RESTful resource representation - human web vs programmable web - rest

I'm designing RESTful resources for accessing media. Media could be a live stream or archived stream. I'm using O'Riellys text "RESTful Web Services' as a guide but I'm struggling with the representation of resources relative to the 'programmagable web' versus the 'human web'. For human web request I'd like to return an HTML representation. For programmable web requests I'd like to return XML. That being said, consider:
GET http:// localhost :8080/stream - returns a list of streams
GET http:// localhost :8080/search?stream=abc - return a specific stream
How do I differentiate between a request from the 'human web' versus the 'programmable web' such that I could return the right representation?
O'Reillys text seem to suggest design of two seperate resources. From page 24 of the PDF he states:
I’d use the same tools to fetch and process a web page.
These two URIs:
1) http:// api.
2) http://
point to different forms of the same thing: “a list of search results for the query ‘jellyfish.’”
One URI serves HTML and is intended for use by web browsers; the other serves
XML and is intended for use by automated clients.
Are two separate resources for dealing with the human web versus programmable web the norm or is there alternatives? Thoughts welcomed.

I'd say the official "fielding compliant" answer is to use content type negotiation using the ACCEPTS header. Lots of good stuff at
If the client requests text/html, feed the human readable html. If the client requests text/xml, feed it xml. The trick here is that pragmatically this isn't always well supported by the clients, so you'll often need a bunch of fallbacks using query strings or resource name mangling, as in the example you posted.
Personally, I try to follow ideology as long as I can, and then start adding fallbacks pragramaticly as necessary. I wouldn't create a separate resource for programmatic or human consumption until you run into a client that can't properly handle sending an accept header.

Your example doesn't match the question, so I will answer both.
In the example you give, you have two different resources: a list of streams, and an individual stream. As such they should be allocated separate URIs, and I would strongly recommend against using the query string for that where there is a clean and obvious alternative.
In this case it is classic ReST. /stream/ is the Resource consisting of the list of available streams, this list should be presented as a either a human or computer (or preferably both) list of URIs so (as text/html):
This leads to your next question, how to identify the different Representations of the stream-list Resource. There are three techniques I have used: content negotiation, format query param, and RDFa.
RDFa is my preferred alternative, in this case you only have one representation that encodes both human and machine readable content. In the case of a simple list this is a trivial change to your HTML:
<li><a rev="rdfs:member" href="/stream/abc">ABC</a></li>
If you have one or more pure machine serializations of your data then there are two alternatives I have used; generally, both at the same time.
Content negotiation is the purest, and most convenient. Just have one text/html, and another application/xml or application/json, and let the client choose.
This isn't as convenient when testing the machine version from a browser, command line (curl/wget/etc), or a script. So I like to also support a format query parameter. For convenience sake, have it take a mime-type.
I prefer to have my resource handled by the same controller/servlet/etc, have it fetch the information from the filesystem/database/whatever, and dispatch it to the appropriate view based on the mime-type (content neg or format param) for display. Either way you are dealing with different representations of the same resource, so it is a good idea to ensure they are available from the same Base URI, whatever alternative approaches you decide to support.


