which one is better invoking a "function" in drool or static method from a java Util class - drools

In drools, we often have common logic that needs to be invoked. There are two options to achieve this.
Use function in drools.
Move the common logic to some Util class in java and invoke it from drools.
Which of the above is recommended?

I always recommend using imported static methods unless it is a very simple piece of logic that is local to a subset of your rules and needs to be dynamically defined. The reasons are:
keep DRL code clean of procedural logic, making maintenance cheaper and easier.
it is easier to write an xUnit test to test your function logic in a static method than it is to test a DRL function.
it makes the function available to all DRL files, without conflicts and without IDE error codes.
The DRL function construct is a facility to solve simple local problems, but java classes are where you want to keep and maintain your procedural code.


How to write Dart idiomatic utility functions or classes?

I am pondering over a few different ways of writing utility classes/functions. By utility I mean a part of code being reused in many places in the project. For example a set of formatting functions for the date & time handling.
I've got Java background, where there was a tendency to write
class UtilsXyz {
public static doSth(){...};
public static doSthElse(){...};
which I find hard to unit test because of their static nature. The other way is to inject here and there utility classes without static members.
In Dart you can use both attitudes, but I find other techniques more idiomatic:
Widely used and recommended in many articles for utility functions. But I find their nature to be a solution to infamous diamond problem rather than utility classes. And they're not very readable. Although I can imagine more focused utility functions, which pertain only Widgets, or only Presenters, only UseCases etc. They seem to be natural then.
extension functions
It's somehow natural to write '2023-01-29'.formatNicely(), but I'd like to be able to mock utility function, and you cannot mock extension functions.
global functions
Last not least, so far I find them the most natural (in terms of idiomatic Dart) way of providing utilities. I can unit test them, they're widely accessible, and doesn't look weird like mixins. I can also import them with as keyword to give some input for a reader where currently used function actually come from.
Does anybody have some experience with the best practices for utilities and is willing to share them? Am I missing something?
To write utility functions in an idiomatic way for Dart, your options are either extension methods or global functions.
You can see that they have a linter rule quoting this problem:
AVOID defining a class that contains only static members.
Creating classes with the sole purpose of providing utility or otherwise static methods is discouraged. Dart allows functions to exist outside of classes for this very reason.
Extension methods.
but I'd like to unit test some utility functions, and you cannot test extension functions, because they're static.
I did not find any resource that points that the extension methods are static, neither in StackOverflow or the Dart extension documentation. Although extension can have static methods themselves. Also, there is an open issue about supporting static extension members.
So, I think extensions are testable as well.
To test extension methods you have 2 options:
Import the extension name and use the extension syntax inside the tests.
Write an equivalent global utility function test it instead and make the extension method call this global function (I do not recommend this because if someone changes the extension method, the test will not be able to caught).
EDIT: as jamesdlin mentioned, the extension themselves can be tested but they cannot be mocked since they need to be resolved in compile time.
Global functions.
To test global functions, just import and test it.
I think the global functions are pretty straightforward:
This is the most simple, idiomatic way to write utility functions, this does not trigger any "wtf" flag when someone reads your code (like mixins), even Dart beginners.
This also takes advantage of the Dart top-level functions feature.
That's why I prefer this approach for utility functions that are not attached to any other classes.
And, if you are writing a library/package, the annotation #visibleForTesting may fall helpful for you (This annotation is from https://pub.dev/packages/meta).

