Web based open source REST client to integrate in a webapp - rest

I am looking for a web based open source REST client, that I can integrate in my web app. The requirement is to enter the URL, configure GET/POST/PUT/etc, request body, authorization (e.g. Basic, oAuth), parameterize some variables like query, header, etc. I should be able to extend it further as well by forking it.
May be a lighter version of Postman or Insomnia client.
Any suggestions here would be much appreciated.


How to correctly populate Authentication request header for Xbox Live REST APIs?

I want to use the Xbox Services REST APIs, particularly one of the achievement APIs for my very first web application that I'm building. In order to use any of these APIs, I have to include a required Authorization request header in every one of my requests. This request header must be a string populated with the following information:
Authentication credentials for HTTP authentication. Example value: "XBL3.0 x=<userhash>;<token>".
However, I'm unsure of how to properly supply the missing <userhash> and <token> expected here. I found a promising lead in a similar question asked where one of the answers suggested using "authenticate of the xbox-webapi-python to get the Authorization header". I have downloaded this repository and have access to the aforementioned script. However, I'm having trouble figuring out what I specifically need to do with it to get the information I need.
Can anyone provide some guidance here or share another way to collect this header information? I'm new to python and web development, FYI!

Getting all requests while loading website

In my Flutter app...
I was wondering if it would be possible if I could get all the requests a website was requesting. I want something like chrome dev tools offers:
Let's say I would call a HTTP request to a website and then I would receive requested data and these request that were made while loading the web.
You have to study how to work a webserver and the client / server architecture.
To make it easier for you, the client makes a request in a specific path to the web server, the web server provides a response, the client processes the data and, if necessary, makes other requests to complete its "task".
In chrome dev tools, you see only a log/debugger of requests.
To get all requestes, you need to simulate a complete functional client, or get from response the specific information you want.
I link you one package in Dart and one in NodeJS to start understading what you need, web_scarper_dart, puppeteer

Integrating back end to front end

Our organization has a data collection on their servers. A soap API has been implemented and the data can be accessed using the WSDL on SOAP UI. I am a front-end developer and when I make a POST request using XMLHttpRequest to get the query result, it throws CORS error: "Response to the preflight request doesn't pass access control". It is NOT possible to enable CORS on the data collection servers. I am using Liferay for the website front end and the back end.
Any suggestions how I can get the query results from the front end without enabling CORS on database servers(this is different than the Liferay backend server)? Or I can use a website backend to interact with the database? Or use third-party services like Kinvey?
I have had similar issues in the past. Like you, I wanted to create a basic webpage on my machine and that contained some Javascript to call an API. With this approach, I got the CORS issue you are seeing.
I then hosted my page on a web-server and I still got the CORS issue.
To resolve, I had to create a web app, which I wrote in Java. This back-end contained its own API. One of the resources in 'my' API was a simple wrapper to call the API of interest. I then modified the webpage I wrote (now all hosted in the same web app), to call my API, which in turn calls the API of interest.

SugarCRM get_entry_list REST API call using REST client or POSTMAN

I am going thru the documentation and examples related to calling REST APIs for SugarCRM using Chrome REST client or PostMan but most of the examples are PHP and I am not finding a good way to find a proper request and other parameters to be mentioned so that I can get the successful response from the API. I was trying get_entry_list. Can someone please help by providing a working REST API request for this API which I can run on REST client or postman?
I also would like to know if I want to build a SugarCRM connector for my application, which set of APIs I should use? Should I go with REST or SOAP and any supporting arguments to choose one over another?

Channerl url in mobile webapp

I am plannig to create a FirefoxOS app using Deezer API. So it would be a WebApp but it doesn't run on a server.
My main doubt is about the chanel url for cross domain requests.
Which one can I use or how can I manage that as soon as I have not a server URL neither a native package name?
Thank you.
Auth necessarily needs a domain or a bundle id to work properly. API cross domain requests can work without the channel URL though, you'll find code snippets to make jsonp queries here: https://github.com/deezer/code-snippets/blob/master/deezer-sdk-js/simple-deezer-api-request.js