Rest API request payload

I'm new to web services world. I have created a rest api in ERP software that creates sales order. How will anyone outside the world know what parameters to send to this and in what format ? From all the videos I have watched and all materials read they talk about no api documentation is needed as it is REST service, People just know what request payload to send. I m not sure if I understand how that is possible. Its like I give somebody the url and tell them go figure. I tried sending orders with different parameter list and it is creating errors. But, if I send it in the way it accepts then it is working fine. Not sure if I understand the concepts well. Should I be creating documentation of this api telling what the request payload should look like ?
I completely disagree with the answer given by Joessel, which just propagates a typical RPC take on it, which is NOT REST at all!
In regards to how a service utilizing the REST architecture style should inform clients about what properties a resource supports and stuff like that, just look at traditional HTML pages. How are Web server able to tell your Browser what input it expects?
HTML is a media type that specifies the syntax to use as well as the semantics of each of the elements and attributes wich are admissible in a HTML document. I.e. HTML Forms enables a server to inform a client on the respective properties a resource support. In addition to that, a server also teaches a client on the respective target URI to send the request to, the HTTP operation to use upon sending the request as well as the media type to use for marshalling the request to a respective representation format. This is why you DON'T NEED any other documentation to interact with Web pages. Most arbitrary Web clients support HTML documents by default and therefore you don't need to reimplement the wheel to process such documents.
For non-HTML resources it is also just a matter of whether your client supports the respective media type or not. I.e. PNG files also follow a certain standard which allows arbitrary clients to show images instead of the actual bytes on your screen.
Most of those so called "REST APIs", which are truely RPC ones, just use custom JSON based message structures. JSON itself just defines the basic syntax but no semantics for any elements, attributes or other properties. It doesn't even add support for links. JSON Hyper-Schema is an extension which at least triest o add support for it, though it already requires to use an other media type than application/json. Though, if such formats are not well-defined and standardized, widespread adoption will not be possible on the long run. Hence creating a common media type is of importance to increase interoperability for such media types. I.e. for JSON based formats, HAL+JSON, HAL Forms, ION, and others provide definitions for basic JSON based message structures, with support for links and other features like form-support and other things.
So, if you take a closer look at the Web, you will find many concepts that you can reuse for a truely RESTful design. After all, REST just takes the ideas used on the Web for decades and attempts to offer the benefits resulting from these concepts to applications rather than humans alone. As such, it is always a good idea to first design the interaction flow as if one would interact with a traditional Web page and then take the concepts used in that design and apply it onto your application domain model.
As you don't need external documentation to interact with Web pages, so you don't need external documentation to interact with well defined message formats that follow a common media type as well. Through content-type negotiation both server and client will communicate with representation formats both support. So, the more (different) media types you support, the more likely you will be in the end to interact with different parties in that environment and if all of the supported media types are standardized you might not need any external documentation at all.
If you follow the academic definition of REST defined by Dr Fielding in his dissertation, it is true that such a service doesn't need any documentation. Hovewer, the chance are high that your service is not RESTful by his definition and that you need a documention to help your consumers. You can find an informative discussion about why a REST api doesn't need a documentation here.
That being said, you will probably need a documentation in most case. Depending on your needs and consumers of your api, a simple text file could be enough; maybe a markdown that you can easily share with other developers. Just remember to add all information needed to understand each route (verb, path, query, body, response...), and you can even throw some example code to make it easy to start.
And if you need something more robust, I can only advise you to follow the open api specification. One of the easiest way to get started is to use the swagger editor . You will even be able to publish your documentation in a nice way using one of the many tools out there (ex: redoc).
Writing a documention is never fun but nobody will use a product that they cannot understand, however great the product is.
Good luck,
I rewrote the introduction as it was misleading, thanks to #Roman Vottner for pointing it out. THe previous intro was:
I don't know who told you that a documentation is not needed for a REST Api but I find this highly misleading for newcomers... A documentation is (super) important, especially if you are not the sole consumer of your API, and in that case I would say it's mandatory.

Multipart/form-data and RESTful architecture?

