How can I generate a web application client for a WSDL service? - soap

I'm trying to generate a quick website to allow a customer to access a SOAP service specified in WSDL. Any language/toolkit is ok.
Ideally I'd like to feed the WSDL file to a code generator and have it emit servlets/PHP/python, one URL per operation specified in the WSDL, with form fields equivalent to the attributes in the WSDL. The generated app would allow the user to fill in a form, submit the operation to the SOAP service, and return the result.
There's a website at that does almost exactly what I want to do, but they don't publish any source code.

The website at was generated using this tool:
It's a Windows-only program, but the C++ code it generates might be fairly easy to port to another platform, or be translated to PHP, etc.


Web based open source REST client to integrate in a webapp

I am looking for a web based open source REST client, that I can integrate in my web app. The requirement is to enter the URL, configure GET/POST/PUT/etc, request body, authorization (e.g. Basic, oAuth), parameterize some variables like query, header, etc. I should be able to extend it further as well by forking it.
May be a lighter version of Postman or Insomnia client.
Any suggestions here would be much appreciated.

DocuSign and Manage Service Desk Plus Integration

I need some guidance for integrating DocuSign and Service Desk Plus. This will be my first time working with APIs.
I would like to have Manage Engine Service Desk Plus (SDP) send information over to DocuSign. This information will then be used to create a PDF that will be sent by DocuSign to a user.
So far I have been using Postman's POST function to pull the information I need from SDP. I have also used the same function to create envelopes and send envelopes with DocuSign.
I am unable to understand how to get the information I retrieved using Postman from SDP to DocuSign.
Please let me know if there is any other information that I can provide.
Good work on getting the data you want out of Service Desk by using Postman.
That is an important first step.
Next, choose a software language (I suggest a scripting style language such as PHP, Python, Node or Ruby) and write a software program that pulls the same data from Service Desk programmatically.
Then convert the information to PDF (there are many libraries for doing so).
Or just create an HTML file with the data since DocuSign can convert the HTML file to PDF for you. As an example of this, check out line 203 of this example Node.js file.
Then call the DocuSign Envelopes::create API method to send your envelope.
Please open new questions on StackOverflow if you run into problems.


im planning to develop a webapplication using java and HTML implementing as REST Services and confused how ot start with what technologies..
As a First step my first requirement is just creating a login HTML page and create REST SERVICE for LOGIN which validates the user by connecting to Database and generates a session and next page say shopping page.
Please suggest the Java jars,ide, etc to start.
Sorry, your problem is very complex.
To make a website such as shopping page, you can write code with REST services or no need.
If REST Services is used, you must build and setup 2 system/application: web app & server app. (front-end & back-end). With any system/app, you need technologies its own.
To done, you must know many knowledges such as:
API, Rooter, OOP, MVC, how to connect DB,...
There are many IDE such as Eclipse,... or only need a Editor with a few plugin.

Regarding REST API

I'm new to REST APIs and trying to understand the basics of them. So lets begin by saying that I have created a simple CMS web application using PHP (You create an user, you post an entry and assign some categories maybe, etc...).
That being said, if I wanted to create a mobile app that would do the same, I'll have to create some PHP functions in order to send data as JSON or XML and also in order to process a POST or PUT request.
is a REST API the collection of those functions I'd use to handle the mobile app POST, PUT and GET request using JSON or XML as the data format? if not, can I get an example, not a definition, please.
To answer your question,yes, the REST API is a collection of those functions for any client you wish to expose it to for creating an user, posting an entry etc. The accepted data format is something you decide for your API. It may be JSON, XML or even both.
Some examples:

Example of a SOAP payload for IDEONE

Has anyone got a sample SOAP payload for the service?
I've tried several clients including the Firefox SOA client ( which returns an error from the service), the 360Works java soap client which crashes on reading the wsdl, and the online which returns nothing.
I tried two of the SOAP clients you mentioned, and Firefox SOA, and successfully accessed the service at
First, make sure you are using the API password when trying the service and not the site password.
With, make sure that you're viewing the results as XML. You won't see anything if you choose HTML (one of their options).
With both clients, make sure you don't interpret the status with a key name of "error" as meaning that an error has been returned, if the value of this field is "OK". This indicates success.