $file_path);

How to handle file uploads to a dedicated image server?

I got a webserver with a running application. There's a webpage with a form: some text data and a file upload field. Now, what I would like to have is it working like this:
The file is sent to the dedicated server, diffrent then the one application is running on. The server should return some kind of path (or anything that identifies the uploaded and saved file and allows to create an URL). Then, both this path and user-filled data should be submitted to the webserver with application, for any kind of database storage.
Problem is, there are 2 diffrent servers, so I can't upload the file with javascript, can I? Another way would be just to use iframe and put the upload form in there - but then I think I can't access the result of the upload (still inside the iframe) with javascript to pass the file path to my main server.
I could also just upload the file to same server my application is running on and then just rsync it to the other one - but I'd like to avoid it if I can, trying to minimalize the traffic actually :)
How do you handle such thing in your applications?
If you used an iframe, you could submit the upload form to the dedicated image server, and in the case of a successful result, have it in turn load a page from the original server with the info (eg. image path) "passed along" as a GET parameter.
POST to dedicated server, server stores image and calls back to web server through a web service or other to give it any info required.