A few times I have come across a problem where I need to create a RESTful-API, but the requirements also states that "it should be possible to upload a file using the API"..
The past few times I have solved this by simply allowing the client to send a multipart/form-data with the content of the file to my RESTful-API.. however.. thus approach sort of makes me wonder if this is the right way to do it.
The RESTful-guidelines clearly states that you should only be able to CRUD for ONE single resource, but the nature of a multipart/form-data is multiple resources (for instance, 1-many files.. or 1 file and a bunch of metadata, etc). Now I can either just simply limit the endpoint to only allow one single "content" within the multipart/form-data and then associate that with the correct url, but that would sort of break the purpose of a multipart-content-type.. or I could allow the C(R)UD-operations of multiple resources, or I could treat the whole request as one single resource (one resource that contains a file, metadata etc.. however, for a GET it would not be possible to get the same response as the content sent during the request, since as far as I know you cant GET a multipart/form-data, but you could get a single file, or a single JSON/XML etc..)
Has anyone solved this in a "neat" way that complice with both REST and doesnt limit multipart to be one single "resource"? Or should I simply not use multipart and use something else for files, and in such a way be able to seperate file uploads and "text/json/xml/etc-uploads"?
REST is an architectural style.
The dominant application designed with the REST architectural constraints is the world wide web.
On the web, a common way to upload a file is to use an HTML form, with the enctype set to multipart/form-data, and also an input control with type=file.
Any general-purpose component will know the right thing to do, because all of the useful bits have been standardized - the hypermedia representation of the form (provided by the server) defines all of the parameters the client needs to construct the appropriate HTTP Request.
The RESTful-guidelines clearly states that you should only be able to CRUD for ONE single resource
REST suffers from a lot of semantic diffusion. It can make things really confusing when you start trying to combine ideas from different authors.
REST doesn't mean CRUD -- REST means that all resources understand messages the same way.
HTTP (again, conforming to the REST constraints) defines a number of different methods for clients to use when communicating intended semantics to the servers. For remote authoring semantics GET, PUT (PATCH), DELETE are all we need to communicate remote changes to documents, but HTTP's uniform interface doesn't stop there -- we have a lot of other methods with standards.
And of course, that list includes POST, which doesn't mean "CRUD". The actual meaning is much closer to these semantics aren't worth standardizing.

Does RESTFul mean URL shouldn't contain parameters

I've heard about the conception RESTFul for a long time but I always can't understand it clearly.
I've read the links below:
What are RESTful web services?
What exactly is RESTful programming?
As my understanding, RESTFul means that the URL shouldn't contain any verb, meaning that an URL represents an unique resource. And also, the method GET shouldn't modify any resource and we should use POST to do so.
But I still have a question.
For example, if we want to search a user by his name, we can design the URL like this:
Or like this:
Can you tell me which one is RESTFul?
When you are using rest - you are accessing resources through URI's and you can set actions on these resources through the HTTP request types.
There are different parameters that you can pass through REST request , there can be resource identifiers (That are usually passed through the URI - in your case the is more restfull) or things like filters when you want to search, for example
In this post you can find more about best practices in passing parameters in rest:
REST API Best practices: Where to put parameters?
REST, to start with, is not a protocol but just an architectural style that when followed correctly decouples clients from server APIs and thus make them tolerant to changes done on the serverside. It should therefore be regarded as a design approach for distributed systems.
The difference between a protocol and an architectural style is simply that the former one defines a rule set a server or client has to follow. It should be defined as precise as possible to reduce ambiguity and thus reduce the likelihood of incompatible implementations by different vendors. The latter one just contains suggestions how to design the overall application and/or message flow and outlining the benefits one gains by adhering to the design.
By that definition, REST is a generalization of the interaction style used for browsing Web content. A Web browser is able to make use of multiple protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, IMAP, ... and different flavors of it while remaining independant of any server specific implementation though being capable of interacting with it as the communication is done according to the rules of the protocol used. REST does follow this approach by building up on the same protocols (most often just HTTP) which an application implementing the RESTful architeturce approach should adhere to as well to stay compatible with other users of that protocol.
Similar to a Web browser, which does not care whether the URI string contains any semantical structure, REST doesn't care how the URI is designed or if the resource is named after a verb either. Both will use the URI just to invoke a resource on the server providing the resource. A RESTful client should thus not expect a certain URI to return a certain type (= typed resources). Though how will a client know what an invoked URI will return? The keywords here are content-negotiation and media-types.
The format exchanged by both, Web browser and REST, is negotiated between client and server. While for typical Web browsers the representation is probably one of the HTML variants (i.e. XHTML, HTML 5, ...) it is not limited to it. Your browser is probably capable of processing other media types as well, i.e. pictures, videos, PDF, ... As REST is just a generalization of this idea it also should not limit itself to just XML or JSON.
Media types are thus some kind of guildlines of how to process and interpret data received in a representation format outlined by the media type. It should define the syntax and semantics of a received payload i.e. like text/html, which defines that a received representation will have a case-insensitive <html token (<xhtml in case of XHTML) near the beginning of the content and that fragment identifiers (# character in URIs) are according to URI semantics and that certain tags like A, IMG or others may define a name attribute which act as a target for anchors. It may also define a more thorough description of the syntax and how to interpret it like in case of text/vcard (vCard) (or one of its variants like application/vcard+json (jCard) or application/vcard+xml (xCard)).
As media types are one of the most important parts of the RESTful design, most effort has to be put into its creation. A client that can't deduct the next possible actions from the media type needs some out-of-band information which often is hardcoded into the client and thus couples it tightly to the API itself. If the API will change in future, the chances that the client will stop working once the changes are applied on the server are fairly high (depending on the changes).
I hope I could shed some light on the idea behind REST and that the design of URI is not of relevance to a true RESTful client/API as the client might deduct what to do with that URI based on some relation name returned for the URI and the media-type which might state that a relation name such as order can be invoked to trigger a new order with the API rather than having the client to analyze something like or http:/
Further information and reasons why RESTful APIs should follow the design closely can be found in Roy Fielding famous blog post which explains some of the constraints an API should adhere to if it follows the RESTful approach.
REST resource is a noun, no notion of behavior should be in the uri, we use verbs to indicate action we are doing. Basically there are only two types of resources: Instance and Collections. So good practise is to use plurals in the uri: users instead of user: GET - fetch collection of all users GET - fetch instance of a concrete user POST - create of a new user
REST is not a strict standard (but a list of 6 constraints) says nothing about how search feature should be implemented. But definetely your first option /users?name=test seems preferable for me: tt is straightforward and this is a huge benefit.
As alternative you may want to investigate OData protocol - it is a standard to make queryable apis. OData-like solution would be:
/users?$filter=name eq 'test'
Also Facebook APIs is a good source for inspiration.
Hope this helps