Static method and constructor interception mocking in Scala/Spark

All, Here is a problem that my searches have yielded little insight into. I think this should be a fairly common problem for all of us developing against big data frameworks but also seek 100% test coverage. So I will post the question here in an attempt to gather the best community response & ideas.
Consider the scenario where we need to mock a class that instantiate an external API object
class SolrClientWrapper {
def doWork() = {
val cli = new CloudSolrClient("zkHost1")
To get 100% test coverage, and without actually relying on the Solr server to be up at all times during unit testing, we shall have a way to intercept the call to new CloudSolrClient. As far as I know, the ONLY library available is PowerMock
Here is The Twist
PowerMock and other Mock libraries require asm as a dependency, but a complex framework Spark project also require asm. There are version conflicts and thus (test-)runtime hell.
What is the best design refactor/libraries for this situation?
Instead of creating a new CloudSolrClient object within the SolrClientWrapper class, it should be passed as a dependency. Then in your test you can pass a mock instead of the real object. Note that there are many dependency injection frameworks and mechanisms that can make it easier for you to manage your dependencies (e.g. to automatically instantiate them and pass to the constructor for you).
Not sure what asm is, but the code you posted should be easily testable without such dependencies once you remove parts of the code that instantiate stuff inside the class body (and thus the need to "intercept" anything).

coffeescript and repetition of code. Is there a solution?

So - I am really really digging coffeescript. But, I am curious how the possibility of repetition of code is dealth with across a large repository of code.
For instance.
Lets say I create a simple class.
class Cart
constructor: (#session, #group) ->
class Shoes extends Cart
compiler will create __extends and __hasProp methods.
Mind you, this is just one example -- pretty much this happens with loops etc... So, granted each bit of code is usually in its walled garden.. BUT, there could be many many of the same methods thru-out a code base.... because of the compiler just creating generic helper methods that are all the same.
Anyone else have to contend with this or deal with that possible bloat?
That is probably a lot more specific to what build tool you are using to manage a large codebase. grunt-contrib-coffee for example provides the ability to concatenate before compilation which means something like the __extends method should only get declared once. Likewise, I believe, asset pipeline in rails makes similar optimizations through the require statements.

matlab call scala function

I would like to write some pieces of code in Scala . It is important for me that this code can be called from matlab. AFAIK java code can easily be integrated with matlab. http://www.mathworks.co.uk/help/matlab/ref/javamethod.html
Is this valid also for scala code?
It is also valid for Scala code. Just pretend that you're doing Java interop (e.g. a method called + would actually be $plus) and make sure scala-library.jar is in Matlab's classpath (e.g. using javaaddpath).
Incidentally, I've done Java/Matlab interop before, and it's not as "easily integrated" as one might hope. Passing data is kind of awkward and you tend to trip on classloader and/or classpath issues every now and then.
I'd be wary of planning a big project with lots of tightly-connected interop. In my experience it usually works better using the Unix mindset: make independent tools that do their own thing well, and chain them together to get what you want. For instance, I routinely have Scala write Matlab code and call Matlab to run it, or have Matlab use system to fire up a Scala program to process a subset of the data.
So--calling Scala from Matlab is completely possible, and for simple interfaces looks just like Java. Just try to keep the interface simple.
You could encapsulate your Scala code in another language that's easily called by Matlab, such as Java of C. Since you seem to know about Java, you could use these examples to learn to encapsulate your Scala methods inside Jave methods that you can call from Matlab. A number of other methods are available to you with different languages (MEX-files, loadlibrary, etc...)

Postsharp and NLog, general design question

This is what i intend to do:
I want to write a Aspect oriented NLog specific onmethodexecutionaspect class.
But i still want to ensure that the calling code is attributed using a general attribute class which will internally load the NLog or TraceX etc specific implementation of methodexecutionaspect depending on what is specified in the application configuration file.
What is the best way to approach this?
I am thinking of writing a abstract class which will derive from postsharp method execution aspect.
Then i will have another dll which will have a NLog specific implementation... so it will have a class which will derive from the general method execution aspect class i have created in the general dll.
The consuming code will only reference the general class dll i have written, and that class will doa load of NLog specific dll i have written if that is what is specified in the application config.
makes sense?
I think you are on the right track.
However, try using OnMethodBoundaryAspect instead. It is faster at runtime than OnMethodInvocationAspect.
Try to take advantage of compile-time initialization (CompileTimeInitialize) and run-time initialization (RunTimeInitialize) and avoid doing anything costly in handlers.