How can I track accepted invitation sender on facebook app? - facebook

Situation: user A send invitation to my fb app to his friends X, Y and Z. Users X and Y has accepted invitations, but user Z not.
How can I track haw many users accepted invitations? I want to take some privileges for user A based on accepted invitations count.
Is there any method to track sender_id when invitation accepted?

Don't bother, it's not allowed by the policy.
Per section V.1.
You must not incentivize users to
grant additional permissions or use
Application Integration Points.
And per the documentation about Application Integration Points
By "Application Integration Point" we
mean Application Info Section,
Application tab, Feed, requests
(including invites), Publisher,
inbox attachments, Chat, Bookmarks, or
any other feature of a user profile or
Facebook communication channel in
which or through which an application
can provide, display, or deliver
content directed at, on behalf of, or
by permission of a user.

Actually, there is no need to additional permissions.
Using the next value, you can store the referring user id and referred user.
It's simply explained here:

You actually can do this. I'm doing it for other reasons (tracking how people get to the app and other analytics type stuff). In the , you can set the url attribute of the button. For instance, mine is . That url does some processing that will be saved in my database saying that user with userId 9999 invited the current user. This is being used to tell us the successfulness of invitations (our original idea was incentivization like you, but they pointed that out in the policy too).

This is how I do it:
track the invites by looping over $_GET['to'] on your 'thank you page' and store these IDs (= to_id) against the current user ID (= from_id) in your DB.
When a new users signs up, compare the new ID with the to_ids the table. If it's a match, honor the corresponding from_id
Drawback: if somebody was invited by 2 or more ppl you don't know which invitation to honor. I just honor all invitations which makes everybody happy.


How to send message to specific facebook user from website?

My goal is to make a website, in which user could customize a photo and then provide his friends indicators like name or id. My next task is to fetch that info from database and send messages on specific date to provided users. Ex birthday wishes, greetings, and so on.
I studied facebook send api for a few days now and couldn't find solution for myself. If I want to send message, I need to have Page-scoped id of user, which is acquired when the person text you first, which is not desired, because person wouldn't know what it is.
Also I was looking into Customer matching API, also seems to require the same PSID. The next thing I checked was Send Dialog API, which seems to send messages instantly, but not on the specific date. Also I checked unofficial facebook-chat-api, which asks for user ID, whereas I can find my id, I couldn't find ids of my friends.
So I just want to know is it even possible, if yes, I'd really appreciate your help.
User to User communication is not possible (and not allowed) in an automatic way, there is no API for it except for the Send Dialog. The Messenger platform is for page to user communication only.
Do not use inofficial tools, they are not allowed and might get you banned.

Start conversation without user interaction in Facebook Messenger

Is it possible to send a message to a user without the user interacting with the bot first?
I'm using the following guide to retrieve psids from users that have already connected their profile to an app that I own.
For users that have at least one interaction with a page that I also own, I'm able to get their id. For all other users the endpoint returns an empty array.
Im aware of customer matching but is that the only way to achieve this?
You can't send a message by bot before the user initializes the conversation.
Facebook Messanger Bot permits a standard messages, with a 24-hour interval
to reply to a message initiated by a user. In Some specific cases, Facebook permits to send a message after this time.
A message are triggerd when the user either sends a message to a company or clicks a call button for action in Messenger, or when the user requests a message from a company through a plugin, such as send to Messenger.
Check out the policies here :
You are correct, customer matching is your only option for this.
Just learned this today, if you have a user's phone number, you can message them unprompted. You also need the pages_messaging_phone_number permission, which you can only get by paying the $99 customer matching fee.
Check the docs on sending to phone numbers here. Customer matching docs here

Instagram Real-Time

I have a doubt about real-time Instagram subscription in the API. Can i subscribe to whatever user i want? or there is some restrictions about the users that i want to subscribe?
I arises this doubt because in the Instagram of real time subscriptions page says: Note that this subscription is for all of the client's authenticated users, not just a specific user.
Its means that i can only subscribe the users that have authorithed my app in Instagram??
I have to make an app that consumes the instagram subscriptions and when there is a new photo it automatly saves it in the DB.
A few things, first if you use the "user" type, then you are correct it will ping your endpoint any time any user who has authorized your app posts, there is no IG side filter (yet), but you can easily filter on your end once you get the notification. Oddly, I did notice it now sends the media_id of the post (although the docs say it doesn't!?). If users do not authorize your app, then the only way to get notifications is via the other endpoints such as by tag.
I have found some issues though when dealing with "private" users, and some strange filter behavior to watch out for.
A final point, you said you want to save to your db - that could be in violation of their use policy, so be sure to clearly understand what IG's rules are and that you don't break them.
Hope this helps,

Problems of inviting friends through Facebook email

I want my users to invite their friends by sending them Facebook private massage. I am thinking of using send button, but the problem is that each invitation url is different and unique, so if I use send button to do it, I might need to create many send buttons each of which carries an unique href. I think this should work? But ideally, I want users to just select their friends in a multi friend selector and everything's done by just clicking the sending button. Any ideas?
Thanks for any help!
You can generate a unique URL for the message that includes the IDs for all the users the user wants to send the message to. Then, when the recipient accesses the URL and authenticates themselves, you can cross reference the URL and their User ID to what you have in your database.
Without knowing what the message contains, its purpose and what you want to achieve, this is the best approach I can think of.
You won't be able to tell who the message is actually sent to, as Facebook doesn't return the User IDs in the callback, but if you have read_inbox permissions, you should be able to look the User IDs up that way.
i think an better way to approach this is set up an invite system, have an invitation code field in your register.php that you sign into, store that info in user account database and set an number of times it can be used

Do we need client-side flow or server-side flow or both to implement the login with facebook feature?

Currently on my website, users login with their login id and password, they are also required to enter their email when they register. Both login_id and email column on the users table have unique index. users table also stores other data associated with the user such as gender,last_name,first_name but these are optional (nullable) fields.
There are two changes I would like to make to the website.
The first one is, users can use their email (in addition to login_id) to login. For new users, when they register, they no longer need to provide a login_id because they will be using their email to login.
The second change is, they can login with facebook. For new users, if they login with facebook for the first time, their facebook uid will be obtained and stored in my database. This means I will have to add a facebook_uid column on the users table.
For existing users, when they login with facebook for the first time, I should first obtain their email address from their facebook profile and then check if there already exists a record using that email in the users table, if yes, their facebook uid will also be stored on the facebook_uid column on that record.
According to facebook, its platform supports two different OAuth 2.0 flows for user login: server-side flow and client-side flow. Which one or both is required for this use case?
Also, what problems can be anticipated when I implement the features like I describe above?
You could take either approach for this, it's entirely up to you. Both methods will give you the data you need, it's a question of how comfortable you are working on the back vs front end. You just need to ask for permission to access to the user's email address.
Problems that could happen: I'm not sure but there may be legal restrictions on storing the user's Facebook ID. Also, what if someone (not me, an evil person!) registers with my email address and you don't validate that they really have access to that address - then when I log in via Facebook, the app will assume we're the same person and the evil hacker now has access to my account. Unlikely scenario but could happen...