what is hypermedia , hypermedia controls, hypermedia formats

I'm currently reading "Rest in practice" book . I'm unable to understand the following terminology Hypermedia , hypermedia format, hypermedia controls, Domain application protocol. The author was suggesting need for domain specific hypermedia format. I could hardly understand those. I googled these terms but couldnt find a right answer. Can anyone explain these terminologies and why we need domain specific hypermedia formats instead of application/xml ?
There's a lot of confusion about this, because most applications that call themselves REST don't use hypermedia and aren't REST at all.
Hypermedia is a generalization of hypertext for content other than HTML. You can say hypertext is a subset of hypermedia. Hypermedia can be HTML in a browser, with all links, buttons and everything that's rendered so you can browse a website, or it can be a XML or JSON document intended to be parsed by an automated client who will also follow links and actions like a human would do with a browser, clicking rendered links and buttons.
HATEOAS means the interaction of a client with a REST application must be driven by hypermedia, or to put it simply, the client should obtain all URIs for every resource it needs by following links in the representation of resources themselves, not by relying on out-of-band information, like URI patterns given in documentation, as many APIs do.
This is simpler than it sounds. It just means that the interaction between a client and a REST application should be exactly like a human browsing a website. Take Stack Overflow itself for example. There are Users, Questions and Answers. When you want to see a list of your questions, you don't go to a documentation website, get an URI template for listing your questions, fill a placeholder with your user id and paste it on your brownser. You simply click on a link to another document described as the list of questions, and you don't even care about what the exact URI is. That's what HATEOAS means in practice.
An hypermedia format defines the contract between client and server. It's the hyperlink-enabled data format you are using for a particular representation of a resource in an hypermedia application. For instance, if you have a User resource, you have to document what exactly clients should expect from a representation of that resource and how to parse the representation to extract the information. Before interacting with your API, your clients need to implement a parser to extract the information, they need to know what properties the resource has and what they mean, what link relations they should expect and what state transitions are available, etc.
Hypermedia controls are the combinations of protocol methods and link relations in an hypermedia format that tells the client what state transitions are available and how to perform them. For instance, a Question might have a rel=post_answer link that expects an Answer representation as the payload of a POST method and will create a new Answer resource related to it.
Once you have a set of hypermedia formats defined, you need a domain specific media-type to determine exactly what hypermedia format is being used for a particular interaction. A generic media-type like application/xml only tells the client how to parse the data format, it doesn't say anything about the information extracted by the parser. For instance, let's say a document has the media-type application/vnd.mycompany.user.v1+xml, the client knows it's a version 1.0 representation of the User resource in XML format. If you change the resource by adding or removing properties, links, etc, you can change the version number and clients won't break, since they can request the version they were implemented for by using the Accept header. You can also provide multiple formats for the same resource, like XML or JSON, and even a pretty human-readable representation in HTML.
When you wrap everything together -- the underlying protocol, HTTP; the contracts defined by hypermedia formats and media types -- you have your Domain Application Protocol, which is the whole set of resources and available state transitions advertised by your application.
Needless to say, 99% of the so-called REST APIs you'll find around the internet don't follow all of this. Most of them are simply HTTP APIs that follow some of the REST constraints, sometimes because they don't really need all of them, sometimes because that's what the developers thought REST really is.
Hypermedia = the fact that client and server are talking in terms of some a uniform representation eg: hyper links.
HyperMedia Control = A resource needs to be have operation done on it. So for example a product is represented by the hyperlink domain/product/001
then resource can be operated (edited and deleted) on by hypermedia control domain/product/001/edit and domain/product/001/delete.
The biggest difference is in the approach. procedural systems first write the operations as state transitions in sequential code (java, etc), then the interactions are manufactured as hyperlinks to deliver HATEOAS.
But systems approached as interactions directly model interactions and hence delivers hyperlinks directly. A sample example is is here.
Hope this helps.

Can you please correct me if i am wrong about REST?

REST is used to communicate any two systems.
So that if you want get info from one machine we have to use GET method and add info in one system we need to use the method POST..Like wise PUT and DELETE.
When a machine GETs the resource, it will ask for the machine readable one. When a browser GETs a resource for a human, it will ask for the human readable one.
So When you are sending request from machine 1. It will go to some machine x. Machine x will send a machine readable format to machine 1. Now Browser changes to user readable format.
So JSON is a machine readable format and HTML is a client readable format...Correct me if i am wrong?
REST is an architectural style, not a technology. That being said, the only technology that most people know that is intended to align with the REST architectural style is HTTP. If you want to understand the REST architectural style, I recommend the following two resources:
Roy Fielding's presentation "The Rest of REST" (
The book "RESTful Web Services"
When you send a GET request for a resource, it is up to the server to determine what representation (format, e.g. html vs. json) it wishes to send back. The client can send along an Accept header that specifies a set of preferred formats, but it's ultimately up to the server to decide what it wants to send. To learn more about this interaction, Google on "HTTP content negotiation".
The reason browsers tend to get back HTML is that they send an Accept header with "text/html". If you somehow configured your browser to always send an Accept header of only "application/json", you would sometimes get JSON back (if the server supported JSON representations), sometimes HTML (if the server ignored your Accept header) and sometimes an error saying that the server could not support the representation you requested.
A computer can parse either JSON or HTML if you have the right libraries. JSON content tends to be structured data (optimized for parsing) and HTML tends to be optimized for presentation, so JSON is generally much easier for a program to parse.
Sounds about right to me. HTML is definitely for end-user consumption (despite all the nasty screen-scraping code out there) and there's no way that I'd want to deliver JSON (or XML or YAML) to end-user clients for direct display.
You probably want to ensure that you only deliver HTML that matches up with the same basic data model that you're delivering to mechanical clients; producing XHTML on demand by applying an XSLT stylesheet to an XML version of your standard responses is probably the easiest way to do it since it's likely you can do that with a layer that's independent of your basic application.
To be pedantic, both HTML and JSON are machine readable formats. The difference is that HTML has a specification that describes some semantics that web browsers know how to interpret in order to visually render it. The JSON spec has really no semantics other than defining how to serialize arrays, objects and properties.
Don't forget JSON and HTML are just two of the hundreds of potentially useful media type formats that a RESTful system can use.